And until Fatty and I had returned to the dormitory, Zhujie was still standing in the same place, full of astonishment. Standing on the dormitory building, I silently glanced at Zhujie, and couldn't be bothered to pay him any attention, I turned around and went back to the dormitory to lie down.
I didn't dare sleep in class, but now I could sleep peacefully, and Fatty started drooling in his sleep as soon as he lay down next to the bed. He smacked his lips a few times and started talking in his sleep: "Du Mu, you're so ruthless."
"Hmm?" Hearing Fatty's words, I suddenly opened my eyes, thinking he was cursing at me, but it turned out he was already fast asleep.
I couldn't help but shake my head in resignation; this kid was even cursing at me in his dreams, I really don't know what kind of dream he'd had.
At this point, I was also physically and mentally exhausted, so I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.
When a person is extremely tired, they enter a deep sleep. During deep sleep, one doesn't dream, and the brain is almost in a state of suspended animation. As a result, the brain produces a lot of illusions, thinking that it has been asleep for a long time, and then thinking that it had just closed its eyes.
In short, I don't even know how long I slept for. I figured I must have slept for a while. Then, suddenly, I started dreaming.
An old voice suddenly sounded in my dream: "Young man, the person I asked you to find has been found."
"Hmm?" Hearing this voice, I wasn't surprised. And, I could clearly feel that I was in a dream. People who practice cultivation are different from ordinary people; ordinary people, when they dream, often think that the dream world is the real world. But practitioners can clearly discern between dreams and reality.
That's because practitioners can feel the soul. In a dream, all the people don't have souls.
Knowing that I was in a dream, and hearing this old voice, I understood what was going on. This was the old lady who had come to report to me after I used the soul-searching spell last night. So I replied indifferently, "Granny, you're really something, quite efficient."
The old lady chuckled and said, "When you pay us, can we afford not to be quick?"
As she spoke, the old lady finally appeared in front of me, hunched over, limping.
"Where is he?" I asked.
The old woman slowly raised her head and suddenly pointed into the darkness, saying, "The Thousand Ghost Seizing Soul Claw, under the claw is full of drowned ghosts. The drowned ghosts cry tears into water when they are not drowned by water."
After saying this, the old woman's face became even older and whiter than before. She suddenly turned slowly and retreated into the darkness.
"Young man," the old woman's voice came from the darkness, "this area has already been filled with wickedness. We lonely ghosts and spirits are suffering greatly, hoping that the young ones can quickly rescue us from the demon's clutches."
At that moment, I woke up from my dream. I opened my eyes and looked towards the dormitory, only to see that it was already dark outside. I breathed a sigh of relief, sat up, and unconsciously muttered the old woman's words.
"The Thousand Ghost Seizing Soul Claw, under the claw is full of drowned ghosts?"
Hmm, the moment I heard this sentence, I already knew where the old woman was talking about. Clearly, the Thousand Ghost Seizing Soul Claw, combined with the drowned ghosts, must be referring to the small river in the old village.
However, I still furrowed my brows deeply, feeling a chill in my heart. I really didn't expect that Nie Wei, after capturing Wang Qian's father's soul, would actually send it into the river with the Seizing Soul Claw.
This man is truly wicked, excessively so. This way, Wang Qian's father's soul would never be able to break free from the Seizing Soul Claw. This is no different from directly killing him, and yet this guy doesn't directly kill him, which is truly despicable.
Thinking of this, I slowly got out of bed, put on my clothes, and then put on my backpack, already having made a decision.
"Duan Mu." At this moment, Pang Dun actually woke up unprecedentedly, looking at me with an puzzled face and saying, "You're going out? Damn, and you didn't even tell me?"
"Hmm?" I looked at Pang Dun, hesitatingly saying, "This time, you just don't need to come."
"Why?" Pang Dun got out of bed, grabbing my arm.
I shook my head, "Because this time, I'm not sure if I can come back alive."
"Ah?" Pang Dun finally showed a surprised expression, but then resolutely said, "That's not like you at all, aren't you always so self-confident? If you say that, this old man has to follow you. I know you won't let me die, right? If you don't want me to die, you damn well better show me some real skills."
"Hmm?" Originally, I really didn't have much confidence. Being said so by Pang Dun, I found that my confidence suddenly increased a bit. I suddenly nodded firmly, "Okay, hurry up, we won't go to evening self-study tonight, let's head out quickly."
Before long, Pang Dun and I each carried a backpack and left the school. We had already become night owls, hiding during the day and coming out at night. It wasn't too late, and the streets of the old village were still very lively at this moment.
"Duan Mu, tell me where we're going, huh? Why are you so worried?" Hearing this, I nodded and said lightly, "To the riverbank."
Pang Dun immediately laughed, "You kidding me? Just to go to the riverbank?"
"To retrieve the Seizing Soul Claw." Before Pang Dun could finish speaking, I interrupted him.
"Retrieve the Seizing Soul Claw?" Pang Dun's eyes immediately widened, "Didn't you say that the Seizing Soul Claw was in the river?"
"Yes." I nodded, "Dive in, retrieve the Seizing Soul Claw."
"Are you crazy?" Pang Dun finally hesitated, "Didn't you say Dragon Orchid is also in the water, and all the people who drowned in the river over the years have been captured by Dragon Orchid?"
"Yes." I nodded again, "That's why I said, this time I might not necessarily make it back alive."
With those words, Pang Dun fell silent completely. Ignoring him, I quickly arrived at the riverbank, while Pang Dun, although looking afraid, followed closely behind.
At this moment, I took out the lotus lantern, lit the candles, tied the red rope, and placed the lotus lantern in the river. As the series of steps to summon the ghost with the lotus lantern ended, the lotus lantern suddenly sank into the water. From the spot where the lotus lantern sank, several wet heads emerged.
Among them, Long Lanxiang was unexpectedly present. Seeing me, Long Lanxiang suddenly uttered a low voice, "You finally came, are you planning to continue using the spell on me? Well, I don't care anymore. The foul yin weighs on me, the soul-seeking claws haunting me. Can your small spell bring me more pain than this?"
I looked at Long Lanxiang and said calmly, "Don't be too confident, I'm not interested in you. I came this time to take away that harmful soul-seeking claw."
"Hmm?" Long Lanxiang looked surprised.
I looked at Long Lanxiang and suddenly said firmly, "Lead the way, first find the location of the soul-seeking claw for me."