"Ghost witch?" When I heard these two words, I frowned. However, I could only shake my head, "It's too late, the soul-summoning umbrella has captured the soul. It will take forty-nine days until it can be summoned out, and it will only be released after his grievances are resolved."
Beside me, Pang Dun also gazed at the disappearing female ghost dumbfounded, with a look of pity on his face.
I glanced at Pang Dun, relieved and then walked between the shelves. I didn't feel sorry, even if the female ghost was indeed a ghost witch, so what?
There's a saying that goes: what's meant for you will never be lost, and what's not will never be yours. In other words, since the female ghost had already been captured, there was no use in having any regrets.
Lost in thought, I finished walking through all the shelves. Without exception, the shelves were filled with antiques, nothing worth looking at. However, I faintly felt a gloomy feeling coming from upstairs, so I said to Pang Dun, "Let's go upstairs."
After speaking, I walked towards the stairs and Pang Dun followed closely behind. Paying no attention to Pang Dun, I quickly reached the second floor, and as a result, the gloomy feeling became even stronger. When I got to the second floor, I saw a row of dolls arranged neatly.
The puppets were all covered with red cloth over their eyes. And within that red cloth, a faint glimmer of blood could be seen.
"I breathed a sigh of relief, saying, "These should be the house spirits that Nie Wei nurtures."
"These are the guardians of the spirits?" Plump asked, looking at the puppets with curiosity all over his face.
I said, "These are all harmful things, never unveil the red cloth, and don't look directly into the eyes of these puppets. Move them downstairs and burn them to avoid harm."
"Oh," Plump responded, wanting to ask something, I gave him a direct look, and he shut his mouth.
I walked up and took out a red string to tie up each puppet, then waved to Plump, "Go."
Saying that, I turned and looked around the room. The room was extremely simple, with nothing else except a bed, table, and chair.
It seems that Nie Wei's life is not very good. I shook my head helplessly, and then walked downstairs with a puppet in my arms. When I got downstairs and put the puppet down, I went upstairs to prepare to move the second one. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden shout downstairs.
"That guy named Duanmu and that fat guy just went in here."
"Huh?" I heard the voice and my heart skipped a beat, "What's going on?"
Plump looked at me, looking confused, "How would I know?"
As we were talking, four or five people suddenly appeared at the door, although it was very dark outside, I could see the leader at a glance. It was none other than Wu Bei's father. The others standing next to him were also burly and tall.
"Guard the door for me. These kids nowadays are really out of control. Today we will teach these two who don't know their place a lesson," Wu Bei's father said fiercely, reprimanding the people behind him.
"Hmm?" I frowned, "Our old friends are here."
"Gosh," Plump immediately rubbed his hands, "It looks like we didn't teach them enough that night."
Today, while I was at school during the day, I knew that Wu Bei's father would definitely cause trouble, and he came so quickly. However, these people were really audacious to dare come to Nie Wei's place.
It seemed that if we didn't give them a lesson today, I would feel a bit sorry for them.
Thinking of this, I simply picked up a puppet, untied the red string, and then placed it at the entrance of the corridor, facing the puppet's eyes at the corridor, and tore off the red cloth from the puppet's eyes.
After doing all this, Plump and I came to the window and silently looked outside. Plump looked at me with some ill intentions, "Duanmu, won't this kill them?"
I said in disbelief, "What does it matter? It's not like I killed them. This is Nie Wei's place, it's their own fault for not knowing their place."
I ignored Plump and continued to stare outside the window. At this time, there was the sound of smashing bottles downstairs, and those people should be smashing Nie Wei's antiques. Then, accompanied by a series of curses, a series of footsteps began to echo on the stairs.
"These two bastards were so arrogant before, why are they hiding now? Alright, they like to hide, smash hard, really smash hard."
As the cursing arrived, a series of footsteps had approached the staircase. At this point, they finally saw me and Plump, immediately shouting out loud, "Here, these two bastards are here."
Plump couldn't control himself and turned to shout at the group, "Who are you calling bastards?"
"I..." Plump prepared to retort, but I kicked him in the butt, and he yelled out, finally shutting his mouth.
I ignored Pang Dun and the group of people behind me, and continued to silently look out the window. At this moment, the group behind me shouted, and finally rushed towards me. But then, as they reached the full-faced wooden puppet, their bodies suddenly stiffened, as if they had been frozen in place, without even understanding what was happening, and then fell to the ground with a thud.
Hearing the noise, I turned my head and looked at the group of people behind me, saying to Pang Dun, "Continue working."
"What?" Pang Dun looked at me foolishly, "What work?"
"Of course, moving the puppet." I glared at Pang Dun and went over to cover the puppet's eyes with red cloth again, and then wrapped it with a red rope, carrying it downstairs.
Before going downstairs, I silently looked at the people lying on the ground. They all looked terrified, unable to move. They hadn't died, but they had only been ensnared by the puppet.
At this moment, Wu Bei's father weakly reached out his hand, as if saying something.
I pretended not to see, and walked past Wu Bei's father without looking back. I took the puppet downstairs, and together with Pang Dun, set it on fire. When the puppet burned, a terrifying scream came from within the puppet, as if someone was really being burned.
A few of the puppets even stretched out their white heads, trying to break free, but ultimately failed.
These puppets were just unfinished guardian spirits, and the spirits inside were not fully refined. So compared to the real guardian spirits, they were far inferior and unable to escape the puppet's restraint.
When the puppets were burned, they would directly scatter.
I heaved a long sigh, "So far, almost all of the things that Nie Wei left in this world to harm people have been eliminated. I just hope that this guy's matter will end here too."