As I pushed Pangdun to the door, the sun was slowly setting. Once I did that, without hesitation, I turned and hid behind a small tree.
Unable to see me, Pangdun became restless, "Duanmu, where the hell did you go?"
Helplessly, I said, "Keep it down, if I don't hide, how will Chen Ermei dare to come out? If she hears us later, we'll have wasted our efforts tonight."
At this moment, Pangdun was already trembling all over, his eyes darting around incessantly.
I couldn't be bothered with him anymore, this guy Pangdun looked tough on the outside, but in reality, he was quite timid, it was time to toughen him up.
Unknowingly, the sun had gradually disappeared behind the mountain top, and the night swiftly enveloped the earth. Once it got dark, the house became eerie and terrifying, with a cold wind blowing around, and faint, rhythmic footsteps seemed to be coming from inside the house.
Because it was too dark, I could barely see where Pangdun was, but I guessed that this guy was probably scared out of his wits by now. As the time was up, and Pangdun still hadn't moved, I couldn't help but pick up a stone from the ground and threw it hard at him.
As the stone landed and rolled a couple of times, I finally heard Pangdun's trembling voice, "Is there someone in the house? Can I come in?"
After Pangdun's first question, there was still no response from inside the house. He asked again, "Is there someone in the house? Can I come in?"
No response followed the second question either. So, Pangdun said for the third time, "Is there someone in the house? Can I come in?"
Suddenly, after Pangdun said this, there were clear footsteps from behind the door, and then the two pitch-black doors made a knocking sound.
In the darkness, Pangdun's panting suddenly became louder, perhaps this guy was exerting too much force, causing his voice to rise and he let out a couple of loud shouts.
Despite his lingering, Pangdun eventually walked to the door. Just then, the two doors automatically opened with a creak. Inside the house, a hoarse, old and terrifying woman's voice suddenly said, "Who are you?"
I couldn't see anyone, but I heard the old voice.
Pangdun's voice was tinged with a hint of crying, "I, I've come to deliver a letter."
"What letter are you delivering?" the old voice echoed again.
"I've come to deliver her husband's letter to Chen Ermei."
Once Pangdun said this, there was suddenly no sound from inside the house, just the alarming darkness. At this point, Pangdun was supposed to enter the house. However, he stood at the door for a while without moving, hesitating, as if he wanted to back off.
Seeing this, I quickly picked up another piece of rock and threw it at Pangdun again, and only then did he reluctantly walk into the house.
As soon as Pangdun entered the house, the hoarse old woman's voice came from inside again, "The letter carrier, I'll go get Ermei for you."
Then, a series of clear footsteps sounded, and after a few steps, suddenly, one set of footsteps became two sets. At the same time, the voice of another woman rang out: "Messenger, what kind of letter are you delivering?"
Upon hearing this voice, I immediately perked up - it was the voice of Chen Ermei.
Fat Dun continued with his previous answer: "I'm delivering a letter from her husband to Chen Ermei."
"I am Chen Ermei, what does the letter say?" Although Chen Ermei's voice sounded better than the old woman's, it gave off a more eerie and gloomy feeling.
When Chen Ermei asked this question, I secretly felt something was amiss. I had forgotten to inform Fat Dun about some things. Thinking of this, I once again picked up a stone and threw it fiercely at the two doors.
As the stone hit the ground, Fat Dun finally reacted, shouting and rushing out from the doors, running for his life.
At that moment, the voice of the old woman came from inside the house: "Messenger, your chicken has run away."
At the same time, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps in the house, as if someone was chasing after. And a scream from a rooster rang out.
Then came the loud voice of Chen Ermei: "You crazy woman, that's not a chicken, it's a person, quickly catch him for me."
Seeing that the game was up, Fat Dun started crying for help: "Duanmu, help me, save me."
As he yelled, Fat Dun ran towards me. Behind him, an old woman was chasing him incessantly, looking to be around seventy or eighty years old, but running very agilely, even faster than Fat Dun. It was quite an eerie sight.
Seeing this scene, I just smiled faintly. Quietly watching Fat Dun, then suddenly slapped the dog's butt. The black dog, without any hesitation, barked twice and charged towards the old woman chasing Fat Dun.
The old woman, upon seeing the black dog, suddenly stopped, then also cried out in the same hoarse voice: "Dog, dog."
After that, the old woman didn't chase Fat Dun anymore but disappeared into the darkness.
While the old woman was gone, another person appeared. As the old woman and the black dog disappeared into the darkness, suddenly, two white hands appeared on Fat Dun's shoulders.
Then, the voice of Chen Ermei sounded from behind Fat Dun: "Messenger, what exactly is written in the letter? Why are you running?"
Fat Dun almost started crying, stuttering: "I... I really don't know."
Then, Fat Dun started shouting at me: "Duanmu, you - when are you going to do something?"
Hearing Fat Dun's voice, I couldn't help but find it laughable. Helpless, I finally walked out from behind the small tree. Because at this moment, the time was almost right, and I was less than five meters away from Fat Dun.
As I stepped out, Chen Ermei's face immediately turned terrifying: "It's you again? Ruining my plans time and again, why are you always against me?"
I said in a deep voice: "Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you? You kept me up all night last night. And, the paths of the living and the dead are different, the dead should go to where they belong."
"Well, since you can't tolerate me, I won't let you off either. I'll kill him." Suddenly, Chen Ermei squeezed Fat Dun's neck.
Fat Dun immediately burst into tears: "Duanmu, you son of a gun, you said there was no danger."
Seeing Fat Dun like that, I couldn't help but shake my head. Suddenly, I pulled out the Ghost King Summoning Umbrella. As soon as she saw the umbrella, Chen Ermei screamed and let go of Fat Dun, turning to run.
However, just as she ran a few steps, a red rope suddenly appeared around Chen Ermei's neck. And this rope tightly wrapped around Chen Ermei's neck, making her unable to move at all.
At this moment, suddenly, I started to run quickly. I was running around Chen Ermei, and while I was running, the rope around Chen Ermei's neck was also moving non-stop.
First, it bound her hands and body, and finally, it bound her feet. It tied Chen Ermei up like a rice dumpling.
At this time, I stopped and recited, "Ghost King Summoning Umbrella, the path in front of the underworld gate is clear. The ghosts in front of the ghost gate step aside, the evil ghosts are anxious on the Naihe Bridge."