Seeing this scene, I was greatly alarmed and ran to the river bank in a hurry. But when I looked into the river, Nie Wei had already sunk to the bottom, leaving no trace.
"Duanmu," Fatty Dun, who was covered in wounds, walked up to me and stared coldly at the river, "What do we do now? This rascal is too ruthless, he actually went for a swim?"
I frowned and suddenly took off my clothes, saying, "Let's go, into the water."
With that, I also jumped into the water. However, the water was murky. Nie Wei was too cunning; he had poured paint into the water. It was now nighttime, and nothing could be seen in the water.
Finally, I surfaced, climbed back onto the shore in frustration. The water surface remained calm. At that moment, Fatty Dun also emerged from the water, shaking his head at me.
Looking at the water, I furrowed my brow slightly. There was no sign of anyone on the water's surface, as if Nie Wei had evaporated from the face of the earth. But if Nie Wei was still alive, he couldn't avoid coming up to breathe unless he was dead.
"Do you think it's possible for him to have survived that way?" Fatty Dun said worriedly.
I shook my head, "It's hard to say, but with Long Lanxiang in the water, it won't be easy for Nie Wei to survive."
"How about bringing Long Lanxiang up to ask?"
I shook my head, "No, Long Lanxiang was nearly scared out of her wits earlier. If I restrained her, she might just disperse directly."
As I spoke, I continued to watch the water surface, not missing any movement. The spirits that had been attracted by the soul-summoning curse, after lingering by the water for a while, one by one disappeared.
But the water surface remained motionless. I felt anxious, but there was nothing else I could do but stand up. We had been waiting for a full half hour, yet we still hadn't seen Nie Wei show up, nor had we seen his body. It was as if he had disappeared without a trace.
"Forget it, let's come back tomorrow," I finally glanced at the water surface and helplessly said to Pang Dun.
Pang Dun gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Damn it, I bet that guy is already dead. It's maddening that even in death, he can't give us peace of mind."
"I hope not," I sighed. "Otherwise, the old Wa Town will be in trouble."
As we spoke, Pang Dun and I started to leave the riverbank step by step. Pang Dun hesitated and asked, "Duan Mu, do you think if Nie Wei is alive, will he really come to slaughter the town?"
I nodded, "Perhaps he will. We've pushed him to a dead end, and he could do anything."
I no longer paid attention to Pang Dun and picked up the pace.
At home, Uncle Er looked worried as he stood in front of the door. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Pang Dun and me, "I heard noise, how's that guy?"
I nodded to Uncle Er, then shook my head after a long pause, "He jumped into the river, don't know if he's alive or dead. And he threatened to slaughter the town."
Uncle Er fell silent and finally stepped aside. After entering the house, Pang Dun sat down and fell asleep, while I went to Wang Qian and her father's room.
Seeing me, Wang Qian's father looked ashamed and quickly turned away. I ignored this and asked directly, "Uncle, how did you get involved with Nie Wei?"
Hearing this, Wang Qian's father came back to his senses and reminisced, "It's nothing, we've known each other since childhood. Later, when he became the vice principal of the Old Wa Town Middle School, I started trading in antique ceramics. One day he found me, said he had antiques, and that's how our business relationship started."
"Known each other since childhood?" I asked eagerly, "How much does Uncle know about Nie Wei, and what really happened between him and Long Lanxiang nine years ago that would lead to such a vicious act?"
Wang Qian's father's face changed, and he quickly held out his hands to me, "Xiaomu, I really don't know. Nie Wei used to be decent, never did anything wrong. I don't know what happened to him nine years ago, but suddenly he changed drastically, started lusting for beauty and money, often got into fights, and even gave up his position as vice principal."
Seeing Wang Qian's father look embarrassed, I finally stopped asking. There was some clarity in my mind. No wonder so many people were afraid when Long Lanxiang's name was mentioned in school. I figured it was because of Nie Wei. These people weren't afraid of Long Lanxiang, they were afraid of Nie Wei.
Helplessly, I turned and left the room, "Uncle, get some sleep."
The next morning, early in the morning, Pang Dun and I came back to the riverside, but there was still nothing on the river. We even searched a long stretch downstream, but still didn't find Nie Wei's body.
"Not good," I had a sense of foreboding, but there was nothing I could do, "Forget it, let's go to class, we can't escape from trouble, so we can only wait and see."
Pang Dun frowned and said angrily, "If I had known, I would have just thrown a rock at him last night."
I ignored Pang Dun and turned to walk towards the school. As we approached the school gate, we saw Wang Qian and her father. Confused, I walked up and asked, "Wang Class Leader, didn't you stay at home to take care of the sick? Why are you also attending classes?"
Wang Qian's father shook his head, "It's alright, it's alright, Qian Qian can't afford to delay her studies. I'm fine, I don't need to be taken care of, as for your uncle, I can take care of him."
"Okay," I nodded and walked towards the school gate.
But then, a familiar figure suddenly appeared at the school gate, looking like he was on the verge of death. He was sitting on the floor, clutching his neck and unable to get up at all.
"It's Zhu Jie." Fat Dun suddenly stopped and looked at me.
This person is indeed Zhu Jie. At this moment, he looked nothing like himself, his face was ashen, and the people around either recoiled in fear or cursed at the sight of him.
Wang Qian and her father rushed over to Zhu Jie and helped him up from the ground.
"Zhu Jie, what's going on? How did you become like this?" Wang Qian and her father almost simultaneously asked.
Zhu Jie looked at them with difficulty and shook his head, "I... I don't know."
"Wake up." At this time, Wang Qian looked at me and said, "Come and see what's going on."
Hearing Wang Qian call me, I reluctantly walked over and shrugged at Wang Qian, "What's wrong? It's simple, he's possessed."
"Ah!" Wang Qian said in surprise, "Then help him quickly! Duanmu, even though you have a grudge against Zhu Jie, he's in this state now. You can't be so petty, right?"
Seeing Wang Qian's pleading expression, I said helplessly, "I didn't say I wouldn't help him, but we should ask if he's willing."
Wang Qian hesitated for a moment, then turned to Zhu Jie, "Zhu Jie, if you keep going like this, you'll end up dead. Should I let Duanmu help you?"
"Duanmu?" This guy seemed to be sensitive to my name. As soon as he heard my name, he perked up, "I'm fine, I don't want his help. He helped me last time, and I'll repay him. He killed my father, no matter what, I won't let him off."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes and said to Wang Qian, "See, don't blame me, right?"
"Xiao Jie." Wang Qian's father said at this time, "Who did you say killed your father?"
Zhu Jie looked at Wang Qian's father with difficulty, "It's him, Duanmu."
"Misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding," Wang Qian's father quickly said, "Your father's business failed, and he committed suicide. He left a farewell letter for us."
"Business failed?" Zhu Jie looked at Wang Qian's father with a puzzled expression, "Uncle Wang, don't lie to me. My dad had a cheerful personality, how could he commit suicide? Moreover, why did he leave a farewell letter for you instead of me?"
"Alas." Wang Qian's father sighed, "This time is different from the past. He lost all his savings this time. He couldn't face you. The day he left the farewell letter, he disappeared. I didn't tell you because I was afraid you'd worry. I didn't expect that he really got into trouble."
Wang Qian's father's face was full of sadness. Suddenly, he reached for himself, "Right, the farewell letter is still on me, I'll show it to you."
With that, Wang Qian's father took out a crumpled piece of paper and handed it to Zhu Jie. After reading the farewell letter, Zhu Jie's face changed dramatically, and he looked at me with a guilty expression.