When this voice sounded, the female ghost had already leaped into the darkness and plunged into the river, disappearing.
Watching the direction in which the female ghost left, my heart also tightened. The resentment of this female ghost is really powerful. I haven't encountered such a powerful spirit in years.
I wonder what her origin is?
This scene had already frightened Chen Gong and Chen Po to the point of collapsing to the ground, shivering all over. Without much thought, I turned to Chen Gong and Chen Po and said, "Chen Gong, Chen Po, with me here, you don't need to be afraid. Let's hurry back."
"Okay." The two of them shuddered and quickly got up from the ground, turned around, and walked back to the town. As they walked, they looked at me with concern and said, "Xiaomu, we're really sorry for what happened. If it weren't for Xiaoniqiu, you wouldn't have gotten involved with that female ghost, it's all our fault."
I shook my head, "It was bound to happen, and you can't stop what's meant to be. Chen Gong, Chen Po, don't worry about me. Xiaoniqiu has a kind nature, even if it weren't for you, I would still help him move on. Rest assured, that little female ghost won't be a problem for me."
"Alright." The two of them said nothing more. After arriving in town, we went our separate ways and each went home.
After busy work all night, the three rooster crows marked the beginning of daylight. I didn't mind staying out all night, but I was worried that my uncle would be concerned. So, I unconsciously quickened my pace.
When I arrived home and opened the door, I saw my uncle sleeping on a master chair at the door. It was cold, and he was curled up with his arms crossed. Behind him was a table, with a table full of dishes that appeared untouched. Seeing this, I felt a little sad and quickly took off my own clothes to cover my uncle.
This startled my uncle, who woke up. As always, my uncle never scolded me, but instead asked with concern, "You're back? Where did you go last night?"
"Uncle." I never lied to my uncle, so I had to honestly tell him what had happened last night. After hearing it, my uncle didn't say anything, and it was a struggle for him to stand up from the master chair. "You haven't eaten yet, I'll heat up the food for you, eat and rest well."
"Okay." Since my uncle got up, I didn't object, not because I didn't want to, but because I knew my uncle's character and that he wouldn't let me help.
Once the dishes were heated and laid out on the table, my uncle and I picked up our chopsticks and started eating. At that moment, my uncle suddenly asked, "You said you met a female ghost with a very strong resentment by the riverbank, is that right?"
"Yes." I nodded, "What's the matter?"
My uncle sighed, "The female ghost is named Long Lanxiang, she used to be a teacher at the Laowazhen Middle School, and she probably died eight or nine years ago."
I couldn't help but be stunned, "Uncle, you know the background of this female ghost?"
My uncle nodded gently, "Eight or nine years ago, I forbade you to go to the riverbank for quite a while, and it was because of her. This female ghost is not to be trifled with, her resentment is too great. Even the old me wouldn't dare to be careless when encountering her."
"Huh?" Even my uncle would say something like this? It seems that this female ghost is probably not that simple. I asked, "Uncle, what's the deal with this female ghost, how did her resentment become so strong? Even Chen Ermei's resentment wasn't as great as hers."
Unexpectedly, my uncle shook his head, "I'm not sure about that. If you want to know the cause and effect of the matter, you can only go to the middle school to investigate."
After that, my uncle fell completely silent. I glanced quietly at my uncle and didn't ask anything else. I didn't dwell on Long Lanxiang's matter.
As the saying goes, crossing the bridge when one comes to it.
After dinner, I went to sleep. But the sleep was really uneasy. Just as I had fallen asleep, my phone alarm went off, it was the school's wakeup alarm. After sleeping for a while, the mobile company sent me a text message.
I slept for a while, and then the phone rang again. I was really annoyed and almost burst out cursing. I picked up the phone and to my surprise, it was a call from Pangdun. After answering in annoyance, I heard Pangdun's mother's voice: "Xiao Mu, please come quickly."
Pangdun's mother's voice on the phone sounded a bit tense. I immediately perked up and asked, "Aunt, what happened? Did Pangdun go missing again?"
When I said this, Pangdun's mother's voice softened a little: "No, Xiao Mu, just come quickly."
"Okay." I reluctantly got out of bed, said goodbye to my uncle, and went to Pangdun's house with dark circles under my eyes.
As I walked, I kept muttering to myself. This Pangdun family really has a lot of trouble. Pangdun had just almost been turned into a zombie by someone, and now, in just one night, something else happened?
Muttering, I arrived at Pangdun's house. I was feeling a bit troubled, but when I opened the door, I was stunned.
Inside the house, there was a scene that made one blush and laugh at the same time.
At the moment, a large group of people had already gathered in Pangdun's house. What surprised me was that in addition to people from the town, there were also several classmates from our class. I didn't know why they were here, but I knew that this time, Pangdun really caused a big stir.
What kind of stir?
As soon as I entered, I saw people repeatedly trying to pull Pangdun away, and at this moment, Pangdun was lying on the bed, and there was actually someone under him. On closer inspection, the person under Pangdun was our class monitor, Wang Qian.
"I can't believe it," these words escaped my mouth.
Wang Qian was the beauty of our class. Wang Qian and Wang Ying were the two big beauties of our class. Not to mention our class, even in the entire school, they would be in the top three.
Wang Ying was a bit dismissive, while Wang Qian was rather aloof. Usually, she wouldn't even glance at the boys who pursued her. But at this moment, Wang Qian was being maltreated by Pangdun, and I couldn't bear to watch it.
When they heard my voice, everyone in the room turned to look at me. Pangdun's mother quickly came over and said, "Xiao Mu, you're here, that's great. Pangdun is acting strange, come and see."
"Okay." I nodded and hurried into the crowd. I looked down and couldn't help but frown. At this moment, seven or eight people were pulling Pangdun, but Pangdun was as immovable as a bull. And Pangdun, at this moment, was pressuring Wang Qian, shouting over and over again, "Wife, I don't want you to leave. Wife, I won't allow you to leave."
Under Pangdun, Wang Qian was already pale with fear, her eyes were a mix of embarrassment and pleading. There was no trace of the usual aloof beauty. In a desperate voice, she shouted, "Pang Dun, what do you want to do? Help me."
This scene also left me stunned. What's going on here?