Upon hearing this, my heart sank suddenly, "How could this happen? Wasn't the area around Duanjia Village sealed off by Yin soldiers?"
Uncle Er shook his head, "There are always a few that slip through the net. Ten years ago, I summoned the Yin soldiers with a blood curse, and the spirits and wild ghosts in that area already remember the scent of the blood curse. Now that you've used a blood curse again, they can smell it even from a thousand miles away."
"Not good, not good," Uncle Er shook his head. "I can only hope that the Yin soldiers can hold the area near Duanjia Village, otherwise, Lao Wa Town will not be safe."
Saying that, Uncle Er walked back into the house with his Soul-Binding Blanket in hand.
I silently watched Uncle Er's receding figure, feeling a sudden tightness in my heart. It seemed that using the blood curse this time to deal with Nie Wei had indeed caused a lot of trouble, more trouble than it was worth.
After what Uncle Er said, I also felt uneasy. However, it was fortunate that Duanjia Village had already been sealed off by Yin soldiers. Even if some stray spirits and wild ghosts came here, they would be easier to deal with.
With these thoughts in mind, I also stood up and returned to the house.
After all the commotion, I found myself unable to sleep at all. Lying in bed, I tossed and turned, and all that echoed in my mind were the names Nie Wei and the five ghosts. It seemed as if Wang Qian had truly hit the mark - I was indeed feeling an immense pressure at the moment.
Unknowingly, the night descended once again, silent and still.
However, at this moment, I suddenly heard two thuds. It was actually the wall at the head of my bed making noises, and on the other side of the wall was Wang Qian's room.
Upon hearing the sound, I sat up abruptly from the bed, feeling hesitant. But at that moment, the sound came again. It was two thuds, not very loud, but in the dead silence of the room, it sounded very clear.
"What's going on?" Pondering for a moment, I pressed my ear against the wall. Just then, the tapping sound rang out again. With my ear against the wall, the sound became even clearer, as if I could almost see Wang Qian knocking on the wall.
My heart began to race. What was Wang Qian playing at this time? Was she deliberately knocking for me to hear, calling me over? My heart suddenly started to beat faster.
With these thoughts, I got up slowly from the bed, then opened the door and walked toward Wang Qian's room. When I reached the door, I found that it was not closed, and the light was still on, as if she were waiting for someone to enter.
Wang Qian was lying on the bed, wearing very little, her two slender white legs particularly eye-catching. Her slender figure, combined with her delicate face, and being the only person in the room, made anyone feel a little dry-mouthed.
However, I remained restrained and did not enter directly. Instead, I lightly knocked on the door and said, "Captain Wang, it's late, aren't you going to sleep?"
"Duan Mu?" Upon hearing my voice, Wang Qian suddenly turned her head, looking pleasantly surprised. "I can't sleep."
I looked at Wang Qian speechlessly, "But I need to sleep. If you keep knocking on the wall, how can I sleep? Please don't knock anymore."
Having said that, I turned and left. To be honest, I did want to go in. And I can guarantee that once I went in, I could do everything I wanted to do. However, I know my own principles. A virgin's body must remain untouched, it's almost become my rule, and if I did so, it would be unreasonable. Secondly, it's still unknown how long I can live, I must not harm others.
Sometimes, life is just so helpless. You can't choose what you want to do, but what you can do.
However, as I turned to leave, Wang Qian's voice came again: "Duan Mu, stop."
So I stopped. Wang Qian said, "I couldn't sleep and saw that you were awake, so I just wanted to talk to you. What are you thinking?"
"Oh," I responded, turned to see Wang Qian already starting to get dressed. She looked at me and said, "Come in, are you afraid?"
I said nothing, so I walked in. Wang Qian pulled out a stool and sat back on the bed. Then she said to me, "You actually heard what I said in front of your bed just now, right?"
I didn't deny it, just nodded, "Yeah."
Wang Qian blushed suddenly, "You must not spread rumors at school, and although I have some feelings for you, you must not let your imagination run wild."
"Boring," unable to help but glance at Wang Qian and then return to my own room.
"Duan Mu," Wang Qian suddenly called me again, but I didn't stop.
Back in my room, I lay down, feeling a bit off in my heart, even though I actually wanted to hear Wang Qian knock on the wall again. But after that, the wall was not knocked on again, so I had to reluctantly fall asleep.
Early the next morning, I got up early. But my second uncle got up even earlier and had already prepared a table of breakfast. He had also lit a pile of fire outside, and I didn't know what he was burning.
Just as I was about to go and check it out, I suddenly saw a person lying on my second uncle's lounge chair, none other than the female police officer Ye Ning. At this moment, Ye Ning was still sleeping soundly, covered with a thin blanket.
I couldn't help but frown, this female police officer actually didn't leave last night, it seemed like she was really planning on staying at my house?
With a headache, I finally made it outside. Looking into my second uncle's pile of fire, I couldn't help but frown slightly.
The fire my second uncle was burning wasn't just any fire, but a fire made from dried animal excrement such as cow, pig, and chicken dung. And in this pile of fire, I clearly saw a not too big but not too small stone tablet.
Seeing the animal feces didn't bother me, but when I saw the stone tablet, my heart sank.
"Second uncle?" I asked my second uncle with some doubt, "How did you dig up this stone tablet?"
Hearing my voice, my second uncle didn't look back, but continued to add various animal feces to the fire, saying, "No choice, can only use it to temporarily block it."
"Okay," I still had some doubts in my mind, "But I'm worried that something might happen."
My second uncle stopped and looked at the stone where the woman had sat last night and said, "No way, last night, the evil spirit had already entered our door. If we don't take precautions, something will happen one day."
"Okay," I finally nodded.
But looking at that stone tablet, I always felt something was off. This stone tablet was something I brought back from a stone tablet shop three years ago.
As for where the stone tablet came from, I didn't know. Because that stone tablet shop was already gone. And their cause of death was because of this stone tablet.
This was an ominous stone tablet. I found out later that this stone tablet was actually a communal grave marker for a large number of unclaimed souls. What does that mean? It means that it was a shared tombstone for a deserted cemetery, where all the graves shared this one stone tablet. On this stone tablet were carved at least thirty names of various sizes. And it seemed that they all died during World War II.
Just think, if a lot of people share a tombstone and you take it, can this tombstone not be ominous?
So, that family all tragically died in the end.