"What's going on? What's wrong with this river fish?" the boss asked in panic upon hearing this. His face had already turned pale.
"Right," my face also looked grim. "In any case, just do as I say. Otherwise, if someone dies from eating it, you won't be able to bear the responsibility."
"Okay, okay, young man, I'll do as you say," the boss said, already turning to deal with the river fish.
I took no notice, simply watching his back silently before returning to my own table. Just as I sat down, Wang Qian asked with a puzzled look, "What did you say to scare the restaurant boss like that?"
"Nothing," I shook my head. "Hurry up and eat, I have something to do after this."
As I spoke, I quickly finished two bowls of rice. If I hadn't been so hungry, I wouldn't have had any appetite. After smelling the odor of death on that river fish, I was nauseated.
After enjoying the meal and paying the bill, Wang Qian and I left the restaurant. Once outside, I bid her goodbye. "Wang, I won't accompany you back. Be careful on your way."
"Where are you going?" Wang Qian asked.
I was about to walk away, but her voice made me stop again, resignedly saying, "What, Wang, are you going with me?"
Wang Qian stuttered, "Nonsense, who, who's going with you? As a monitor, I'm responsible for your safety, that's all."
Seeing Wang Qian's smug look, I felt a little helpless. Suddenly, I smiled cunningly in my heart. "Alright, alright, Big Monitor, I'm afraid of you. But let's go together, and I should warn you, you can't wet your pants later."
Saying this, I finally turned to walk in the direction of the creek. Behind me, Wang Qian grumbled, "Who's gonna wet their pants? If you keep talking nonsense, I'll tear your mouth off."
As we walked slowly, without realizing it, Wang Qian and I had already left the small town. To be honest, I wasn't really used to it. In the past, I had always dealt with everything alone, but now I had a tagalong, and I'd have to divide my attention to take care of her later.
By now, it was completely dark, and as we left the town, we found ourselves surrounded by pitch blackness. At the same time, the atmosphere began to turn eerie and terrifying, with the wind howling. Particularly from the direction of the creek, there was a palpable sense of dread.
I frowned in secret, and I had already guessed something in my heart. I was afraid that someone had just died in this small river. The fish in the small restaurant before obviously died because of the body in the river.
Only the resentment of the newly dead is the strongest; otherwise, why would rumors of haunting occur frequently when certain families hold funerals? Because when a person just dies, the resentment is just released from the body. Not to mention religious practitioners, even ordinary people can feel it.
After feeling this resentment, a person will feel a slight sense of horror, a mysterious chill on the back, but not knowing the reason, all because of feeling the resentment.
After a little thought, I continued to walk forward. But at this moment, a hand suddenly reached out from behind and grabbed my wrist. This hand was small, smooth, soft, and warm.
I was startled, stopped in a hurry, turned around, and found that the one who grabbed my wrist was none other than Wang Qian. At this moment, her face looked even worse, and she was holding herself tightly with both hands.
When I turned around, Wang Qian seemed to realize that she had lost her composure, quickly let go of my wrist, and pulled her hand back. I asked in puzzlement, "Wang, what's wrong? Oh, I see, you're scared, aren't you?"
Wang Qian, originally tense, gave me a fierce glare at my words, "Who's scared? I just don't know where you're planning to go."
"Fine." I couldn't help but smile helplessly, "Wang Qian, you're indeed brave. But don't secretly hold my hand later, I haven't been touched by a girl yet."
"Duan Mu, you're shameless," Wang Qian's face was full of anger.
Not wanting to tease Wang Qian anymore, I continued to walk towards the riverbank, reaching there in a few steps. Just as I got there, I could clearly feel that the resentment had become more intense. Then, I reached into my backpack, felt around, and pulled out a lotus-shaped paper lantern and a white candle.
The lotus-shaped lantern was the one I used when I called the minnow. But this lotus-shaped lantern was not just for capturing souls; it also had the function of finding the location of a corpse.
That is, it can find the location of the corpse based on the resentment. For example, if there is a body hidden in this river, we can't see it with the naked eye, and even if we go underwater to salvage it, we may not be able to find it.
But by using the lotus-shaped lantern to find the corpse, we could find the body instantly.
Thinking of this, I didn't hesitate, and directly lit the white candle and inserted it into the lotus lantern. Then I tied a red string to the lotus lantern and put it in the water, starting to silently recite the incantation: "Search for the corpse, lotus guide, the water flows east and west, the corpse moves north and south, if deviated, grind bone and scatter ashes."
After reciting the incantation, I firmly held the other end of the red string, and a strange scene began to unfold on the small river. The lotus lantern was actually moving against the water, slowly drifting upstream.
On the side, Wang Qian had already been dumbfounded, and asked with fear and surprise, "Duan Mu, who are you? What are you doing now?"
Hearing this, I glanced back at Wang Qian and smiled, "I'm searching for a corpse, ah."
"A corpse?" Wang Qian's face instantly turned pale, as if she was about to be scared faint. She quickly drew back and asked cautiously, "Duan Mu, don't scare me, are you saying there's a body in the river?"
"Yes, hehe," I laughed again.
As we were speaking, the lotus lantern had stopped, about ten meters away from the riverbank. This small river was not wide, only about forty to fifty meters in width.
Seeing the lotus lantern stop, I suddenly recited, "The corpse moves north and south, the lotus guides, quickly come ashore."
At the same time, I exerted force on the string, slowly pulling the lotus lantern back. At this moment, the surface of the lotus lantern was still normal, but in fact, the lotus lantern had become very heavy, as if something was holding it.
Even I found it very difficult to pull it.
Helplessly, I said to Wang Qian, "Wang, come and help me."
Wang Qian seemed to have been scared out of her wits, and at my words, she quickly ran over and grabbed me, asking again, "What are you doing now?"
"What are you doing?" I said helplessly, "Of course, I'm pulling the body ashore."
"Ah." Wang Qian let go all of a sudden and grabbed my arm fearfully, saying, "Duan Mu, shut up. If you scare me again, I'll kill you when we get back to school."
I felt helpless and said, "Sergeant Wang, please help me first and stop talking."