"Hmm." I looked at my second uncle with some reluctance. If there was anyone in this world who could make someone feel insecure or heartbroken, it would only be my second uncle. I said, "But you don't need to rush."
My second uncle nodded, "Xiao Mu, listen to your second uncle, what should come will come. Your second uncle is just a burden living in this world. Over the years, your second uncle wants to spend more time with you, without regrets, and then die when the calamity arrives, it's not a big deal. In fact, your second uncle has already done it, there's nothing to worry about."
"Second uncle..."
"Xiaomu." At this time, my second uncle grabbed my shoulder and said, "But you must remember, the Five Ghosts Art is extremely malicious. Once you get involved, you will never turn back in your lifetime. Your grandfather is an example. In his old age, he caused trouble in the area, leading to the tragic deaths of dozens of people in the Duan family village. So, you must never easily dabble in the Five Ghosts Art."
"Okay." I clenched my teeth and nodded fiercely. At this moment, my second uncle's expression relaxed slightly, and he said, "Alright, Xiaomu, remember my words. As for Nie Wei, let's take it one step at a time. Although the Ghost Wizardry is powerful, it can be broken."
"Okay." I nodded, feeling particularly relieved to hear my second uncle's words. Because in my heart, my second uncle was a supreme figure.
Ten years ago, I personally witnessed my second uncle's methods. Even the Five Ghosts were afraid of my second uncle. But at this moment, my second uncle could no longer stand upright because of that incident ten years ago.
My second uncle didn't say anything more, just nodded at me and then turned and walked away. Watching his back, I sighed with relief and said to Pang Dun, "Let's go see Wang Qian."
Pang Dun nodded in silence and followed me to Wang Qian's room. As we entered, we saw Wang Qian lying weakly on the pillow, her father feeding her.
Seeing us, Wang Qian weakly said, "Why aren't you in class at school? Why are you here?"
I looked at Wang Qian speechlessly and said, "If you don't have the energy, then don't talk so much. Eat your food."
Pang Dun also said somewhat mischievously, "Duan Mu, what are you saying? If you don't talk much, how can you be like our class leader Wang? Our class leader Wang is a strong woman."
"Shengjiewei, you dead fat pig, when I get better, I'll make sure to beat you." Wang Qian looked angrily and tried to get up and hit Pang Dun.
I gave Pang Dun a stern look and said to Wang Qian, "Class Leader Wang, take care and rest well. It's unusual to see you suddenly fell ill. Hurry up, Pang Dun and I are waiting for you to come and pick on us."
With that, I nodded at Wang Qian's father and turned to leave with Pang Dun. After teasing Wang Qian, I felt a little relieved. I said, "Next, let's focus on dealing with this Ghost Wizardry."
"Duan Mu." Pang Dun looked puzzled and said, "Don't you know how to break the Ghost Wizardry?"
I shook my head, "Do you think I'm all-knowing? My second uncle just gave me those few books. There are countless ways and techniques in the world, and even if you had a lifetime, you might not be able to fully comprehend them all. My books do have a brief record of the Ghost Wizardry, but it's very basic."
Pang Dun sighed and then looked at me strangely, "So if the Ghost Wizardry can't be broken, do we just have to wait for Nie Wei to emerge?"
I sighed, "I'm trying to find a way too. But I think the hope is slim because even my second uncle didn't speak just now, which means he doesn't know how to break the Ghost Wizardry. Or perhaps, it's simply unbreakable."
"No way," Pang Dun said, "Isn't it said that everything in the world has its counter? How can it be unbreakable?"
I shook my head, "Think about it. Why would Nie Wei, after casting the Ghost Wizardry, dare to lead us directly to its location? Wasn't he afraid that we would tamper with it, causing his Ghost Wizardry to fail?"
Pang Dun scratched his head, "That does seem to make sense. Oh, by the way, can't you seal the corpse?"
