A person has three souls and seven spirits, and the human body is like a container with a separate method inside. The three souls and seven spirits are placed in the body, occupying a certain position in this method, which allows the body to operate normally.
If one of the three souls leaves the body, the body's method will become imbalanced and unable to function properly, which means it will go crazy. If two of the three souls are taken away, the body will lose its ability to move.
In other words, the body will become completely paralyzed without the three souls to operate the method.
"What, what does that mean?" Wang Qian turned pale when she heard my words. "What does a living dead mean?"
Nodding, I said in a deep voice, "It means your father won't die in the short term, his body can continue to live, but he will have no consciousness, won't move, just like a vegetable. But there's a difference. A vegetable has brain damage, your father has lost his soul."
"What just happened?" Wang Qian choked up.
Shaking my head, I said helplessly, "Just now, he was possessed. Your father's body has no soul, making it very susceptible to possession. The specifics, I'm not clear."
After saying this, I clenched my fist in frustration. This Nie Wei guy was truly wicked, I was starting to lose patience. If he continued playing like this, the entire Laowa Town would be turned upside down.
"No." I stood up and said firmly, "If Nie Wei is not dealt with, Laowa Town will be in ruins, I cannot let this guy continue to do evil."
Turning to Wang Qian, I said, "Wang captain, rest assured, with me here, your father will be fine."
"Really?" Tears flickered in Wang Qian's eyes. "Duan Mu, even though I usually find you annoying, I really thank you."
"Hey hey hey." Seeing Wang Qian teary-eyed, I felt really uncomfortable, "Captain Wang, don't cry, that's not like you, give me a smile."
Upon hearing this, Wang Qian's tears disappeared, her eyebrows straightened, and she let out a loud roar, "Duan Mu...how can you make a joke at a time like this?"
I was speechless for a while: "Well, this is just like you, but you don't need to do this."
Covering my ears, my sight shifted to the antiques placed all around. At first glance, I couldn't help but feel a chill down my spine. All the antiques around were eerie and almost none of them were clean.
This scene shocked me, and I even became curious. Where did Nie Wei get so many problematic antiques?
"No." I said, "Captain Wang, this house is not suitable for living. You need to take your father and leave."
After saying that, I turned to Pang Dun and said, "Pang, how about they stay at your place temporarily."
"Sure, sure," Pang Dun immediately looked thrilled. Can you blame him? Pang Dun is naturally lustful and Wang Qian is the beauty of our class. This kid probably dreams about it.
"But," before Pang Dun could smirk, Wang Qian, with some concern, said, "But this is not good, what if Nie Wei comes to find them? Won't this harm Pang Dun and his family?"
"This..." Pang Dun was also dumbfounded and quickly began to backpedal.
"Hmm," I pondered, Wang Qian was right, we should be cautious. After a moment's thought, I said, "How about going to my place? It will also give you the chance to take care of my uncle. During this time, you don't have to go to class, just take care of the patient at my house."
"Your place?" Wang Qian hesitated again, "Won't it put your family in danger?"
"Heh heh," I sneered, "You can rest assured, even if Nie Wei had ten times the courage, he wouldn't dare cause trouble at my house. Although my uncle can't move, he is not someone that Nie Wei can deal with alone."
With that, I didn't hesitate any longer, I squatted down, lifted Wang Qian's father, and quickly left the house. Before long, we arrived at my house. Along the way, Pang Dun had been wearing a dark expression, full of envy, jealousy, and hatred towards me.
Finally home, I briefly explained the situation to my uncle and then settled Wang Qian and her father in the house. My uncle didn't say anything to me, just a sentence: "Xiao Mu, I can't move, and I can't teach you anything. I just want to say one thing to you. To deal with despicable people, you must make them regret coming into this world."
Upon hearing this, I was somewhat surprised. My uncle rarely talked to me like this, usually teaching me how to be a better person. It seemed that even my uncle was angry with Nie Wei. I looked at my uncle, nodded slightly, and then said to Wang Qian, "Take care."
Turning around, I left home with Pang Dun and returned to the street.
"Duan Mu, what are we going to do now?"
I was in deep thought but when I heard Pang Dun's voice, I came to my senses, and said solemnly, "Soul searching."
"What does soul searching mean?" Pang Dun asked with a puzzled look.
I looked helplessly at Pang Dun and thought about his mother, then said reluctantly, "Soul searching means finding the soul. We don't know where Nie Wei is right now. It seems that we have to find Wang Qian's father's soul first. Soul searching means finding his father's soul."
"Move aside," I pushed Pang Dun's face to the side, then took out three soul searching talismans from my bag.
The difference between soul searching talismans and soul calling talismans is significant. Soul searching is about finding the soul, while soul calling is about capturing the soul. One is about knowing where the soul is and then going to capture it, and the other is about not knowing where the soul is and needing to search for it. Therefore, the difference is very significant.
Taking out the soul searching talismans, I started looking around. At the moment, Pang Dun and I were on the main street of Lao Wa Town. I had to see if anyone was around. It didn't really affect the ritual, I just wanted to make sure no one would see us.
After a glance, I felt relieved. It was late at night, the street was deserted, not a single sound could be heard, only the sound of the wind blowing.
I took out a stack of paper money from my bag and suddenly threw it to Pang Dun, "Take it, burn the paper money, it's best to burn it in several batches."
"Hmm?" Taking the paper money, Pang Dun looked puzzled. So, I gave him a hard kick on his butt, and then he reluctantly started burning the paper money.
At this moment, I held the Soulfishing Talisman in front of my body and drew a circle three times, then began to chant: "Money flows, souls come, take two steps, and bring the gold."
This is the Soulfishing Chant. In fact, what is being sought is not Wang Qian's father's soul, but the wandering spirits and wild ghosts in the vicinity. When the Soulfishing Chant is uttered, all the wandering spirits and wild ghosts within a radius of 100 meters can hear the call of the Soulfishing Chant, and then gather around.
I had Fatty Dun burn paper money, which was actually for these wandering spirits and wild ghosts.
What for? Quite simply, to have them take money and help me find Wang Qian's father's soul.