"But, Uncle, these are rats, not monsters. And you are not well. We are powerless." I reluctantly put Uncle down, and by this time, those rats had quickly arrived at our feet.
Uncle stomped on a rat, saying, "Xiao Mu, don't forget, this is our disaster. If the town is in danger, both you and I will inevitably suffer. Trust me, with me here, such a thing will not happen."
Hearing Uncle's words, I became even more anxious. I almost knew what Uncle was capable of. If it were before, Uncle could easily deal with these rats, but now his health was not good.
Thinking of this, I said to Uncle, "Okay, Uncle, since you said so, I'll follow your lead."
Saying that, I suddenly took out a dagger from my body and quickly cut my palm. Suddenly, my palm started bleeding profusely, and my other hand quickly tore open the bag of long worm powder and dripped my blood into it.
"I use blood as a pledge, injuring my own body, using blood and flesh as an offering, only wishing to use blood as my vow, and flesh as my curse." I recited the words, while the rats crawled towards us, thick and countless.
Suddenly, I grabbed the long worm powder stained with blood and sprinkled it on the rats. Those rats, which were swiftly coming towards us, seemed as if they saw a ghost and quickly fled back into the empty house.
This is a blood curse, and it's the same blood curse my second uncle used ten years ago. However, my second uncle used the most terrifying blood curse, the Blood Demon Curse, while I'm only using a low-level blood curse. My second uncle didn't teach me the Blood Demon Curse because it's a spell that can only be used once in a lifetime; once used, it's over for the rest of your life.
For those in the Taoist community, this kind of blood curse already belongs to the category of sorcery, because it requires using one's own blood as a lure. Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, I would never use it.
"Phew." I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw all the rats had retreated back into the empty house, but at the same time, my body instantly felt weakened.
"Xiao Mu." My second uncle looked at me with concern. "Let me handle this. How can you, so young, use a blood curse?"
"It's okay." I waved at my second uncle. "There were simply too many rats. If I didn't use the blood curse, I wouldn't have been able to control them at all. This is all because of Nie Wei's good deeds."
Although the rats were driven back by the blood curse, they were still active at that moment, showing signs of escaping over the wall. I quickly wrapped my still bleeding palm with a cloth strip and said to my second uncle, "Second uncle, please wait here for me."
After saying that, I took the blood-stained insect powder and scattered it around the entire empty house. As the insect powder was sprinkled, all the rats in the empty house showed signs of fear and kept retreating.
"No good." I felt uneasy. Although sprinkling the insect powder could prevent the rats from leaving the empty house, it couldn't stop them from burrowing underground.
So, after sprinkling the insect powder, I returned to my second uncle's side and said, "Second uncle, it looks like I still need to go inside the house."
My second uncle looked a bit troubled, but he finally nodded and waved at me.
Speaking of which, my second uncle is also my master, and he taught me all my skills, so he naturally knows what I should do.
Nodding at my second uncle, I no longer hesitated and directly entered the empty house, sprinkling the insect powder as I went.
As the insect powder was sprinkled, the rats kept retreating. However, they were staring at me, squeaking and making a mess. Those round, black eyes even seemed to reveal a hint of malice.
It's hard to imagine that I could see such an expression on the face of a rat. It seemed that this Ghost Witch Curse was really extraordinary.
Nevertheless, I furrowed my brow and kept moving without stopping.
Finally, I chased the rats back into the house. At a glance, I saw a big hole inside the house. After the rats retreated into the house, they went straight into this big hole.
"No good." Seeing the rats swarming back into the hole, I ran straight into the pile of rats and sprinkled a handful of insect powder at the hole's entrance.
Squeak, squeak, squeak! A series of cries rang out as the rats that were sprinkled with the insect powder started to struggle in place, after which a black gas emerged from their bodies, and they fell motionless.
At this point, I grabbed a small sword and directly struck down at one of the rats that was still struggling, the sword piercing its body.
Then, I lifted up this rat and roared at the rats in the house, "Your rat king is here. Why don't you come and save your rat king?"
The rats, as if understanding my words, suddenly rushed out of the hole, no longer fearing the insect powder, and headed straight for me.
The rat in my hand was indeed the rat king. This rat was simply larger than a cat, with a plump and menacing appearance.
Seeing all the rats rushing towards me, I felt a sense of danger and quickly began to retreat with the rat king in hand.
At this moment, the rats started climbing the walls, and in no time, the entire wall was covered with rats, creating a black and dense mass.
Suddenly, these rats jumped off the wall and leaped towards me.
"Damn?" I was slightly shocked, quickly dodged, and then violently threw the Rat King in my hand towards the distance, shouting, "Come, here's your Rat King."
As soon as I threw the Rat King out, the mice immediately shifted their focus and swarmed towards the direction of the Rat King.
At this moment, I sneered and directly poured the insect powder into the large hole, then without looking back, ran out of the vacant house.
Outside the house, I was drenched in sweat, panting heavily.
"Whew," I breathed a long sigh of relief, and joyfully said to my second uncle, "It's settled."
Seeing me, the second uncle also breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and said, "However, there should still be quite a few mice that have escaped from here. If they're not captured, there will still be many deaths in the town."
I helplessly replied, "Second uncle, we really are powerless in this matter. Life and death are beyond our control."
"Alas," the second uncle frowned, "of course, they are beyond our control, but I really didn't expect this cursed witchcraft to be so powerful. The curse is still continuously gathering Yin energy, I'm afraid the mice are just the beginning."
"What does the second uncle mean?" I asked.
The second uncle nodded and said, "There should be fog here tonight. Within three days, the town will be shrouded in heavy fog. I'm most worried about this place becoming a gathering place for Yin energy, and once Nie Wei is born, it will be even more difficult to stop him."
"Gathering place for Yin energy?" I muttered.
The so-called gathering place for Yin energy is actually a source that absorbs Yin energy, causing Yin energy within a radius of a hundred miles to be continuously sucked in, making the area's Yin energy increasingly strong, leading to ghosts and monsters everywhere.