"So, I've been blaming him this whole time? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." With great effort, Zhu Jie tried to get up and walk towards me.
Seeing Zhu Jie in this state, I walked towards him and suddenly supported him, "Sit down."
In an instant, everyone looked at me, their expressions tense. But my next words surprised them, "Don't move around if you're sick. Look at yourself, you can't even stand steady. Stay still, I'll heal you right away."
"Duanmu..." Hearing my words, Zhu Jie's face froze, and his eyes even became a little red, "You want to heal me?"
I nodded, "Hmm, yes, you're already possessed by evil spirits. If it's not treated, I'm afraid you won't survive."
"But," Zhu Jie looked uncomfortable, "Aren't you mad at me? I said such hurtful things to you and almost got into a fight with you. And yet you don't blame me, instead, you're going to treat me?"
Zhu Jie lowered his head, his voice choked with emotion. Hearing this, I couldn't help but shiver and said, "Your words are giving me goosebumps. A grown man like you, isn't it normal to have a fight? Why get so angry?"
Upon hearing this, Zhu Jie looked at me in surprise and silently lowered his head.
I ignored him and took out a red string, placed it on top of Zhu Jie's head, then handed one end of the red string to Pang Dun and said, "Don't let go, when I tell you to pull, you pull."
Pang Dun regained his senses and hurriedly shook his chubby face, "Okay, okay, okay."
Then I took out my dog hair whip and struck Zhu Jie's back. With a crack, his back suddenly seemed soaked as if water had been thrown on it, becoming damp in a large area.
At this point, I shouted to Pang Dun, "Pull!"
Pang Dun pulled, and the damp area on Zhu Jie's back mysteriously disappeared. At the same time, Zhu Jie shivered and collapsed on the ground.
"Du Mu," seeing Zhu Jie fall, Wang Qian nervously asked, "Will he be okay?"
I didn't look at Wang Qian and helplessly said, "What are you worrying about, Captain Wang? He's just been possessed by evil spirits for too long and is not used to it all of a sudden. He'll be fine in a while."
Saying this, I handed the dog whip to Pang Dun and said, "Hold the red string, and hit the spot where the hoop is tied as hard as you can, don’t show any mercy."
"Okay," Pang Dun readily answered, then started beating at the spot where the hoop was tied.
I then covered my eyes with an ancient bronze coin and began to chant, "Supreme Underworld Eye open, clear the underworld two realms. Ghosts and demons have nowhere to hide, all the evil spirits will reveal themselves."
As soon as the Underworld Eye opened, a man appeared out of nowhere in front of us. The man was being beaten by Pang Dun continuously, twitching all over his body and begging for mercy, "Please, spare me, I won't do it again."
I shook my head, "Forget it, just a lonely ghost, I won't waste my time with you."
Having said that, I took out the soul-calling umbrella, opened it, and chanted again, "A ghost king's soul-calling umbrella, clear path in front of the ghost gate. All the ghosts in front of the ghost gate let go, evil spirits on the Naihe Bridge fear it."
With the spell spoken, the man was directly drawn into the umbrella. I closed the umbrella, kicked Pang Dun, and walked away without looking back.
"Du Mu, is he okay now?" Wang Qian asked foolishly, facing my back.
I waved my hand behind me, and ignored her. At this point, Pang Dun said, "Du Mu, your move was amazing. You have no idea of Zhu Jie's look just now, he was almost kneeling down to kowtow to you."
I gave Pang Dun a fierce look, "Stop talking nonsense, I really didn't care about Zhu Jie. What move?"
"Act like I didn't say anything," Pang Dun turned his head away.
In the classroom, a day of classes ended in boredom. The only piece of news that sparked interest was that Wang Ying had transferred - when the homeroom teacher announced this, most of the class actually looked happy. It was clear how annoying Wang Ying was to our class.
However, there were a few people who looked at me with hatred. These people were naturally Wang Ying's pursuers.
Ignoring them, I focused on my studies and slept when it was time to sleep. After class, Pang Dun and I were covered in chalk dust, with our faces completely white.
Since Wang Qian's father lives with my second uncle, there should be no danger. I, Pang Dun, and Wang Qian all live at the school. After class, Pang Dun and I took off our shoes and climbed into bed.
"Pang Dun," Pang Dun said drowsily, "Didn't you say there was a sinister formation? Now that Nie Wei is dead, what should we do about the formation?"
"Um," I pondered, "The sinister formation must be removed. If it's not, Lao Wa Town will still not be peaceful."
Pang Dun's voice became increasingly muffled: "But now that Nie Wei is dead, how are we going to remove the sinister formation?"
Before he finished speaking, Pang Dun actually started snoring loudly, with saliva even spilling onto the sheets. I looked at Pang Dun speechlessly, then lay back and fell asleep.
After sleeping for a while, I unknowingly entered a dream again. In the dream, I found myself by the riverside.
"Youth," a voice came from the river.
I knew immediately who it was: "Old lady? What are you doing in my dream again?"
The voice was from the old lady who helped me find Wang Qian's father's spirit that day. After I said this, a person emerged from the darkness - indeed, it was the old lady.
She looked at me quietly, then pointed in the direction of the river and said, "I wonder if that damned Nie Wei is dead or not. I hope he's dead, it's better for him to stay dead, staying in this world will likely cause more harm. Youth..."
"Um?" I frowned and asked, "What's the matter, old lady?"
The old lady turned to look at me, and suddenly said, "I know where the sinister aura suppressing Long Lan Xiang's body comes from."
Upon hearing this, I suddenly became alert: "Really? Where is it?"
To remove the sinister formation, there is more than one method, if one can identify the source of the sinister aura, the formation can also be removed. Naturally, this news instantly caught my attention.
The old lady nodded and let out a hoarse, elderly laugh, "Under the old pine trees, on the pine needle mountain."
"Old pine trees?" Upon hearing these words, I felt a slight sinking in my heart. These words sounded familiar to me, and a strange feeling rose in my heart: "Where is that?"
The old lady sighed and said, "It's on a mountain outside Lao Wa Town, on a pine needle mountain, there is a hundred-year-old beauty pine, known as the old pine. When you reach there, you'll be able to see the source of the sinister aura."