Pangdun’s eyes were wide open as he foolishly looked at Nie Wei and said, "How the hell is this bastard not dead?"
"Not right." At this moment, I felt something off about this Nie Wei.
I saw Nie Wei standing motionless in the darkness not far away, his face pale and his body covered in blood. But his expression had not changed at all, as if he were a wooden puppet.
Looking at him, it gave a very eerie feeling.
"What's wrong?" Pangdun looked puzzled and asked.
I ignored Pangdun and instead took out two copper coins, covered my eyes, and began reciting a spell: "Supreme underworld vision opens, reconciling the two realms of yin and yang. No place for ghosts and monsters to escape, all demons and specters reveal their true form."
As the incantation was uttered, the scene before me changed drastically. Nie Wei, who stood still, suddenly turned into a piece of clothing.
Without hesitation, I flung a copper coin directly at the clothing. In an instant, the clothing slipped to the ground.
"What's this." Seeing a living person turn into a piece of clothing, Pangdun was instantly dumbfounded: "What the hell is going on?"
I looked at Pangdun speechlessly and said, "Why are you making a fuss? It's just a simple and crude trick."
Saying that, I walked straight toward the clothing. I shone the flashlight on it, and it was indeed Nie Wei's clothing, the same one he was wearing before jumping into the river, covered with blood and filled with densely written words.
"Hmm?" I furrowed my brow slightly and picked up the clothing. Taking a closer look, I was once again stunned.
The clothing was indeed covered with blood-written words, emitting a strong stench of blood. But what surprised me was not the blood-written words, but the content of these words.
"I'm back, didn't expect that, I’m incredibly lucky, can't die. I said, if I don't die, I will come back to massacre the town within ten days, and I keep my word.
Originally, I would mind my own business, and you yours, not interfering with each other. But you kept pushing me step by step, forcing me to this point today. So, I’ll let you see what cruelty is.
You want to help Long Lanxiang? Think my methods towards her were too cruel? But where were you righteous people when she killed my entire family? I hate people like you the most in my life.
I want you to pay the price.
This is the entire content of the blood-written words on the clothing, not complicated, but each word was written in blood and very brutal, shocking to see.
"Wait." I looked at the blood-written clothing in amazement: "Nie Wei said his whole family was killed by Long Lanxiang?"
Seeing this, I couldn't help but release the clothing from my hands and stood up, saying in a deep voice, "It looks like things are getting more and more complicated. Interesting, really interesting."
Pang Duan looked at me with surprise and suspicion, and said, "Duan Mu, what's going on? How come Nie Wei has turned into a harmful person again at Long Lanxiang?"
I shook my head gently and said, "I really don't understand the grudges between them, but what Nie Wei said is indeed possible. Think about it, Wang Qian's father and that Mr. Li have both said that Nie Wei used to be a very disciplined person, and then his temperament changed. He couldn't have had such a drastic change for no reason, right?"
"Hmm," Pang Duan nodded. "So, what really happened to Nie Wei?"
I said, "Also, we just discovered that Long Lanxiang is also a member of the Daoist sect. It wouldn't be difficult for her to harm others. It seems that the entanglement between them runs deep."
"Phew," I breathed a sigh of relief and said to Pang Duan, "Let's go, back to school."
With that, I silently glanced at the blood-stained clothes, intending to pick them up, but decided against it. Since Nie Wei is planning to come back for revenge, he definitely won't make a rookie mistake again, so it would be up to me to find him using the Paper Butterfly technique.
"Oh," Pang Duan replied to my voice, following me somewhat awkwardly. I glanced at him and asked, "What's wrong?"
Pang Duan looked innocently and said, "I'm thinking, what if Nie Wei really causes a massacre? My parents and grandparents are in the town, and your uncle is also in the town. Although our Old Wa Town is not big, there are still thousands of people here."
"Heh," I sneered. "With me and my uncle here, do you think something like that would happen?"
"But what if?" Pang Duan hesitated. "But if something really happens, what should I do? Should I make them leave the town first?"
I snorted and said, "So, you don't trust me, huh? I've said it, with me and my uncle here, the insignificant Nie Wei won't dare to be arrogant. Don't worry, no matter what the grudge is between Nie Wei and Long Lanxiang, or who the real victim is, I only know that if someone dares to cause trouble in our small town, I will annihilate them."
"Alright," Pang Duan finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Then I can rest assured."
I didn't pay any more attention to Pang Duan, and went straight back the way we came. Soon, we returned to the intersection, and without hesitation, I turned and headed towards the school.
"Duan Mu," at this moment, Pang Duan stopped me. "Shouldn't you go back and tell your uncle that Nie Wei is not dead?"
I stopped and shook my head gently. "No, I can't tell my uncle. He's not in good health, and I don't want him to worry."
Speaking of this, I also felt a pang in my heart, and vague memories of the events in the Duan family village ten years ago flashed through my mind. Ten years had passed, and my uncle had become a burden on my conscience. My life was exchanged for my uncle's, and what he lost, was even more precious than life itself.
I didn't pay any more attention to Pang Duan, and went straight towards the school. Finally, dragging my weary body, I returned to bed and fell asleep until dawn.
The next day, Wang Qian didn't come to class. It was said that Zhu Jie, Wu Bei, and Wu Bei's classmate also didn't come to class. Obviously, their condition might not be very good. I was a little worried about Wang Qian, so I asked Pang Duan to call and check on her. Fortunately, Wang Qian had woken up, but she was a bit weak.
After hanging up the phone, Pang Duan also breathed a sigh of relief, and said to me, "Thank goodness, everyone is okay."
"Hmm," I nodded. "With my uncle there, the negative energy on Wang Qian is a minor issue."
"Oh," Pang Duan looked relaxed, "Where are we going now?"
"To eat," I said suddenly.
"Really?" Pang Duan grabbed me. "Aren't you going to take care of Nie Wei's matter?"
I looked at Pang Duan speechlessly and said, "Of course, isn't that what I'm doing? But we should at least have a good meal first, right?"
With that, Pang Duan and I left the classroom and went straight to the cafeteria. Unfortunately, neither of us had much money, so we couldn't afford to eat out every day.
But who knew, as soon as we walked out of the classroom, there were two people standing at the door as if they had been waiting for us for a long time, and they came up to us as soon as they saw us.
"Young man, you've finally come out. They said you're in this class." The two of them hurriedly said.
Seeing the two of them, I couldn't help but frown. These two people were none other than Wu Bei's parents.
"Ha, Duan Mu, your words really came true. They found us so quickly." Fat Dumpling looked at the two of them with satisfaction.
Upon hearing Fat Dumpling's words, the two didn't pay attention to him but continued staring at me and said, "Young man, can you please help us? Our son, Wu Bei..."
"Don't help." Before they could finish speaking, I cut them off with two words and turned around and walked away.