Wang Ying's laughter was so wilful and brazen, but I wasn't angry. I've seen many people like her over the years, and the fact is, people like her will only reap what they sow in the end.
Looking at Wang Ying, I remained silent for a long time before finally saying, "Fine, you said it. But when Chen Ermei comes looking for you, remember not to come looking for me again."
The moment I mentioned Chen Ermei, Wang Ying's laughter abruptly stopped, and her face turned white, "What did you say? Didn't you just say everything was fine earlier?"
"Heh," I smiled, "Was I not clear enough? Are you joking? When did I say everything was fine? Don't I know my own words? I said temporarily there's no problem."
After saying this, I gave Wang Ying a cold look and headed towards the classroom. The bell for class had just rung; it was time for evening self-study.
At that moment, Wang Ying suddenly embraced me from behind, "Duanmu, don't go. I was wrong, can't you forgive me? Help me."
"Let go," I pushed Wang Ying aside and continued walking.
Wang Ying suddenly rushed up and hugged me tightly, "Duanmu, this time I'm serious. I promise to take your second uncle back to China, no, I promise to have my father take your second uncle to see the best international experts, and make sure to cure your second uncle's illness."
"I told you to let go," I roared, pushing Wang Ying aside and walking a few steps to the classroom door. Behind me, Wang Ying shouted, but I felt no sympathy listening to her cries; instead, I felt a sense of pity.
There's a saying: "The pitiful person is also deserving of scorn." It probably refers to someone like her.
After returning to the classroom, I couldn't hear Wang Ying's voice at all. That night, Wang Ying didn't come to the evening self-study. And she didn't come to class for the next few days either. Later I heard that she had gone to another place, probably to be with someone else, but it had nothing to do with me.
As for this person, although I felt endless sympathy, I knew I was powerless. I had given her a chance, but she hadn't cherished it. Without Wang Ying, there was nothing missing in the classroom for me, and my days remained calm and peaceful.
But, how could this kind of calm and peace last? Just because of Wang Ying, I had already provoked Chen Er Mei. I knew her temperament very well. If she didn't want to make my life difficult, how could she possibly give up?
However, I didn't let it bother me. When the bell rang for class, I went to the classroom. In the class, I was just an extremely ordinary one among the 58 students, neither mischievous nor outstanding. The only thing that made me a bit noticeable was probably because I sat next to Pang Dun.
In the class, this guy, Pang Dun, was really a star-like figure, both the focus of the teachers and the classmates.
But at the moment, something was a bit different. I didn't know what was going on, but as soon as I walked into the classroom, I always felt that people in the classroom were looking at me intentionally or unintentionally. And, the majority of those looking at me were girls?
Seeing this situation, I hesitated for a while, didn't think about it much, and hurried to my desk. But who knew, before I reached my desk, I was suddenly stopped by a beautiful, gentle-looking girl. Before I could figure out what was going on, she questioned me.
"Duàn Mù, why didn't you come with Wang Ying? What have you done to her? Tell me."
I naturally knew the person speaking. Her name was Wang Qian, the monitor of our class. She had the same surname as Wang Ying, and they were probably from the same place, so they were usually close.
Hearing her question, I couldn't help but feel helpless. "Monitor Wang, are you mistaken? Wang Ying is a wealthy young lady. How could I even dare to do anything to her?"
Wang Qian looked very serious, "But, we clearly saw you with Wang Ying in the small grove just now, and she looked very upset. Don't tell me you don't know what happened."
I shrugged helplessly, "I really don't know what happened, how would I know how she is doing?"
With that, I gently pushed Wang Qian aside and returned to my seat. Behind me, Wang Qian seemed a little annoyed, staring at me for a while before finally returning to her seat in frustration.
Just as I sat down, Pang Dun, this kid, suddenly came over with a lecherous smile, "Duàn Mù, I never would have guessed, you're quite something."
I looked at him in confusion, "What do you mean?"
Pang Dun gave me a teasing look, "Don't pretend with me. Good luck, once you have Wang Ying in your hands, you can live a good life in the future."
I was stunned, "You're talking nonsense. If you talk nonsense again, I'll make sure you see ghosts tonight."
Pang Dun's face turned ugly, "How is it nonsense? Everyone in the class is saying that. They all saw you and her just now in the small grove."
"I..." I was speechless for a moment. It turned out that was the reason why everyone was looking at me that way when I entered. Suddenly I said, "If you talk nonsense again, I won't help you pursue Wang Er Ya."
Wang Er Ya was also a girl in our class, a 120-pound chubby girl. But to be honest, although Wang Er Ya was chubby, her face was actually quite good-looking. Pang Dun was obsessed with her, but Wang Er Ya didn't like Pang Dun at all.
After hearing this, Pang Dun finally shut up. Suddenly, I said, "By the way, come with me somewhere tomorrow."
Pang Dun immediately became interested, "Where to? Is it to help me pursue Wang Er Ya?"
I glared at him, "All you have in your mind is Wang Er Ya. I don't have time for that. Tomorrow I'll take you to do something special, and you'll see then."
Nothing else happened in class. After evening self-study, Pang Dun and I went back to the dorm to sleep. But this night was really disturbing, Chen Er Mei really came looking for trouble. However, perhaps she was also a little afraid of me, Chen Er Mei didn't dare to appear in front of me openly, but there were various movements all night.
At times, I would wake up and see Chen Er Mei standing in front of my bed, ready to grab my neck. At other times, I would look out the window and see Chen Er Mei walking by. But I was used to these things and didn't pay any attention to them.
The next afternoon came in a blink of an eye. As soon as class ended, I dragged Pang Dun away from the school. Before long, we arrived in front of a desolate house in Lao Wa Town. Pang Dun's face immediately turned ugly when he saw the house, "Duan Mu, what are we doing here?"
I replied in a low voice, "Do you still remember Chen Ermei?"
Pang Dun immediately nodded, "Of course I remember. Chen Ermei's death was terrible, one corpse and two lives."
In fact, it was not only Chen Ermei who died tragically, but also her husband and mother-in-law who had a bad end. After Chen Ermei committed suicide by jumping into the water, her mother-in-law ultimately died a horrific death in her own home. It was clear that her mother-in-law was killed by Chen Ermei.
After Chen Ermei and her mother-in-law died, Chen Ermei's husband, out of fear, left the town and disappeared without a trace, alive or dead. Therefore, Chen Ermei's house was deserted, with no living soul.
Looking at the desolate one-story brick house in front of me, I said, "This is Chen Ermei's house."