"Have you really gained insights into the Way of Space?" Bai Hongtu asked. He knew very well how terrible Jiang Li's talent in the Way of Space was.
"It’s nothing extraordinary, just the ability to go to other worlds," Jiang Li said casually, as if it were a trivial matter.
Without a doubt, Bai Hongtu believed him. Jiang Li wouldn't joke about such things.
"Take this with you." Bai Hongtu produced a communication talisman, but with a slightly different design.
"What is this?"
"The one you used before was made by me during the combined period. This new Remote Communication Talisman was made after my tribulation breakthrough. Theoretically, it can be used to communicate across worlds, although I haven't tried it yet. You can try it when you go to other worlds."
"Great stuff." Jiang Li's eyes lit up, not refusing Bai Hongtu's kindness and accepted the talisman.
Everyone felt somewhat relieved. Now that the Emperor could go to other worlds to find the immortal treasures, the probability of retrieving them was as good as certain.
They also knew that before the Heavenly Ascension Ladder disappeared, the immortal realm connected with myriad worlds. The Jiuzhou world was the strongest in terms of power, whereas other worlds might not even have a single ascender, while Jiuzhou could produce one every few hundred years. The disparity between them was evident.
They were not worried about Jiang Li's safety, but rather that he might accidentally destroy the other worlds while retrieving the immortal treasures.
Other worlds were not as sturdy as Jiuzhou.
"First, set up the Jiuzhou Defense Array to prevent extraterritorial demons from attacking when I'm not here."
"But since the immortal treasures are gone, who will be the array's eye?" Bai Hongtu frowned. The best choice would naturally be the Yin Yang Celestial Seal, followed by other immortal treasures.
In the absence of the immortal treasures, Dao artifacts were not qualified to be the eyes of the array.
Jiang Li took out the Primordial Halberd. "Use it. It can serve as the array's eye and protect you when extraterritorial demons come."
As soon as it was brought out, everyone felt the rich and intense malevolent aura contained within the Primordial Halberd. They had no idea how many extraterritorial demons had perished under this great halberd, and they felt a sudden sense of awe.
The Primordial Halberd, who was sleeping, was taken aback and cried out, "Jiang bro, you can't do this, leaving me behind in Jiuzhou! Who will charge into battle for you?"
Everyone was surprised to learn that this fellow had spiritual intelligence. Previously, when all the Lingbao were restless, only the Primordial Halberd had not moved. They thought that the Yin Yang Celestial Seal had failed to successfully influence it.
Although their interaction time was short, Jiang Li could tell at a glance that this guy wanted to stay in the storage ring and sleep, not wanting to work.
"How about we switch? I'll stay in Jiuzhou, and you go find the immortal treasures?"
"No, no, I'm great as the guard," the Primordial Halberd quickly declined.
In jest, it was nothing more than a pitiful, out-of-place Dao artifact. Other than being hard, it had nothing to compete with those fancy immortal treasures.
A few days later, the Jiuzhou Defense Array, imperceptible to the naked eye, slowly rose, extending from the four ends of Jiuzhou to converge in the sky above the Emperor's Palace at the center of Jiuzhou.
At that moment, although the average cultivators did not see the Defense Array, they felt an inexplicable sense of security, comforting them.
Bai Hongtu quietly muttered, "Looks like there's no divine merit descending."
Ensuring the safety of Jiuzhou, Jiang Li could finally leave with peace of mind.
Given the gravity of the matter, the first thing to do was naturally to find the Yin Yang Celestial Seal.
Jiang Li let the system establish a transmission channel, attempting to have Bai Hongtu and others in the Crossing Tribulation stage go to another world.
However, neither Bai Hongtu nor Old Bodhisattva Xu Mi could see this channel. Jiang Li asked them to step through, but they did not understand and, upon doing so, did not go to another world.
Jiang Li sighed. The spatial transmission ability of the system was indeed advanced, beyond his current understanding.
Jiang Li stepped through the channel and arrived in an unknown world.
"Huh? The spiritual energy here is unexpectedly abundant?" Jiang Li was slightly surprised. The spiritual energy here was slightly lower than in the Nine Provinces, which was quite rare.
Different from the boring gray world last time, this world was full of vitality. Jiang Li spread out his divine sense and only explored a small area, giving him a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling.
The familiar feeling was because this was a world dominated by humans in a technological age, and the unfamiliar feeling was because the technological level was very advanced, with floating cars, artificial intelligence, mechas, and light brains, and so on.
Perhaps he could bring back some local products before returning. Jiang Li thought casually.
However, this was not important. The primary task now was to find the Yin-Yang Heavenly Seal.
Jiang Li had just landed on the top of a skyscraper when his long-distance communication symbol started to vibrate.
No need to think, it was Bai Hongtu. Jiang Li put on a grumpy face to welcome Bai Hongtu.
"Jiang, Jiang Li, have you safely arrived in the other world?" It was actually Revered Pureheart contacting Jiang Li.
Quickly, Jiang Li changed his grumpy face to a gentle smile. "Hmm, very safe. I've come to a very interesting place."
"See, I told you his attitude is only extremely bad when facing me." Bai Hongtu peeked out from the side and saw the scene behind Jiang Li through the long-distance communication symbol, exclaiming, "Is this the other world? That metal box seems to be able to move without any spiritual power fluctuations."
"And such tall buildings. Do people in this world really like high places?"
"Too bad we can't go, or else I really want to take a stroll here."
"It feels very suitable for our Confucianism to spread."
"Jiang Emperor, are you here to find the Dragon Ball of our Dragon Palace?"
"What are you saying? Jiang Emperor must be here to find the He Mountain Stone of our Penglai Island."
"What is that humanoid metal armor over ten meters tall? It seems similar to our Law Body of the Law Body Sect, but it doesn't feel as sturdy as ours."
"Something similar to your Law Body? I think it's very similar to my Buddhist's six-yard golden body."
Not only Bai Hongtu, the heads of other factions also popped their heads out from the side, stretching their necks to see what the new world looked like. Even the Law Body Sect, which was very low-key among the six major sects, also mingled in.
Jiang Li felt that only Revered Pureheart was truly concerned about his safety among all these people.
Looking at the actively discussing heads, Jiang Li felt like he was leading a group of elderly tourists in another world, giving him a headache.
Although he was very grateful that they didn't leave him feeling lonely, Jiang Li decided to close the long-distance communication symbol.
The entire world fell silent.
The new long-distance communication symbol worked well, and Bai Hongtu could no longer connect directly.
For the time being, Jiang Li could not know how big this world was, but from the current situation, this world was at least as big as a single state in the Nine Provinces.
And like the Nine Provinces, this world was a flat continent.
From ancient books, Jiang Li knew that there were two types of worlds with living beings: one had many planets with large gaps between them, and the other was a single flat continent plate, at least a hundred times larger in area than a planet.
To find the Yin-Yang Heavenly Seal here, one must be prepared for a long-term plan.
Then Jiang Li soon saw the Yin-Yang Heavenly Seal crying and flying haphazardly in the sky.