Back in town, we didn't go directly to the filthy Yin formation to suppress Long Lanxiang's body, but first called and informed Zhu Jie and Wu Bei's families, and sent Wang Qian back home, telling them the reason why Zhu Jie and the others had fainted.
Before long, after the parents heard the news, they came one after another. They did not doubt the explanations given by me and Fat Dun, and expressed their understanding and gratitude. "So that's how it is, thank you for bringing him back."
Seeing that their parents could understand me and Fat Dun, and even expressed gratitude, I and Fat Dun were also relieved. "It's okay, we are all classmates, of course we wouldn't let anything happen to them."
However, a few parents were a bit annoying. It was none other than Wu Bei's parents. This Wu Bei had a rather arrogant and conceited personality, and it seemed that his parents were the same.
After receiving the call from me and Fat Dun, Wu Bei's parents arrived soon. However, seeing their son unconscious and on the verge of death, the two of them came over and actually pushed me and Fat Dun as if we had done something to their son, and immediately started to speak harshly.
"Tell me, what's wrong with my son? What have you two done to him?" Wu Bei's father glared at me and Fat Dun, using coarse language.
At this point, Fat Dun was immediately angry, "What kind of talk is that? Your son is on his last breath, and we brought him back. If we hadn't brought him back, he would have died on the mountain long ago. Instead of thanking us, you come and bark at us?"
"Who's barking? Who's barking?" At this time, Wu Bei's mother also came up, angrily looking at Fat Dun. "What kind of child has been raised from which family, so uncouth? How can you speak like that?"
Hearing their conversation, I felt a bit helpless. Originally, Fat Dun wanted to retaliate, but I suddenly grabbed his arm and shook my head, "Let's go, what's the point of arguing with such people? Don't you think it's a waste of breath?"
After hearing my words, Fat Dun closed his mouth and looked at Wu Bei's parents fiercely, "Right, your son has no manners, and even his parents don't have any manners. Speaking to people like this, it's dirtying my mouth."
"Hey, these two kids are interesting, they're quite bold, aren't they? Stop and try?" Seeing me pulling Fat Dun to leave, Fat Dun's father actually picked up a stick from the ground, rolled up his sleeves, and made as if he was going to fight.
Ignoring him, I continued to pull Fat Dun and walked away without turning back. Suddenly, I took out a summoning symbol from my bag, and began to chant a spell: "The night is dark, the Yin wind is blowing, the wandering souls are flying, and the evil spirits are restless."
As I chanted the spell, with my back facing Wu Bei's parents, I threw the symbol into the sky. Subsequently, the symbol caught fire. At that moment, a strong wind blew on the street, causing the streetlights to flicker incessantly. The wind howled, and occasional figures floated by, making mournful cries.
"Ah." Wu Bei's parents originally intended to come and beat us, but when they saw this scene, they immediately let out a loud cry of fear, then squatted on the ground.
At this moment, with my back to the two of them, I said coldly, "With this amount of time, you should spend it with your precious son. Your precious son is about to go meet the King of Hell. If you don't spend more time with him now, you won't have the chance in the future."
After saying this, I left with Pang Dun's head without looking back. I heard the shocked cries from the two people behind me, "Young man, what do you mean by those words? What happened to my son?"
I ignored them and continued walking. Before long, I couldn't see Wu Bei's family at all. Pang Dun and I finally stopped and sat on a wooden chair at the side of the street.
Pang Dun was still somewhat angry, "It's really satisfying. Duan Mu, it seems like you have a way. As for Wu Bei's parents, I've never seen people like that. I worked hard to carry their son back, but instead of thanking me, they scolded me. What kind of people are they? No wonder they raised a son like Wu Bei."
I glanced at Pang Dun and said, "They're gone, why are you still going on and on here."
Pang Dun, feeling embarrassed, rubbed his head and said, "By the way, what if they come looking for trouble?"
I shook my head, "Don't worry, they won't cause trouble for us, but they might come to ask for my help."
As we spoke, I had also rested enough, so I stood up and said, "Let's go and take a look at the foul Yin formation."
"Okay," Pang Dun nodded and followed.
At this moment, I was really a bit tired, after all, when we came back, Pang Dun and I were both carrying two people. But although tired, we couldn't afford to delay. Taking advantage of the quiet of the night, we had to go and see the foul Yin formation first. Maybe we had to run through the streets carrying the body of Long Lanxiang later.
Before long, Pang Dun and I came to the front of the building where the foul Yin formation was located. Looking up, the house was pitch black, but the oppressive feeling coming from inside the house had already reduced considerably.
Feeling relieved, I pushed open the rusty iron gate and then came to the front door. After shining a flashlight into the window, I directly pushed the door open.
"Phew." Taking a deep breath, I said, "Well, the foul Yin has disappeared."
Hearing this, Pang Dun also stretched his neck to look inside the house, joy appearing on his face, "Yes."
"What nonsense." I glanced at Pang Dun and said, "You've never been here, so stop meddling."
"Not being here doesn't mean I can't guess, right?" Pang Dun glared at me fiercely, "Didn't you say earlier that the foul Yin here is even stronger than at the old pine wood?"
"Alright, alright," I said helplessly, "Pang Dun, if you like to meddle so much, I'll leave the body of Long Lanxiang to you later."
With that, I went into the house first. After shining the flashlight, I immediately saw a body sitting quietly on a chair not far away.
The body was still wearing clothes from ten years ago, not as bright as today's clothes, but very decent, still perfectly showcasing the woman's figure. Especially, the woman looked like she was just sleeping, with her eyes closed and too-pale cheeks, looking more like a woman of European descent. Her long hair draped over her shoulders, and her delicate face was almost perfect.
This woman was very beautiful, definitely surpassing Wang Qian and Wang Ying.
I hadn't paid much attention when I first came, but now, looking carefully, I found myself somewhat fascinated.
"Is this Long Lanxiang?" Pang Dun was dumbfounded.
I nodded, "Yes, it's Long Lanxiang."
"So beautiful, I've never seen such a beautiful woman in the town. And, where's the body? It clearly looks like she's just asleep," Pang Dun said incredulously.
Pang Dun showed a fascinated expression and slowly walked towards Long Lan Xiang's body, as if trying to reach out and touch her face.
However, when Pang Dun was less than half a meter away from Long Lan Xiang, suddenly there was a cracking sound, and the clothes on Long Lan Xiang's body turned into powder inch by inch. Long Lan Xiang's body also quickly began to decay, turning into a pile of white bones in the blink of an eye.
Pang Dun's hand instantly stiffened in mid-air, filled with reluctance. I walked over and patted Pang Dun's shoulder, saying, "No matter how beautiful a woman is, after death, it all ends up the same, just a pile of white bones. Long Lan Xiang died ten years ago, you shouldn't feel so attached."
As I spoke, I pointed to the white bones on the ground and said, "Pick them up, let's bury Long Lan Xiang's remains, and that river will be completely calm in the future."
"Okay," Pang Dun nodded, bending down to pick up the white bones.