At this moment, Wang Qian was full of shock, and her mouth was wide open. Just a moment ago, she was accusing me of seeking revenge on her, but now she looked grateful, and even a little ashamed. This proud and cold beauty started crying again, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Okay, now, don't just stand there, hurry up and rescue the girl," I couldn't help but say as everyone in the room was stunned.
As soon as I said this, everyone came to their senses and quickly pulled Wang Qian up. After she got up, Wang Qian looked at me gratefully, her lips quivering, as if she wanted to offer herself to me?
I felt very uncomfortable seeing her like this, so I quickly looked away and said to everyone, "Alright, you can put us down now."
Upon hearing this, everyone agreed and then they put Fatty and me on the bed. Strangely, at this moment, Fatty looked completely lifeless, with no babbling about his wife and his hands and feet no longer moving aimlessly.
Although they came to their senses, everyone's eyes were still filled with shock and amazement. Someone couldn't help but ask cautiously, "Young man, what did you do? How did this kid suddenly change so much?"
"Okay," I explained helplessly, "it's nothing, the reason people get possessed is simply because of an imbalance of yin and yang in the body. People with a yin-yang imbalance are more susceptible to evil spirits, and are more likely to be taken over by evil forces. All you have to do is harmonize their yin and yang."
"Harmonize their yin and yang?" Everyone looked at me admiringly, "Like you did?"
"Yes," I explained again, "every person has a balance of yin and yang in their body, and this guy's balance is chaotic. I just had to reverse my own yin and yang to complement his, in fact, you can do it too, you can try if you don't believe me."
What I told them was indeed the reason I calmed Fatty down. However, this method is not always reliable and can only solve some minor yin-yang imbalances.
If the yin-yang imbalance in the body is serious, this method won't work.
Having said that, everyone got excited and eager to try, so I had to get up and say, "You can try if you want, and while you're at it, take care of this kid."
As I spoke, I jumped down from Pang Dun's back. Just as I stood up, suddenly, Pang Dun, who had been very quiet, began to thrash about again, dancing and shouting, "My wife, give me back my wife."
With just one punch, he sent the person nearest to him flying, showing the tremendous strength at play. If it were purely a contest of strength, no one would be able to resist him.
At that moment, someone suddenly jumped on Pang Dun's back and, lying back-to-back with him, Pang Dun immediately quieted down.
"Amazing, truly amazing. Young man, you are truly amazing."
I chuckled and silently turned my gaze to the side. Just then, Pang Dun's parents entered the room, seeing that Wang Qian had been rescued, they were overjoyed, and also brought over some willow branches, a mirror, and a big rooster.
"Xiao Mu, you are truly amazing. None of us could calm Pang Dun down, but as soon as you arrived, he became quiet. We've brought the things, how should we use them?"
"Okay," I nodded and said, "Place the mirror at the head of Pang Dun's bed, in a good position, and take a full-body picture of him in the mirror. Then, later you will see some bad things in the mirror, don't be afraid, just use the willow branches to beat them away."
"What are you doing?" Pang Dun's mother curiously asked.
I was somewhat speechless, but I still answered, "There is evil energy on Pang Dun's body that you cannot see, but as the saying goes, a mirror can reflect ghosts. Through the mirror, you can see it. The willow branches can drive away the evil energy; if you use them to beat it, the evil energy will dissipate."
"So that's it, we'll do it right away," Pang Dun's father said, promptly placing the mirror at the head of Pang Dun's bed.
Pang Dun's mother asked, holding the big rooster, "Xiao Mu, what about the rooster? What do we do with the rooster?"
"Well," I nodded again, "Auntie, give me the rooster for now."
"Okay," she said, and handed me the rooster.
Once I took the rooster, I suddenly tore off its comb, causing the rooster to flail its wings in pain. This scene caused the girls to let out a gasp.
Then, I wiped the blood from the rooster's comb onto Pang Dun's forehead and silently recited, "The rooster crows three times, the line between day and night blurs, reversing the cosmos. Decree."
Finished reciting, I handed the rooster back to Pang Dun's mother and said, "Auntie, in the evening, take this rooster to where we found Pang Dun last night, walk around the grove three times, and when it's almost dark, bring the rooster back and put it under Pang Dun's bed. By tomorrow morning, Pang Dun will be fine."
Pang Dun's mother immediately became excited, "Really? That's great. But Xiao Mu, what are you doing? Why take the rooster to that grove?"
Sighing, I was truly at a loss. Pang Dun's mother really was exactly like Pang Dun, asking about everything.
Helplessly, I replied, "Auntie, just do as I say, everything will be alright. In any case, I would not harm Pang Dun."
I didn't want to say it because I was afraid of scaring them. If Pang Dun's mother knew that she was holding the rooster that had already switched identities with Pang Dun, it would definitely shock her.
The reason I did this was actually very simple. If I guessed correctly, Pang Dun probably suffered from repercussions after being taken away by the corpse refiner last night, causing today's events.
If this was true, Pang Dun's soul might still be in that grove. However, this was just a guess. The way Pang Dun looked now was similar to someone who had lost their soul.
And if Pang Dun did indeed lose his soul, if Pang Dun's mother took the rooster that had already switched identities with Pang Dun to the grove and walked three rounds, Pang Dun's soul would see it and follow it back.
When Pang Dun's mother then placed the rooster under Pang Dun's bed, when the Shadowless Vanishing Technique lost its effect, Pang Dun's soul would automatically return to his body.
But if Pang Dun didn't lose his soul, then that would be even better. Doing this would mean being prepared for any eventuality.
Having seen that everything had been arranged, I finally felt relieved. At this moment, I heard that Pang Dun would wake up tomorrow, and the townspeople in the house suddenly turned their attention to the madman from the Chen family.
"Oh, by the way, young man, what's the matter with the madman from the Chen family that you just mentioned?"
"Hmm?" When I heard the words "madman from the Chen family," I couldn't help but furrow my brow. Because the madman from the Chen family had recently died, and my impression of this old man was deep. This old guy not only harassed women but also violated children, regardless of gender.
One time, he almost...
I answered, "The madman from the Chen family just died recently, right? Not more than three months ago?"
"Yeah." Everyone nodded in agreement. I asked again, "Was he also buried on the hill where Pang Dun had an accident?"
"Yeah, yeah," Pang Dun's parents quickly replied.
I said, "Well, then, among the pile of corpses yesterday, there must have been the body of the madman from the Chen family. So, it was inhaling the corpse gas from the madman from the Chen family that made Pang Dun look like this."