This desperate howl caused a sudden gust of wind by the small river. At this moment, my gaze was still firmly fixed on Long Lanxiang, without moving an inch. In my hand, I had already taken out another sealing corpse talisman.
Ghost with such great resentment as Long Lanxiang is difficult to tame. So, to deal with such a fierce ghost, there can be no pity or indulgence.
After taking out this talisman, I paused for a moment and, seeing that Long Lanxiang showed no sign of surrender, I began reciting the spell again: Seal the corpse, seal the door, no way for ghosts and humans, countless ghosts complaining, evil spirits shouting grievances.
The sealing corpse talisman burned, and Long Lanxiang's screams suddenly stopped. At this moment, Wang Qian was trembling all over, clinging to my arm.
Although Long Lanxiang's voice stopped, it was not because the sealing corpse talisman had lost its effect. It was because she had been in so much pain that she couldn't make a sound. At this moment, Long Lanxiang looked completely like a person with epilepsy, lying on the riverbank shaking violently, making sounds akin to vomiting.
"Duan Mu, Duan Mu, what's happening to her?" Wang Qian, who was scared to death, asked.
I couldn't help but shake my head: "She still refuses to surrender, her grudge is exceptionally strong. If she doesn't surrender, two more sealing corpse talismans, and her spirit will be scattered."
“What?” Wang Qian's eyes suddenly flickered: "I really don't know what's going on with this Long Lanxiang, why is she so stubborn?"
"Uh." I nodded, my gaze once again focusing on Long Lanxiang, and suddenly said coldly, "When a person dies, it's like a light extinguishing. No matter how you struggle, it will be of no use, only bringing endless pain. I advise you to let go."
At this moment, Long Lanxiang trembled all over and suddenly looked at me. Suddenly, her hand reached out heavily from the river, and she made a hoarse and terrifying sound: "I...I admit defeat."
"Uh?" Hearing this, I felt relieved and hurriedly walked over to ignite the white paper hung in the daytime.
There were indeed runes on the white paper, but before the white paper was burned, the runes' effect was very weak, so when I used the corpse-sealing charm, Long Lanxiang still suffered. However, as soon as the white paper was ignited, the runes on it could immediately resist the power of two or three corpse-sealing charms.
However, it was only able to resist two or three corpse-sealing charms, and there were enough of them to torture Long Lanxiang.
As the corpse-sealing charm burned, Long Lanxiang indeed screamed, but it was clearly not as painful as before. She stood up and silently knelt in front of me.
I gazed at her, her pale face was already buried in her chest: "I beg for mercy, I admit defeat, you win, I only ask for you to spare my life."
"Spare your life?" I frowned slightly, "Do you know how much evil you have done? You are already dead, and the dead should not stay here. How can I spare your life?"
"Master," Long Lanxiang raised her head in pain, "I was wronged in death and my soul was suppressed. I can't leave this river or reincarnate. I have lingering resentment, which is why I kept others who drowned in this river as my company. Although I have made mistakes, I have never harmed anyone, so why must you condemn me to death?"
"Bold." I roared, "You have committed many sins, yet you dare to talk nonsense here. You claim to have never harmed anyone? I saw you almost harm someone that day, and I even saw Li Gui drown in this river in the daytime. And now you tell me you never harmed anyone?"
Facing my roar, Long Lanxiang remained indifferent, and instead let out a sharp and piercing laugh. In vain, she said again, "I really have never harmed anyone, believe it or not. When I said I would make you pay that day, it was just to scare you. Li Gui's death has nothing to do with me, he committed suicide by jumping into the river himself. The person in the daytime had nothing to do with me, a big snake entangled his legs in the water."
"Uh?" When I heard this, I was suddenly astonished, "Are you trying to deceive me?"
Long Lanxiang coldly said again, "I've said it, believe it or not. I have only one request, spare my life, I want to keep this ghostly existence to take revenge on my enemies, and I will agree to all of your other requests."
I furrowed my brow and pondered, "Who is your enemy?"
Long Lanxiang suddenly raised her head, and blood began to flow from her eyes: "His name is Nie Wei. He turned me into my current state, suppressed my body, and caused the tragic death of my family. I want to seek revenge on him, I want to seek revenge on him."
"Nie Wei?" I pronounced the name, a name I had never heard of before, nor had I heard this name in the old town. "Who is he exactly?"
Suddenly, Long Lanxiang's eyes began to bleed more intensely, and her speaking voice had turned into a teeth-clenched and angry roar, showing how much she hated Nie Wei: "He was the vice principal of the old town middle school, and he used his power to oppress and humiliate me in the middle school. I want to eat his flesh and drink his blood."
"Huh? The vice principal of the school, why have I never heard of this person?" I suddenly asked, "What exactly happened, and how was it that he caused your death?"
Long Lanxiang's voice had become hoarse: "He forced me, using his position as vice principal to pressure me. He pushed me to the point where I couldn't live, to the point where I had no way out, and in the end, I jumped into the river and killed myself."
"This beast..." Suddenly, Long Lanxiang became agitated again. But before she finished speaking, her face suddenly twisted into a ball, and her features were no longer discernible.
It was an expression of extreme pain, as if life was no longer bearable. I furrowed my brow, "What's wrong, what happened to you?"
But Long Lanxiang could no longer speak, she suddenly looked at me, blood tears streaming from her eyes. At the same time, I only then noticed that something had flown behind Long Lanxiang at some point, and like a claw, tightly grabbed Long Lanxiang.
And then, with a sudden sound, Long Lanxiang was pulled back into the water.
I stood up in surprise and hurried to the water's edge, but Long Lanxiang's figure was nowhere to be seen in the water.
"Soul searching claws?"
"What?" At this time, Wang Qian trembled as she walked to my side, her face pale, looking at the water.
I shook my head gently. "It is a soul searching claw, I definitely did not see it wrong. Someone set up a soul searching claw in this river, capturing the soul of Long Lanxiang in this small river. This person really employs sinister methods, first using the impure Yin array to secure Long Lanxiang's body, then using the soul searching claw to capture her soul. Haha, I am really curious about what this person is up to."