After speaking with a deep voice while looking at the broken window, I kicked Fat Dumpling and then flew out of the window in pursuit of the two guarding spirit children.
As I jumped out of the window, I saw the two guarding spirit children again and couldn't help but snort. I swiftly threw a piece of red string, directly tying it around the neck of one of the guarding spirit children. Then I stopped and let the two guarding spirit children disappear into the night.
At this time, Fat Dumpling jumped out of the window, panting, and looking in the direction the two guarding spirit children had escaped, he said, panting, "Duan, Duanmu, why did you let them escape?"
I continued to stare in the direction the two guarding spirit children had fled, and said softly, "Isn't it perfect?"
Fat Dumpling widened his eyes, "Why?"
I smiled and said, "They are just two bereaved dogs. After being beaten, naturally, they will go to find their master. Isn't this just leading the way for us?"
"Oh?" Fat Dumpling was dumbfounded, "I get it, I get it."
I ignored Fat Dumpling and started searching the ground.
The red string I had wrapped around the guarding spirit child's neck earlier was no longer the kind of red string I used to tie up Chen Ermei. This red string had a strong attacking power. Little ghosts with weak grudges would be instantly scattered when entangled by this kind of red string.
As for the guarding spirit child I just tied the red string around, although his grudge was strong, I estimated he could only hold on for a few minutes at most. After a few minutes, his fate would still be dispersion.
However, I tied the red string around his neck not for this reason, but to let him lead the way for me.
Because when the red string was tied around the guarding spirit child's neck, it would attack the guardian spirit child, leaving behind a heavy grudge where the guardian spirit child ran through. Following this grudge, I could find the guarding spirit child again.
Sure enough, I immediately found the grudge left by the guarding spirit child when I thought about it. I raised my head and said to Fat Dumpling, "Is he dead? If not, hurry up and catch up."
With that, I quickly walked ahead. Fat Dumpling ran up obediently and asked, "Duanmu, it's fine to leave Wang Qian and the others there, right?"
I glanced at Fat Dumpling, "Why are you worried, it's just a bit heavy with grudge and Yin energy in that house, it won't cost them their lives. You should worry about yourself. I guess Nie Wei should be nearby, but I can't say for sure if I can save you when we meet him."
"Damn." Upon hearing that, Fat Dumpling immediately cursed, "Then forget it, I'd better stay with them."
"As you wish," I said and ignored Fat Dumpling, then hastened my pace. Eventually, Fat Dumpling reluctantly caught up.
As we proceeded, the grudge left by the guarding spirit child on the ground became more apparent. This was because the grudge on the guarding spirit child was getting weaker, making it increasingly difficult for him to resist the red string, thus leaving behind more grudge.
I estimated that the guarding spirit child could hardly hold on much longer.
Unconsciously, we had already gone very far from Wang Qian's house, and before we knew it, we had come to the riverside.
At that moment, I felt a sense of unease. Because in the distance, we heard a tragic scream. Extremely piercing, hollow, and pale, yet it gave a clear feeling of pain.
"It's Long Lanxiang." I immediately recognized the voice.
"Long Lanxiang?" Pang Dun ran up to me and clenched his teeth tightly, "Damn it, could it be that Nie Wei is causing trouble? This Nie Wei is absolutely insane."
As he spoke, I immediately started running. Not far from there, I saw the guardian spirit child that had been completely eradicated by the red string. The guardian spirit child entangled by the red string was nowhere to be seen, leaving only a roll of red string on the ground.
I picked up the red string and looked up, my heart sank. Just not far from us, there was a person standing. He was holding a bamboo pole with a spirit-summoning flag attached to it. At the moment, he was holding the bamboo pole and standing straight.
And underneath the spirit-summoning flag, Long Lanxiang was struggling and screaming miserably. The voice was too tragic and desolate, but the person holding the bamboo pole remained unmoved, quietly watching Long Lanxiang entangled by the spirit-summoning flag.
"Nie Wei, I have no grudge against you, yet you have caused the destruction of my family for your own selfish gain. Even after death, you still want to confine my soul and suppress my body. You and I can never coexist!" Long Lanxiang struggled desperately, but she couldn't free herself from the spirit-summoning flag.
"Nie Wei, is this person Nie Wei?" At this moment, Pang Dun suddenly clenched his fists, his face and neck turning red.
Suddenly, Pang Dun bent down and picked up a stone from the ground, then roared and charged towards Nie Wei, "Nie Wei, you finally showed up? After committing so many evil deeds, I'm here to teach you a lesson."
