Before she could speak to me, Wang Qian started vomiting again, her face turning pale, her eyes revealing a hint of weakness.
I estimated that she had probably inhaled a lot of the foul air from those dead mice just now, so I quickly reached out to pull Wang Qian up. Unexpectedly, at this point, Wang Qian was all soft and couldn't stand, let alone walk, so I just hugged her and quickly moved backwards.
"What are you doing?" Writhing in my embrace, Wang Qian struggled.
"Stay still." Ignoring Wang Qian's struggles, he carried her to a place without the stench of decaying mice before setting her down.
Upon landing, Wang Qian viciously hammered my chest with her fists, then slumped against me. I glanced down at her delicate and pained face, feeling a sinking sensation in my heart. "This is not good."
Beside us, Pang Dun also appeared to be on the verge of collapse. "Will Wang Qian be okay?"
I shook my head. "She's fine, just a bit dizzy from inhaling the stench of decaying mice. The problem is these mouse corpses, they are causing some trouble now."
"Are these mice the source of the impure Yin?" Pang Dun said weakly.
"Yes," I nodded. "But these mice are just impure, and for it to be truly impure Yin, it needs impure elements and Yin energy. There must be something under these mouse corpses. I guess it's the bodies of those villagers."
"You mean the bodies of those villagers are under the mouse corpses?" Upon hearing this, Pang Dun's face turned pale, and he couldn't hold back, dropping to the ground and vomiting. Just hearing Pang Dun's retching almost made me do the same.
Quietly watching Pang Dun, I furrowed my brow. The so-called impure Yin refers to the dirty and impure Yin energy. I truly did not expect Nie Wei to actually use mice. Seeing the room full of mouse carcasses made my scalp tingle, and the stench was nauseating. I started to feel a bit uneasy.
However, even if I felt uneasy, how could I just stand by and do nothing?
This is precisely the source of impure energy, where the impure energy suppressing Long Lanxiang's corpse originates. To destroy that impure Yin formation, we either had to break the formation or eliminate the source of the impure Yin.
Thinking about this, I gathered my resolve and looked at Pang Dun. "Have you finished vomiting? Because we have work to do."
"Du Mu, let me off, I'm really scared, okay?" Pang Dun's face turned white, as he looked at me with fear.
I reached out, grabbed Pang Dun, and smiled. "Alright, I'll let you off. But when you get home, tell your parents to move out of Old Wa Town."
"I..." Pang Dun's face darkened as he finally stood up straight. "Alright, you've made your point, I'll go all out today. So, how are we going to do this?"
"Don't rush," I glanced at Pang Dun, then suddenly placed a new candle next to Wang Qian and sprinkled some beans into it, and tied a red string around her. Then, I turned and walked towards the room filled with mouse corpses.
At the door, I covered my nose and mouth with my sleeve. The pungent stench was still unbearable. Frowning, I grabbed a handful of soybeans and threw them into the room.
Unexpectedly, as soon as the soybeans landed on the corpses, they started sizzling and were quickly corroded by the impure Yin.
"The impure Yin here is strong, we might have some trouble," disregarding this, I grabbed three handfuls of soybeans and tossed them all in.
After the three handfuls of soybeans landed among the mouse corpses, a strange scene unfolded in the room. There was something constantly wriggling within the bodies, almost like a human figure.
"These are the bodies of the villagers," I immediately concluded upon seeing the wriggling thing.
"Oh," Pang Dun looked at me in shock and asked dumbly, "Are you saying these corpses can still move?"
I nodded. "Nie Wei must have been afraid of someone destroying the impure Yin, so he did something to these bodies. If we get rid of the impure energy, these bodies will immediately reanimate."
"That's right." At this moment, I had a sudden idea. "In that case, we've inadvertently struck gold."
Saying this, I suddenly took out the red string I used to deal with the guardian spirit earlier and handed the candle to Pang Dun, then lit the red string on the candle.
"What are you doing?" Pang Dun looked puzzled.
"I laughed and said, 'This is Yang fire rope, the rope carries strong positive energy. When it burns, it will release all this positive energy. Nie Wei has tampered with these corpses, we just need to throw these ropes in, and the bodies will immediately undergo a change and start moving on their own. Isn't this a great help for us?'"
Saying this, I suddenly threw the pure Yang rope into the rat corpse.
And at that moment, a strange scene appeared. Visibly, the foul air in the rat corpse was being opposed by the positive energy of the Yang fire rope, and the Yang fire rope was crackling as it burned.
Underneath those rat corpses, sure enough, humanoid objects began to wriggle nonstop.
Seeing this, I felt a joy in my heart and quickly lit a few more Yang fire ropes, and casually tossed them into the house.
"Let's go." After throwing the burning Yang fire ropes, I grabbed Fatty and started to retreat.
After Fatty and I walked away, there were weird noises coming from the house. Then, a humanoid monster covered in rotting rat flesh actually crawled out of that room. Seeing this, I almost vomited directly.
With a small sword in hand, I pierced the monster's forehead. At the same time, several humanoid monsters walked out of the house, not just adults, but even children.
Their whole bodies were covered with the juice of decaying rat flesh, truly unbearable to look at. But as I looked at them, I felt a sense of awe in my heart.
Because they had died as victims.
"Dust to dust, ashes to ashes. When the flesh dies, you no longer belong to this world. May you be born into a good family in the next life."
Saying this, I stabbed the small sword into the forehead of the last child's body. The child's body fell to the ground with a thud, and all the bodies finally stopped moving.
I finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let's go, we should leave too."
Beside me, Fatty was almost vomiting his guts out, "Duanmu, is it over like this?"
I said helplessly, "What else do you want? Filth and yin, as long as you separate the filth from the yin, the filth and yin are eliminated. These bodies are now completely dead, and they will probably start to decay completely soon. Let's go."
"Wow," Fatty spat out a mouthful of bile again, then stood up with a pale face and said, "Now, starting from this moment, whoever brings me a rat, I'll kill them."
I glanced at Fatty and, pulling him, turned and went in the direction where Zhu Jie and the others were: "Hey, these three people, I leave them to you."
"Me?" Fatty pointed at himself, "You're kidding, right? I have how many hands, how can I carry three people? Then what are you doing?"
"Heh heh." I gave Fatty a look and said, "Don't you want to show off that big frame of yours? As for me, of course, I'll take care of the beautiful Wang Qian."
"No way." Fatty looked at me fiercely, "You, we'll switch."
"No switching," I said, ignoring Fatty and went to pick up Wang Qian and then headed towards the door. But as soon as I reached the door, my steps suddenly stopped and I frowned.
At this moment, it was already completely dark, and the woods outside the house were pitch black. But right at the doorway of this house, six or seven people were standing in a row, blocking the door.
There were old and young, men and women.
All six or seven of them stared at me in silence, then all said the same thing, "Where are you going? The Gate of Ghost Cavalry, a village of death, in this house, you can enter, but you can't leave."