After saying this, I silently watched the water ghosts, seeing them off one by one. There was a strange feeling in my heart, an indescribable sense of achievement and joy, especially when they said thank you.
So the Daoist practitioners often say, rather than killing ghosts, it's better to ferry them.
However, not only did I feel joy, but also a sense of sadness. Because, these departed souls in front of me, will eventually be the fate of each of us. A poem came to my mind: "The wind blows the willows and flowers in the moon, the rain hits the phoenix trees and spurts blood. Frost dyes the green pines and the Kunpeng hides, when will the bitter cold plum forest cease to exist?"
This poem was written by Pang Dun, and at that time, he came to me happily and said, "Duanmu, take a look at the poem I wrote for Wang Erya, what do you think?"
After seeing it, I was speechless for a while. Firstly, the poem was a bit messy, and secondly, it was overly desolate. I couldn't help but give Pang Dun a stern look, "Are you trying to become a monk?"
But at this moment, as I watched these water ghosts slowly disappear, I was reminded of this poem.
"Duanmu, come here." While I was lost in thought, Pang Dun suddenly shouted.
Hearing Pang Dun's shout, I finally came to my senses and quickly turned to look at him. At this moment, I saw Pang Dun looking excitedly at the water's surface. Walking to Pang Dun's side, I also looked at the water's surface, puzzled, and asked, "What's wrong?"
Pang Dun said nervously, "Wang Qian's father just seemed to have emerged, but as soon as he saw me, he immediately sank again. Do you think he's afraid of us?"
"Hmm," I slightly furrowed my brows, and said, "Don't worry, keep calling Wang Qian's name, don't stop."
Saying that, I suddenly took out a piece of yellow paper from my bag, and quickly folded it into a paper boat. This is called the Ferry Boat of Lost Souls, and its shape is the same as the boat used by the ferryman in the underworld's River of Three Paths.
So the Ferry Boat of Lost Souls is used to ferry souls.
After folding the boat, I took out a red string and tied it to the boat, then threw the paper boat into the water. I told Pang Dun, "Wang Qian's father's soul is just out of his body, more timid and easily frightened than real ghosts, and more fragile. Don't move haphazardly later."
"Okay," Pang Dun replied in a low voice, then asked, "Duanmu, what's the use of that paper boat?"
I nodded, "This is called the Ferry Boat of Lost Souls. When Wang Qian's father comes out again, I will let him sit on the boat and pull him to the shore."
Pang Dun looked puzzled, began calling Wang Qian's name again. After calling more than a dozen times, with Pang Dun's throat dry, the water's surface remained calm. Pang Dun looked at me helplessly, just as he was about to stop, I suddenly frowned and said softly, "Continue, quickly, don't stop."
Hearing this, Pang Dun also turned to look at the water's surface, and was immediately surprised. On the water's surface, a head had emerged at this moment, but the lower part of that head kept hiding in the water, as if afraid to come out.
Seeing this, I gently pulled the paper boat, and then began to chant softly: "The boat floats, the person sways, sit on it, cross the rainbow bridge."
After chanting, the paper boat slowly floated towards the person's head that hadn't emerged. Then, as the paper boat approached that head, I suddenly pulled the red string with force, and the head immediately popped completely out of the water.
It was Wang Qian's father's soul.
Without hesitation, as soon as I saw Wang Qian's father emerge from the water, I continued to exert force and pulled the paper boat ashore directly.
This Ferry Boat of Lost Souls also has the function of restraining souls. However, the soul-restraining effect of the paper boat and the restraint of souls by the lotus lantern are completely different. Generally speaking, the power of the paper boat to restrain souls is weaker, and stronger ghosts can easily break free. But this makes it just right for the likes of Wang Qian's father's out-of-body soul.
Because the out-of-body soul is too fragile, and can easily dissipate with a slight carelessness.
I saw the paper boat being slowly towed towards the shore, and I said to Pangdun again, "Hurry, call uncle."
Pangdun was flustered, still shouting Wang Qian's name, but immediately changed to call uncle. After shouting three times, with a gust of wind blowing, Wang Qian's father's soul directly disappeared from the paper boat and entered the fan in Pangdun's hand.
"Phew." I breathed a sigh of relief and said to Pangdun, "It's okay now, close the fan, let's go back."
"No." Pangdun said puzzled, "Didn't you say Wang Qian's father lost two souls? Didn't we only find one soul?"
I shook my head, "Don't worry, as long as Wang Qian's father has two souls in his body, it will be simple to find the other soul."
Saying that, I looked at the river again and prepared to walk towards the town. But I suddenly stopped, took out a plastic package from my backpack. Inside the package was also ash, the same as before. I prepared two bags, but only used one.
Handing the ash to Pangdun, I said, "Don't rush, sprinkle this before we leave. Ash can absorb the evil in the river, to prevent ordinary people from falling into evil."
Pangdun didn't hesitate, and grabbed the ash and sprinkled it into the river. At this moment, Long Lanxiang suddenly emerged from the water, quietly watching us in the river. I nodded lightly to Long Lanxiang, and finally turned and left the riverside with Pangdun.
Back home, Uncle and Wang Qian seemed to know we were coming and were waiting for us at the door. When they saw me and Pangdun, Wang Qian came straight up, grabbed my arm, and shook it, "Duanmu, how is it going?"
At this moment, I was soaking wet, and when Wang Qian shook me, water dripped down. I looked helplessly at Wang Qian and said in a deep voice, "Captain Wang, can you not be in such a hurry? I've been tired all night, can't you let me rest first?"
At the words, Wang Qian let go of my hand, took two steps back and said, "Duanmu, I'm sorry, I was indeed too hurry, and didn't consider your feelings."
"Yeah," I nodded and no longer paid attention to Wang Qian, but said quietly to Uncle, "Uncle, the water ghost in the river is gone, the river ahead will be peaceful now."
Uncle looked up and nodded, "Okay, Duanmu, Uncle can't help you, you can handle it. The calamity of ten years could come at any time, anything that threatens us must be removed."
"I understand, Uncle," I answered heavily, and finally turned to the bedroom where Wang Qian's father was. Entering the room, I took the fan from Pangdun's hand, opened it directly, and fanned Wang Qian's father's body three times in a row, then Wang Qian's father abruptly opened his eyes.
"Wake up, wake up." Pangdun excitedly shouted, but his expression became strange.
Because Wang Qian's father, although his eyes were open, did not move. This was because he only had two souls in his body, not the third soul, so he still hadn't regained consciousness.