So it is said that the pitiable must have their detestable aspects; the current situation of this small village is indeed somewhat tragic, evoking sympathy, yet their current actions are a bit infuriating.
Earlier, when we were having a barbecue, I actually saw that when we had just gone to Songmudong, there were no anomalies in the nearby mountain forests. But by the time our barbecue ended, the surrounding woods were already filled with foul air.
What's going on? I don't even need to think to understand, right?
Looking at the village for a while, I turned to Pang Dun and Wang Qian and said slowly, "Forget it, I won't keep it from you anymore."
"What?" Pang Dun and Wang Qian looked at me puzzled and asked together.
I nodded and glanced in the direction of the pine forest, "Do you both remember the filthy yin array used to suppress Long Lanxiang? The source of this filthy yin is this village. Originally, I just wanted to come and take a look today, but now, it looks like we have to enter the village."
"If so, let's go in." I suddenly felt a bit stubborn.
Saying that, I looked at the village in the woods. Although I hadn't used my "celestial eye" at this moment, I could feel that there were definitely more than ten pairs of eyes in the woods watching me. It gave me a cold and eerie feeling.
Upon hearing my words, Wang Qian had a sudden realization expression, "No wonder you seemed absent-minded all the way."
"Wait a moment," I was about to leave when I suddenly stopped and looked at Wang Qian and the others, feeling a wave of helplessness. The evil spirits in this forest are too fierce, if I don't protect these two little lambs well, I won't be able to take care of them later.
Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration.
Saying that, I suddenly took out a piece of white cloth and quickly tore it in half. Seeing the white cloth in my hand, Wang Qian and Pang Dun looked at me with strange expressions on their faces.
"Duan Mu, what are you going to do?" Wang Qian asked me as if I was crazy.
"Hehe," I looked at Wang Qian with a somewhat malicious intent and said, "Beautiful Leader Wang, you may have to suffer a bit later, don't feel embarrassed, okay?"
As I walked a distance forward, I suddenly turned around, took off my pants, and started urinating on the white cloth. Seeing this scene, Wang Qian screamed loudly, "Duan Mu, what are you doing? You rogue!"
"Hmm." It was extremely refreshing to relieve myself, and when I put my pants back on, the white cloth in my hand had been soaked with urine. As I turned around, Wang Qian's face had reddened like a small apple, her eyes full of malice.
Even Pang Dun on the side was dumbfounded, staring at me in shock. I looked at the two of them in silence for a moment, then handed each of them a piece of white cloth and said, "What's the big deal, I'm giving you guys some boy's urine. Take it and use it to cover your mouth later when we go into the mountains."
"Ah." Pang Dun, who was about to take the white cloth, was so scared by what I said that he shuddered and almost threw the white cloth on the ground. He took a few steps back, glaring at me fiercely: "Duan Mu, do you want me to use your urine to cover my mouth?"
I nodded, "Yes, any problem with that?"
"Holy crap." Pang Dun looked at me aggressively, "I would rather die."
At this point, Wang Qian's face was flushed and she seemed a bit embarrassed: "But I'm a girl, don't you care about my feelings at all? I won't use it."
"I have nothing to say." I handed the handkerchief to Pang Dun and said, "If you want to keep up, cover your mouth with it, but if you refuse, don't come in. Otherwise, I might not be able to carry all five of you on my own later. But I'll remind you, staying here may not be safe."
With that, I silently walked into the woods, ignoring them. As I entered the woods, I felt that the foul air was becoming increasingly heavy, so much so that I was starting to have difficulty resisting it.
Regrettably, I took out the peach wood vest. The peach wood vest had almost completely corroded after one use, but its yang energy had not been completely eliminated, and it was more than enough to resist the relatively thin foul air here.
As soon as I took out the peach wood vest, the foul air around it quickly began to dissipate. I put the vest on and continued on towards the village.
At that moment, when I looked towards the village, I couldn't see Zhu Jie and Wu Bei and the others. The whole village had turned into a dead silence, giving an extremely oppressive feeling.
"Duan, Duan Mu." At this point, Pang Dun's voice came from behind me.
When I turned around, I couldn't help bursting into laughter. Previously, both Pang Dun and Wang Qian had been unwilling, but now they had covered their mouths with the cloth soaked in my urine.
"Duan Mu." Wang Qian's face turned red again, and she made an indistinct sound, "You are really over the line."
"Cough, cough." I faked a cough, stopped laughing, and said to the two of them, "Since we're going into the mountains, remember, you must not leave my side within two meters. Also, when I ask you to do something later, don't ask why, I don't have time to explain."
After saying that, without waiting for their response, I walked straight into the village.
Sure enough, next to the village, there was a very tall old pine tree, towering into the sky, with the village nestled underneath it. Although it was called a village, it actually only consisted of three households.
These three houses all look very dilapidated. Let alone ten years, it seemed like no one had been to these houses in decades. The area around the houses was covered with pine needles, and the walls were mottled and peeling.
Above the door of one of the houses, there were seven nails arranged in a very strange shape, forming a character when connected.
"These are coffin nails," I said, frowning as I looked at the nails.
Plump stuttered, "Coffin nails? You mean coffin nails?"
I nodded, feeling a sinking feeling in my heart and already understanding what was going on. Coffin nails are often used for burying people with heavy grudges. They are rarely used in general burials.
So the purpose of coffin nails is to ward off evil spirits. The man I had seen earlier had been nailed to the wall with these coffin nails, making him unable to reincarnate.
In addition, he was nailed right above the door, with his legs apart, just fitting over the door.
This is called "ghost-riding door".
Ghost haunts a house, ghost-riding door, the village dies.