Hearing the hurried footsteps stop behind me, I felt like I had been hit on the head and wanted to rush into the dormitory, but it was too late. At this point, I started to feel anxious as well.
Could anyone not feel anxious in this situation? If this girl saw my face, I probably couldn't stay in Laowazhen.
But just then, I saw that the corridor was pitch black, and suddenly, I had a shrewd idea.
Our school is quite miserly; they say it's to save money, so at night, even the lights in the dormitory building corridors are all turned off, leaving only a few sparse lights. However, the section of the corridor where I was standing at almost pitch black.
Suddenly, I reached into my backpack, pulled out some rice flour, and applied it to my face. This was flour used to measure ghost steps on normal days. Now, it came in handy; with the rice flour on my face, it instantly turned deathly pale, just like a ghost.
"Little sister." After applying the rice flour, I deliberately made a hoarse and old voice, then turned my head slowly. "It's so late, where are you going?"
Turning around, I saw the girl behind me clearly. She was only wearing a pair of shorts, the kind that barely covered her thighs, and her upper body was only in a translucent nightgown. Seeing this scene, which was enough to make one's blood boil, I almost didn't spit out an old mouthful of blood.
After seeing my face, the girl's face instantly turned pale, and then she pointed at me tremulously and shouted, "A ghost."
Then she rolled her eyes and fell to the ground.
Not good, this girl's scream was too loud. I was afraid she would wake up half of the dormitory building. Thinking of this, I quickly turned around, rushed into Wang Qian's dormitory, and locked the door, finally breathing a sigh of relief.
Without wasting any time, I quickly found Wang Qian's bed. Luckily, there was a vacant bed in the dormitory, and there was also a set of pajamas on it. I quickly grabbed the pajamas and jumped out the window.
Fortunately, it was only the second floor, and I breathed a sigh of relief. After landing, I ran non-stop to the dormitory door. When I saw Chubby standing there, I saw that his face was full of tears and snot. "Duan Mu, I nearly lost my life thanks to you."
"Um..." I looked at Chubby somewhat awkwardly and casually waved the pajamas in front of him. "Why are you in such a hurry? Isn't it for finding Wang Qian's personal clothing? If you don't make some sacrifice, how can I succeed?"
Chubby wiped his tears. "A forty-year-old woman took my virginity, don't you hurry up and try it?"
"I..." I was speechless. "Why is a grown man afraid? Why act like a little girl and seek death?"
As I spoke, I no longer paid attention to Pang Dun, but instead reached into my bag and pulled out a paper butterfly, drawing a few circles on my pajamas. Then, I recited a spell: "Mang, mang, mang, a butterfly an inch long, let it cross the Yellow River, and split the water into two paths."
As soon as the spell was cast, I threw the paper butterfly high into the air, and it began to flutter its wings and then gracefully fly.
At this point, Pang Dun wiped his nose and said, "I don't care, you better take responsibility for this."
I almost spat out, not in the mood to play with Pang Dun anymore. Looking at the paper butterfly in the air, I said softly, "Alright, alright, I owe you a favor, I'll help you go after Wang Er Ya another day. Let's go, let's go find Wang Qian first."
Saying that, I stuffed Wang Qian's pajamas into my backpack, then turned and walked in the direction where the paper butterfly was flying.
This butterfly spell was the same one I used last time to find Pang Dun. I mentioned before that the butterfly spell uses positive energy to track people. So, if someone from the Daoist community wants to prevent the tracking of the butterfly spell, it would be easy for them to do so.
At this moment, when the paper butterfly began to dance, I suddenly felt strange. The last time, that corpse-refining person had low abilities, so he didn't prevent the butterfly spell from tracking. Why would Nie Wei make such a low-level mistake?
Without much time to think, in the midst of my contemplation, Pang Dun and I had already left the school and followed the paper butterfly all the way to a remote corner of the town. The paper butterfly landed on an unremarkable house.
"Here?" Seeing the house in front of him, Pang Dun looked hesitant. "Duan Mu, are you sure this is Wang Qian's house?"
"Hmm?" I was also puzzled by the house in front of me. Because this house was really quite ordinary, even a bit rundown.
"Doesn't matter, let's go in and take a look." Saying that, I walked straight up and pushed the door. The door was not locked, and it opened with a gentle push. The house was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything. I had to turn on a flashlight. But as soon as I turned on the flashlight, there was a sudden, piercing scream from a woman nearby.
"Ah..." The sound was very sharp and piercing.
This sudden sound startled me, and I hurriedly turned around with the flashlight, only to see a woman holding a kitchen knife quivering at Pang Dun and me not far away.
"Wang Qian?" I was stunned. This woman was none other than Wang Qian.
"Don't come any closer, or I won't be polite." Wang Qian's voice was shaking, and she was trembling all over.
"Hmm?" I couldn't help but frown and said cautiously, "Wang Qian, it's me, Duan Mu."
"Duan Mu?" Upon hearing that, Wang Qian finally relaxed a bit, then carefully stared at me. Suddenly, she shouted and pounced on me, hugging me tightly.
Being hugged by Wang Qian, I didn't react. This little girl was so soft and being hugged by her was really quite comfortable. I said softly, "Wang Qian, what's going on?"
Wang Qian choked up, "I can't explain it in a short time, but you'll see for yourself."
Saying that, Wang Qian suddenly turned on the lights in the room. The light illuminated the room, and after seeing what was inside, I felt a slight sinking in my heart. The room was filled with all sorts of antiques, so many that it was truly shocking.
"What is this?" I exclaimed in surprise. "Are all these antiques real? How could there be so many?"
Wang Qian looked embarrassed, "Duan Mu, didn't I tell you that my dad has business dealings with Nie Wei? This is their business. Nie Wei sent all these antiques, and my dad is responsible for selling them."
"Hmm?" Upon hearing this, I looked at Wang Qian again and suddenly felt a shock.
"But," Wang Qian choked out an explanation, "my dad really didn't know that these antiques were actually dug out of the graves by Nie Wei."
"Somebody." Wang Qian said, and suddenly Pang Dun shouted. I looked up and saw a middle-aged man with a pale face walking out from behind the shelves not far ahead, holding a kitchen knife.
"Dad." At this moment, Wang Qian shouted.
"Is he your dad?" I looked at the middle-aged man, slightly surprised.
Wang Qian nodded in a hurry, "He's my dad."
No, the middle-aged man's complexion was obviously wrong. After a few more glances, I immediately judged: "He's possessed."
"Do not touch my treasure." Just then, Wang Qian’s father suddenly shouted and pounced towards us. Without much thought, I bit my middle finger hard, then, as the middle-aged man lunged at me, I wiped the blood on his forehead.
At the same time, the middle-aged man softened all over and fell to the ground motionless. However, his breath was very weak, almost imperceptible.
"Not good." I looked at Wang Qian's father and said, "Has Nie Wei been here?"
"What?" Wang Qian's eyes widened, "What's going on?"
Frowning, I said, "Your father's soul has been sucked away, and now he's completely a living dead."