As Pang Dun roared, he charged towards Nie Wei while carrying the stone. But Nie Wei seemed to have known we were there, he didn't even turn his head when he heard Pang Dun's shout, just pointed his finger at Pang Dun casually.
Suddenly, the guardian spirit child, who was not dead, pounced on Pang Dun and tried to bite him.
Although Pang Dun had a strong physical strength, he was just an ordinary person, how could he possibly defend against the attacks of the guardian spirit child?
With such a pounce, Pang Dun fell to the ground. Despite struggling desperately, it was in vain. At this moment, the guardian spirit child opened its mouth and aimed for Pang Dun's neck.
Seeing this, Pang Dun's expression instantly froze, thinking he was about to die.
However, just as the guardian spirit child was about to bite Pang Dun's neck, suddenly, an ancient bronze coin flew into the mouth of the guardian spirit child.
Originally, the guardian spirit child was about to bite Pang Dun's neck, but before it could, the guardian spirit child's mouth closed instantly, and then it jumped off Pang Dun and began to struggle on the ground, eventually dissipating in an instant.
At this moment, the man holding the spirit-summoning flag finally showed a slight change in expression, then looked at the sinking, looked at me next.
It was the ancient bronze coin that I had shot out.
"I thought who it was, turns out it's you. It's you who took away my soul-revealing claw and ruined my ancient tomb site?" He looked at me coldly and said.
Hearing his voice, I smiled faintly, and didn't rush to answer, instead, I looked at this person. He was in his fifties, and looked really too ordinary, as if he were just a street tramp. In any case, I couldn't connect him with the heinous Nie Wei.
"It was you who buried the soul-revealing claw in the river, and used foul Yin to suppress Long Lanxiang's body? Making the whole Laowatown so gloomy?" I also looked at Nie Wei coldly, without backing down.
Suddenly, Nie Wei smiled, his smile was very bright. But in an instant, his smile suddenly froze, and then turned into a ferocious expression, "Yes, it was me. I just want this woman to never rest in peace, I want her to suffer forever. Do you like to meddle in other people's business? I'll make you regret it."
As he spoke, Nie Wei suddenly took out a thumb-sized yellow paper ball from his pocket and threw it towards Long Lanxiang. Long Lanxiang immediately let out an even more miserable scream than before, followed by a bang, as if her soul was about to flee.
When the paper ball was thrown at Long Lanxiang, it immediately burst into flames. As the paper burned, all the foul yin inside was released, enveloping Long Lanxiang.
Enveloped in foul yin, it was as if she was engulfed in flames. At this point, Long Lanxiang was restrained by the Summoning Flag and unable to escape, only able to howl and struggle constantly.
Seeing this situation, I couldn't help but grit my teeth and took out a small sword from the bag, angrily shouting at Nie Wei, "Nie Wei, you have done too much evil, stop it, this is your last chance."
"Stop?" Nie Wei snorted coldly, "You really are just a brat, what does 'stop' mean? These two words don't exist in my dictionary."
As he spoke, Nie Wei's face once again became ferocious, and he even grabbed more yellow paper balls and threw them at Long Lanxiang. When the paper balls hit Long Lanxiang, her screams turned into wails, as she was entwined with foul yin, and her body began to emit scattered starry elements.
These were soul elements, as Long Lanxiang's soul was dispersing and turning into soul elements.
Seeing Nie Wei so unrestrained and malicious, my heart sank again and plunged into the water. The small sword in my hand had already been raised slightly, and suddenly, I started walking towards Nie Wei. Holding the small sword, I swiftly slashed at the Summoning Flag.
The reason why the Summoning Flag could summon souls was because it had summoning charms on it, as long as the charms were broken, the Summoning Flag would lose its effect, and Long Lanxiang could escape.
However, Nie Wei easily evaded my attack. After all, my actions were too obvious. Dodging the small sword in my hand, Nie Wei let out a cold laugh. "Is that all you've got, brat?"
Hearing Nie Wei's laugh, I didn't respond, but instead continued to walk a few steps towards Nie Wei, suddenly reaching out with my other hand and striking directly at Nie Wei's head.
Due to the sudden attack, Nie Wei did not evade. And when the object in my hand struck Nie Wei's head, it burst open, and a pile of transparent but foul-smelling liquid splattered all over Nie Wei's face, like rotten eggs.
Hit by this rotten egg-like substance, Nie Wei's expression changed slightly, and he began to get angry, "You damn brat, I didn't want to use it, but you shouldn't push your luck."
I paid no attention to Nie Wei, and as he backed away, I continued to walk towards him, and with a swift kick, I knocked Nie Wei to the ground. At the same time, the Summoning Flag in Nie Wei's hand finally fell. I caught it and swiftly slashed it, causing the Summoning Flag to be immediately shattered, and Long Lanxiang, who was already exhausted, finally freed herself from the control of the Summoning Flag.