I shook my head, "It's no use. The Ghost Wizardry is about never being able to be reincarnated for eternity. It means that after Nie Wei used the Ghost Wizardry on himself, he will never be able to be reincarnated. The Ghost Wizardry completely abandons the body and enhances the resentment at all costs. So sealing the corpse is fine for someone like Long Lanxiang who wants to be reincarnated, but it's totally ineffective for someone like Nie Wei."
"That darn Nie Wei," Pang Dun said fiercely.
"But, you're right," I said, "Every thing in the world has its counter. I refuse to believe that there's no way to break the Ghost Wizardry. Come on, let's go find Wang Qian's dad."
"Why are we looking for him?" Pang Dun said confusedly.
Ignoring Pang Dun, I turned and walked back. Entering the room again, I quickly asked Wang Qian's father, "Uncle, do you know where Nie Wei's real residence is?"
"Well," Wang Qian's father looked embarrassed, "The address I know is the same place you went last time, the ancient tomb. I really don't know where else Nie Wei lives. However, I do know someone who has a good relationship with Nie Wei, and sometimes he meets me instead of Nie Wei."
"Who is it?" I quickly asked.
"Um." Wang Qian's father didn't hesitate and quickly took out a string of phone numbers: "His name is Yang Lao."
After getting the phone number with Pang Dun, we immediately dialed the number. At the other end of the phone, there came a hoarse, elderly male voice: "Who's there?"
I straightforwardly said: "You are Yang Lao, right? It doesn't matter who I am. I have something to tell you about Nie Wei. If you want to know, come find me at the entrance of the school in Laowazi Town."
Having said this, I directly hung up the phone. Pang Dun looked puzzled and asked, "Duanmu, what do you want to do by finding Nie Wei's residence?"
I looked at Pang Dun helplessly and said, "Can't your brain react faster? Of course, I want to find a way to break into Nie Wei's residence. If my guess is correct, Nie Wei is likely a witch. Think carefully, all the methods we saw from him along the way were all sinister methods, and a witch is exactly a sorcerer."
"Oh," Pang Dun responded. Unknowingly, the sky had already turned dark.
"Yang Lao," seeing that the school gate was completely dark, I couldn't help but mutter these two words, feeling somewhat uneasy. "Judging from this name, I'm afraid he's not a good person. Could he also be a witch? This situation is not good."
As I was speaking, Pang Dun suddenly pointed across the street. I saw an old man standing opposite us at the moment, holding a cane and staring at us with his eyes fixed.
Seeing the old man, my heart sank. At this moment, the old man began to walk towards us, his eyes fixed on me and Pang Dun.
"Not good," I frowned inwardly. "Damn it, this old man is clearly not human."
"Huh?" Upon hearing my words, Pang Dun's expression stiffened, and he asked, "What do you mean?"
I ignored Pang Dun, and my hand unconsciously grabbed a small sword. This old man was not human; I could see that at a glance. This old man, just like the puppet we saw at Laosongmu, was a puppet.
As he approached, I had already clenched the small sword, ready to strike at any time. No, the old man finally crossed the road and came to me and Pang Dun, staring at us with his malicious and icy eyes and said, "Young people, was it you who called during the day?"
I nodded, "Yes, grandfather."
"You said you want to tell me about Nie Wei, what is it?" The old man's voice was hoarse and terrifying.
I smiled once again and said softly, "Grandfather, you don't know yet, do you? Nie Wei is already dead."
"Dead?" The old man's expression remained unchanged, "If he's dead, he's dead. Do you have anything else to tell me?"
Puppets are different from living people; simply put, puppets are just wooden people. They have the ability to move but no thoughts or emotions. So at this moment, this puppet, upon hearing the news of Nie Wei's death, wouldn't have any reaction.
I smiled again and said, "There is."
"What is it?" the old man asked.
I said, "You are going to die soon too."
With that, I directly used the small sword to pierce the old man's back. With one blow, the old man was full of amazement, "You..."
"Duanmu," at this time, Pang Dun was also furious, "Damn it, you haven't even asked for Nie Wei's address yet, what the hell are you doing?"
I shook my head, "Is it necessary? With this puppet, I naturally have a way to obtain Nie Wei's address."