"Damn." Pang Dun was astonished, "Are you kidding me? She has ten times more resentment than Long Lanxiang? And what is she if not a ghost with that appearance?"
I shook my head, "I don't know what she really is. I never expected that the little soul-searching charm would reveal such a powerful evil spirit. But it doesn't matter. She doesn't bother me, and I won't bother her."
"Let's go," I turned around and opened the nearby door.
This is a very ordinary residential building, two stories with a yard, located on the edge of the residential area, behind the house is a large area of ​​woods. After pushing the door open, my eyes quickly scanned the yard, and I soon made a judgment in my heart.
"Yes, that little brat didn't play us. This is exactly where the puppet lives," I said, as my eyes moved around the yard, only to see that the yard was full of evil, just like the evil aura on the puppet from before.
Fatty Dùn also looked at the house in front of him silently, with a look of confusion. I helplessly glared at Fatty Dùn and said, "What are you staring at? Come in."
As Fatty Dùn replied, I directly pushed open the door and walked in. As soon as I opened the door, the evil aura became even stronger, and I vaguely saw rows of shelves with bottles and bowls placed on them inside the house.
Are they antiques?
I took out a flashlight and shone it over, frowning, "Indeed, they are antiques."
"Whoa," Fatty Dùn's eyes lit up, "If all these antiques were sold, then he would be rich."
I directly elbowed Fatty Dùn and said, "If you're not afraid of death, then go ahead. I won't stop you. These antiques were all dug up from heavily evil ancient tombs. Ordinary people who come into contact with these antiques might become seriously ill or even lose their lives. Do you have a death wish?"
"Dùan Mù," Fatty Dùn smirked, "Isn't there still you? Just remove the evil aura, won't everything be fine?"
"I'm busy," I couldn't be bothered with Fatty Dùn, and began to walk between the shelves. Just as I had taken a few steps, I suddenly heard footsteps. Moreover, the footsteps were coming from behind me.
"Hmm?" I turned around in confusion, only to find that Fatty Dùn hadn't followed, still standing in the same place.
Feeling a slight sinking in my heart, I took a few more steps, and the footsteps sounded again. Once again, I turned around, but Fatty Dùn was still in the same place.
"What's going on?" I couldn't help but murmur in a low voice. However, the house was eerily quiet, with no sound at all.
Upon hearing my voice, Fatty Dùn suddenly snapped back to reality, hastily ran towards me, and cowered behind me, "Dùan Mù, what were you just yelling?"
I shook my head, "There's something strange about this house. If I wasn't here, whether or not you could stay alive is a question."
Thinking about it, this was Nie Wei's place, and all the antiques here belonged to him. How could he not have tampered with them?
"This Nie Wei is such a schemer," Fatty Dùn said indignantly, "He has tampered with everything."
"Stop talking nonsense," I said sternly to Fatty Dùn, and my gaze began to move between the shelves, then I listened attentively.
Just then, a series of footsteps started again, and the footsteps were moving towards us.
This feeling really sent shivers down my spine. Knowing that someone was walking towards me but not being able to see them. In this situation, I frowned and suddenly reached into my bag and grabbed a handful of soybeans, and then casually scattered them forward.
"Ah," suddenly, after the soybeans were scattered, a woman's scream echoed in the room, sharp and piercing. The sound went from near to far, and then disappeared.
"It's a female ghost," I said slowly.
Fatty Dùn had been frightened by the footsteps just now, and if his hands weren't hanging on my shoulders, I think he would have collapsed. I looked at Fatty Dùn speechlessly, and didn't bother with him, directly taking out two ancient copper coins.
Reciting the incantation: The supreme underworld divine eye opens, reconciling the clear and pure boundary between yin and yang. There is no place for ghosts and monsters to hide, all the goblins and demons will reveal themselves.
As soon as the spell was cast, I was stunned. Because the room in front of me, surprisingly, showed no changes.
"Damn it, Nie Wei has messed with this room, even the Heavenly Eye can't be activated," I said fiercely.
Fatty hung on my shoulder and said weakly, "Duan Mu, don't scare me, my heart can't take it."
I grabbed Fatty and took his hand off my shoulder. "Stop acting tough, if you don't act now, both of us won't survive."
Upon hearing this, Fatty became a little flustered and quickly stood upright.
Just then, the sound of footsteps rang out again, more urgent this time, as if someone was running. It was coming from our right side.
Upon hearing the noise, I turned around abruptly and threw an ancient coin directly at it.
"Ah" came another scream, the sound getting fainter and then disappearing.
"No good," I frowned. "Without the Heavenly Eye, I can't see them at all. We're at a disadvantage and must change our approach. Let's get out of here first."
Saying this, I grabbed Fatty and quickly headed towards the direction of the door. But just as I was about to leave, the door slammed shut on its own, leaving the room in complete darkness.
I thought to myself that things were not good; Nie Wei had left something truly vicious in this room.
"However, trying to kill me just like this, Nie Wei underestimates me," I couldn't help but sneer.
Fatty's face had turned pale, and I could see him squeezing his legs tightly, afraid that something might come out from down there. I couldn't help but say harshly, "What a coward."
Fatty looked at me with pleading eyes. "Duan Mu, do you have a way out? I don't want to die like this. I haven't even held Wang Er's hand."
I sighed and suddenly took out a white candle from my bag. I told Fatty, "Light all of them and arrange them in a circle."
"Alright," Fatty said and quickly lit all the candles with a lighter, forming a circle that enclosed both of us in the middle. Then, I took out a small bottle and handed it to Fatty, saying, "Dip the paper in the liquid from this bottle and burn it on the candles."
"What?" Fatty looked at me in confusion. "What's this for?"
"No time to explain, just do as I say," I said to Fatty, looking around. Because at this moment, the sound of footsteps was again closing in on us.
Upon hearing this, Fatty didn't dare to delay any longer. He finally used the paper soaked in liquid to set the candles on fire. Just as Fatty started burning the paper, the sound of footsteps abruptly stopped, seemingly right outside the circle of candles.