After saying that, I turned to the house and said, "These antiques are also harmful things, keeping them would be a disaster, let's smash them too."
As I said this, I walked into the room and casually threw the antiques on the shelf to the ground. After smashing the antiques, Pang Dun and I finally left the house. Pang Dun seemed a little regretful, but didn't say anything.
"Du'an." On the way back, Pang Dun said with some concern, "What should we do about Nie Wei's matter? We haven't found a way to resolve it yet."
I said without looking back, "You don't have to worry, a small ghost witch curse can't cause much trouble. There is always a way, one step at a time."
When I returned to school, I lay down and fell asleep. Vaguely, I always had a question in my mind. What was the grudge between Nie Wei and Long Lanxiang?
After thinking for a while and not understanding, I didn't bother to think about it anymore.
In the blink of an eye, it was time for class. Pang Dun always seemed drowsy, almost sleeping from start to finish. I idly looked around the classroom. Our class was not large, just an ordinary class.
However, even though it was an ordinary class, there were still some poor students who didn't pay attention in class, engaged in mischief.
Just then, when I turned around, I saw students playing cards, touching girls' thighs, and even smoking at the back. I was speechless and prepared to look away. But at that moment, I noticed a girl sitting motionless on her desk.
What was even more strange was that this girl had her eyes wide open, without blinking for several minutes, her face stiff and expressionless.
"Hmm?" I frowned and looked closely. As I looked, I suddenly felt a chill.
"Teacher." Seeing this, I shouted suddenly.
"Du'an?" When the teacher heard my shout, he stopped, and all the students in the class looked at me, "What's the matter?"
In this class, it's a math lesson and the math teacher is a young lady in her twenties who is quite attractive. Most importantly, this math teacher is very gentle, so the class only gets so chaotic when it's her lesson.
It seems that because I interrupted the class, the students are somewhat displeased, casting disdainful and impatient glances at me.
I don't bother with them and directly say to the math teacher, "Teacher, Wu Linlin..."
The math teacher furrows her brow, "Duan Mu, why are you hesitating to speak? What about Wu Linlin?"
"Her." It's not that I didn't want to say it, but it's really too shocking to say it out loud, I'm afraid of scaring people. But with so many eyes on me now, I have to say it.
Finally, I said, "Wu Linlin, she... she's dead."
"Ah." Upon hearing this, the math teacher almost dropped the chalk in her hand, looking at Wu Linlin in shock. All the students in the class were also dumbfounded, turning to look at Wu Linlin at the same time.
Wu Linlin, the girl sitting still at the desk.
However, when everyone turned to look at Wu Linlin, suddenly all of them turned back to look at me, showing a look of disgust, "Duan Mu, what the hell are you saying? Isn't Wu Linlin okay?"
At this point, someone in the class shouted at me.
"Yes." The math teacher also sighed in relief, "Duan Mu, are you seeing things? Wu Linlin was just answering my question?"
I was speechless for a moment, at this moment, Wu Linlin indeed looked no different from a living person. This is because Wu Linlin was still sitting upright, staring at the blackboard.
I didn't argue, and said directly, "Teacher, you'd better come and have a closer look."
At the words, the math teacher nodded in a hurry, "Alright."
Saying that, she hurried down to check Wu Linlin's breathing, then suddenly screamed, "What's wrong, what's happened? Wu Linlin was just fine, how could it be..."
Hearing this, the students in the class couldn't help it anymore, and hurriedly stood up and walked towards Wu Linlin, discovering that Wu Linlin was all of a sudden...
I found this quite astonishing, just a moment ago I saw Wu Linlin answering questions, and now that she had sat down, she suddenly passed away. However, the life and death of a person cannot be explained. Many sudden deaths happen like this, one moment they're talking, and the next moment they've stopped breathing.
Seeing everyone rushing over, I realized that the class couldn't continue today, so I simply stood up and walked out of the classroom.
Unexpectedly, at that moment, I received a call from my second uncle, "Xiao Mu, come over."
"Second Uncle?" My second uncle rarely calls me, I was a bit puzzled, and quickly asked, "What's wrong?"
"Xiao Mu, you'll find out when you get here, come directly to this empty house."
"Okay." I didn't ask much, turned and picked up my backpack and left the school.
When I got to the empty house, my second uncle was already there, breathing heavily, looking tired inside the empty house.
I quickly went up to him and said, "Second Uncle, why did you come out? You're not feeling well, just leave it to me."
My second uncle shook his head, "I couldn't rest assured, so I came to see, I didn't expect something really did happen."
"Something happened?" Hearing this, I turned and looked into the empty house. As soon as I looked, my heart jumped.
Inside the empty house, I saw that it was full of rats, scurrying around everywhere.
"What's going on?" Uncle shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I just checked it out. These rats are carrying corpse poison, which suddenly emerged from the ground. And the rats are very large. I guess it may be the work of a ghost curse."
"Corpse poison?" Hearing Uncle's words, my heart sank. Upon careful recollection, I realized that the book did seem to mention something about it.
The ghost curse is evil, and it easily attracts filthy creatures like snakes, rats, insects, and ants. It particularly attracts creatures that feed on darkness. If these creatures come into contact with the ghost curse, they go mad, become bloodthirsty, develop potent venom, and then attack people. The victims would suffer from poisoning and might even die.
Thinking back, I almost didn't notice, but now I remembered seeing scratch marks on Wu Linlin's face. Could it be that Wu Linlin was killed by these rats?
"Not good." Seeing so many rats, I couldn't help but worry: "If these rats attack, wouldn't many people in the town die?"
Uncle nodded, "So, we must not let something like this happen."
As Uncle spoke, he suddenly handed me a bag containing a powdery substance.
"Is this the ten-year long worm powder?" I looked at Uncle doubtfully. The so-called long worm is actually a snake.
Uncle nodded, "The long worm powder might have some effect. First, scatter these powders in a circle around the empty house."
"Okay." I nodded and quickly spread the long worm powder on the ground.
But unexpectedly, as soon as the long worm powder was scattered on the ground, those rats in the empty house seemed to be stimulated by something and went mad all of a sudden, then they swarmed towards me and Uncle.
"Not good." Uncle frowned, "These rats can smell the long worm powder and are going mad."
I also felt that the situation was not good. I couldn't handle so many rats. Thinking about this, I simply lifted Uncle on my back and was about to run. However, Uncle hit my shoulder and said, "No, don’t escape. If the rats leave the empty house, the whole town will be in trouble."