At this moment, I felt a little helpless. This girl looked quite mature when she was at school, but now she's acting like a child, always getting startled.
After my shout, Wang Qian finally grabbed the red rope with a fearful look on her face and tugged with force, but the lotus lantern didn't budge.
"Hey," I said, "Sergeant Wang, don't worry. Let's exert our strength together. This body is a bit heavy, probably an adult."
As soon as she heard the word "body," Wang Qian's face changed again, "If you say the word 'body' again, I'll tear your mouth off."
"Okay, okay, I'll shut up. Let's start pulling now," I said helplessly, looking at Wang Qian, not saying anything more. Wang Qian snorted and fell silent too.
After that, I exerted force, and with one more person, the lotus lantern started to move quickly. Gradually, we reached the shallow water, and we could see the body's shape faintly. I focused and increased the force to pull it up faster.
Gradually, the body's shape became clearer, appearing to be a man, slightly chubby, wearing a white shirt and black pants. But at this moment, he was lying on his back, and I couldn't tell who it was.
Since the incident in the old Wa town ten years ago, I had an instinctive fear of water. I was particularly afraid of bodies in the water.
Ten years ago, while crossing that waterway, a body grabbed my ankle, and to this day, there's still a handprint on my ankle.
After practicing Taoism, this fear had gradually diminished, but it was still there. At this moment, staring at the body in the water, I was afraid it might suddenly move, so I didn't even dare to blink.
However, at that moment, a scream as high-pitched as a soprano suddenly rang in my ear, "Ah..."
My scalp tingled for a moment, almost causing me to fall into the water. I turned around abruptly, almost bursting with anger. The one who screamed was none other than Wang Qian.
At that moment, she was staring wide-eyed at the body in the river, her face turning a bit pale, "A body, there's a body there."
"Sergeant Wang," I gasped for breath, grabbing her wrist, "Do you know you almost scared me to death just now?"
"Duan Mu," Wang Qian finally came to her senses and suddenly hugged my arm tightly.
Wang Qian was petite, about ten centimeters shorter than me. At that moment, she hugged my arm and placed it directly on her chest. Even through our clothes, I could clearly feel a sensitive area on her body.
I was stunned and quickly tried to pull my hand back. Unexpectedly, Wang Qian hugged tighter, pointing to the body in the river and shouting, "There's a body there, someone drowned."
I helplessly said, "Sergeant Wang, didn't I just tell you that we were pulling a corpse? Why are you making a fuss?"
"Who's making a fuss?" Wang Qian laid her head directly on my arm, "Who knows if you're just scaring me for fun?"
I shrugged helplessly, "Sergeant Wang, please let go of my hand first. I still need to continue working. As a young girl, don't you understand the boundaries between men and women?"
At that, Wang Qian reacted and quickly let go of my arm, then blushed and scolded me, "Pervert."
"Boring," I muttered, and couldn't be bothered with Wang Qian. Instead, I once again grabbed the red rope, trying to drag the body onto the shore.
But at that moment, my face suddenly changed. There was a force pulling on the body, and it was quite strong, almost pulling me into the river.
I frowned and suddenly roared, "Where did this little ghost come from to dare to play tricks?"
At the same time, my hand had already taken out a copper coin. I wrapped the red rope around my wrist with one hand, while I passed the copper coin in front of my eyes with the other hand: The divine eye opens, clearing between the two realms. Spirits and demons have nowhere to hide, all evil creatures reveal themselves.
As soon as the divine eye opened, the situation on the water surface immediately became clear.
I was right, there was indeed a little ghost causing trouble. I saw two white, bony hands in the river firmly holding onto the head of the corpse, pulling it. On the water surface, there was also a dark mass of hair. The troublemaker should be a female ghost.
Without hesitation, holding the copper coin in my hand, I drew two circles in front of me and then fiercely threw the coin towards the position of the female ghost.
This ancient copper coin has a strong exorcising effect, making it an essential tool for capturing ghosts and driving away evil spirits. Using an ancient copper coin against the ghost would make her suffer.
As the ancient copper coin was thrown, it hit the two white hands reaching out from the water, and it also made the water ghost let out an extremely painful scream: Ah.
The sound was too piercing, even more chilling than the scream Wang Qian had just made, sending shivers down the spine of those who heard it.
"Ah." Hearing this scream, Wang Qian was also scared and screamed, clinging to my arm again, saying fearfully, "What, what is that sound? It's so, so scary?"
I ignored Wang Qian, because at this moment, my gaze was completely focused on the female ghost that had previously escaped. Although it was just a fleeting glance, I could see clearly that the female ghost was none other than Long Lanxiang.
I was right, I guessed that it was Long Lanxiang causing trouble when I smelled the stench of the corpse in the restaurant, and it turned out to be true.
Seeing Long Lanxiang disappear, I quickly dragged the body onto the shore. At the same time, I reached out to flip the body over, and then recognized the owner of the corpse.
When Wang Qian saw the body, she hugged my arm tightly and with great force. Helplessly, I calmly said to Wang Qian, "Make a phone call and call the police to collect the body."
Trembling, Wang Qian said, "Why, why don't you call?"
I sighed, "It's up to you whether you call or not."
The body on the ground was indeed that of a middle-aged man, slightly overweight, and a well-known figure in Laowazhen. His name was Zhu Gui, quite famous in the small town, the first person from the town to do business outside.
I couldn't help but sigh. This man's death was really unfair. His business had just started, and he hadn't even had the chance to enjoy life, but he died.
Zhu Gui clearly died unwillingly. At this moment, I saw that his eyes were still staring straight ahead, looking very terrifying, and his whole body was already swollen and bloated from being in the water, an eerie pale white. I reached out and gently closed Zhu Gui's eyelids, saying, "Rest in peace, leave grudges and grievances to the living, don't carry them into the next life."