"Let's go, get into the water," I shouted at Long Lanxiang. With a pained expression, Long Lanxiang nodded and gratefully looked at me, then with a splash, she jumped into the water.
At that moment, Nie Wei had already stood up. Suddenly, he untied a package from his pocket, let out a roar, tore open the package, and then threw it at me, "You meddlesome brat, today you will taste the price of meddling."
As the package flew through the air, several pale, ghostly arms and a huge resented energy suddenly reached out. Obviously, the package contained something unpleasant.
As the package flew towards me and something crawled out from inside, I tightened my grip on the small sword and without hesitation swung it at the package. However, the small sword was not sharp, and as it struck, the package just deviated from its trajectory, completely unscathed.
Finally, the package landed, and four or five guarding spirits quickly climbed out. Moreover, the guarding spirits that crawled out of the package were even more intensely resentful than the two I had seen at Wang Qian's house, and their appearances were even more ferocious.
As the five guarding spirits climbed out and pounced towards me, I ignored them completely and instead stared motionlessly at Nie Wei.
Suddenly, I recited a spell: "Money flows, souls arrive, take two steps, and gold fills up."
This was a soul-searching spell, the one I had called on the old lady that day. But at this moment, it wasn't just a regular soul-searching spell, it had become an apparition-summoning spell. If a soul-searching spell is recited using paper money or coins, it remains just that – a soul-searching spell.
However, what I used at this moment was not paper money, but a kind of resentment that the ghosts and spirits loved. So the soul-searching spell was no longer a soul-searching spell, but had become an apparition-summoning spell.
What was the difference between an apparition-summoning spell and a soul-searching spell? Just from the literal meaning, it was clear: a soul-searching spell merely searches for wandering spirits and ghosts within a hundred meters, but an apparition-summoning spell draws them over, and not only does it attract wandering spirits, but it also attracts malevolent spirits.
As I recited this spell, the five guarding spirits, which had originally been prepared to attack me, suddenly stopped attacking and instead turned their heads and ran towards Nie Wei.
Seeing this scene, Nie Wei's face changed drastically, and he started to step back, glaring fiercely at the little guarding spirit, saying, "What are you small animals doing? Are you preparing to devour the master?"
I coldly snorted, "You guessed it right. Carefully feel what's on top of your head."
Hearing this, Nie Wei reached up to touch his head, and suddenly shuddered all over, his face changing dramatically, "You slyly cursed me?"
"Hehe," I sneered, silently watching Nie Wei without saying another word. I had approached Nie Wei not without reason. In fact, just now, I had already done something to him.
It was that smelly egg-like thing just now. This was not an ordinary smelly egg, but the belly of a toad. And the smelly liquid inside was not egg liquid, but the accumulated corpse water I had collected over the years.
The so-called corpse water is the lingering resentment of the dead body, and when a body is laid to rest, some drops of water may appear on the coffin. These drops contain the resentment of the deceased, and it's precisely this corpse water that ghosts and spirits love the most.
At this moment, Nie Wei finally realized what was happening. His face, initially full of malice, became somewhat terrified, and he looked fiercely at me, suddenly pulling out many wrinkled yellow papers from his body and shouting angrily at the guarding spirits.
"I have always treated you well, and yet just a little bit of corpse water has led you to betray me. Since that's the case, there's no need for you to stay." Saying this, Nie Wei threw those yellow papers at the guarding spirits.
As a result, several of the guarding spirits immediately wailed. Among them, three of them had already dispersed, and the remaining two guarding spirits suddenly pounced on Nie Wei, biting into his neck.
Seeing this scene, I was surprised. These five guarding spirits were indeed Nie Wei's special skill, quite powerful.
At this moment, Nie Wei let out a scream as blood began to flow from his neck, soaking his clothes in blood. At the same time, the other two guarding spirits were eventually defeated by Nie Wei. Lifting his head, Nie Wei looked at me with resentment, gritting his teeth, "I will make you pay for today's humiliation."
"Really? You can talk about it surviving today." I chuckled and looked behind Nie Wei.
At this point, behind Nie Wei, several ghosts had been attracted by a curse, and they were now staring at Nie Wei and pouncing on him. Nie Wei had nowhere to retreat.
"Ah." Suddenly, Nie Wei shouted and ran towards the river without caring, shouting, "If I don't die today, within ten days, I will come back and exterminate the whole Old Wa Town for your actions..."
With a splash, Nie Wei jumped into the river.