Jiang Li once accidentally tore through space and found a piece of metal in the void. Unaffected by the turbulent winds and chaotic currents, the metal was hard and resilient. He brought it back to the Refining Peak of the Daoist Sect, where it took seven furnaces to shape the metal into a halberd. Jiang Li named it Tianhuang.
Tianhuang Halberd stirred slightly in Jiang Li's storage ring, shaking off the dust and turning over to continue lying flat.
"Freedom? Isn't sleeping sweet?"
"It's you who imprisoned our compatriots!" The Yin-Yang Heaven Seal rotated around its body, pointing at Jiang Li. It felt a karmic connection between itself and the Tianhuang Halberd within Jiang Li's storage ring.
Without a word, Jiang Li charged directly at the Yin-Yang Heaven Seal.
"Jiang Li, don't confront it head-on! You can't defeat it!" Changcun Xianweng shouted. Even if Jiang Li were strong, these were immortal tools, made of indestructible materials!
However, to everyone's amazement, it was the Yin-Yang Heaven Seal that was sent flying!
The Yin-Yang Heaven Seal crashed into seven or eight peaks before barely stabilizing its body.
It even had a gap punched by the blow!
The Yin-Yang Heaven Seal lost a corner!
Not only did people stare in disbelief, even the other immortal tools were shocked by this scene, almost as if they could naturally swear.
Is this guy even human?!
"Return to your positions, otherwise you will all have to be re-forged!" Jiang Li said indifferently. He knew that today's chaos had to be swiftly suppressed with an iron and blood approach, or the entire Nine Provinces would be dominated by spiritual treasures!
"He is the Emperor, the strongest person in the Nine Provinces. If we defeat him, we can establish our own dynasty!" Yeshanshi shouted, leading the charge towards Jiang Li.
The other immortal tools also knew that this Emperor was their biggest obstacle. Only by defeating him could their future plans be realized.
As for the Dao Implements, they obediently waited for the immortal tools to defeat the evil Jiang Emperor and did not help.
Although they were few in number, they were very powerful, but even the immortal brother Yin-Yang Heaven Seal was hit with a gap. If they joined in, they would probably be punched back to their original materials.
Jizhi was willing to use the Heavy Pupil to help Jiang Li, but with the Ancient and Modern Sword around, he couldn't see the future.
Seeing Yeshanshi coming, Jiang Li was about to take a stance to resist, but suddenly, Yeshanshi appeared behind Jiang Li, like a big star crashing into the Nine Provinces.
Jiang Li was caught off guard by Yeshanshi, creating shockwaves that knocked down the people below, and even the Lingtai was trembling!
It's easy to imagine how heavy the blow Jiang Li received was!
"Vana Taya, space jump." Jiang Li seemed completely unaffected and said why Yeshanshi appeared behind him just now. It was the Vana Taya's ability to control space.
"Let me go!" Yeshanshi roared. It did indeed hit Jiang Li, but Jiang Li immediately grabbed the small stone in his hand.
Yeshanshi could surely hit the enemy, but first, it had to throw it out, and now it couldn't move, let alone hit anyone.
Three "fixed" characters appeared on Jiang Li's body, as Vana Taya moved the large fixed character from the big Confucian's inscription to him, making it impossible for him to avoid.
However, Jiang Li turned one into three, and the two uncontrolled ones removed the characters and attacked at the same time.
One gas turns into three, cleansing the air!
The Ancient and Modern Sword disappeared in the present world, standing upon the river of time, eager to see how Jiang Li would act in the future.
However, in a drop of water in the future, it saw Jiang Li, and Jiang Li also saw it.
The future Jiang Li swung a halberd, tearing through time and space, and knocked down the Ancient and Modern Sword!
The Ancient and Modern Sword fell into the river of time, flowing downstream and returning to the past. In the river of time, it gradually grew flesh and blood again, turning into a fish!
It vaguely felt that it would return to the shore at some point in the future.
The other immortal tools didn't know where the Ancient and Modern Sword had gone and thought it had run away, while dealing with Jiang Li's attacks and cursing their teammates in their hearts.
Even before they gained spiritual wisdom, they had a vague awareness, knew that Jiang Li was strong, but it was only after they fought him that they realized how incredibly strong this Emperor was!
If he were not of the human race, they would have suspected that he was an intelligent humanoid immortal tool!
The Ruyi Gourd could bring about various calamities according to the user's wishes, including thunder tribulation and the four tribulations of earth, water, fire, and wind, as well as the tribulation of the heart demon.
It was supposed to exhaust the enemy, but it was almost going crazy against Jiang Li!
Facing the thunder tribulation, Jiang Li ignored the dense thunder in the midst of the tribulation cloud and dispersed it with a punch. This was the "Monstrous Thunder" of the mixed-element immortal tribulation, as mighty as the heavens and impossible to resist!
Facing the four tribulations of earth, water, fire, and wind, he shouted, "The Four Great Emptiness," and the four calamities vanished into thin air, ultimately returning to "emptiness."
The heart demon tribulation had no effect on him at all.
The Large Confucian's Inscription called forth four guardians of the Confucianism, each holding a dragon ball, forming a powerful defense integrated with offense, besieging the three Jiang Li.
And they would also make occasional attacks with inscriptions like "death," "incineration," and "annihilation" against Jiang Li.
The Vana Taya was extremely heavy, not to mention its spatial ability; it was just itself a blunt instrument. Because of its excessive weight, the surrounding space collapsed, forming a black hole that devoured everything!
Jiang Li looked solemn, took out the Tianhuang Halberd, and fought with the other immortal tools.
Despite Jiang Li's confidence in his strength, the attacks of the immortal tools were mysterious and unpredictable, and he did not have a guaranteed victory, so he brought out the Tianhuang Halberd in his true body.
A corporeal incarnation wielded a long sword, executing the Heart Sword technique, intending to cut off the thought of the immortal weapon; another incarnation combined various techniques of sorcery and Daoism, continuously unleashing versatile abilities.
Bai Hongtu seemed to have seen Jiang Li, who had not yet become the Emperor but had already reached the state of perfection in his arts, possessing an unbelievably strong physical body and a variety of weapons, overwhelming others of the same state.
Even without a handy weapon back then, he was already so powerful; now, holding the Primordial Spear, Bai Hongtu could no longer imagine how formidable Jiang Li had become.
If one were to say who could quell the chaos of immortal weapons today, he believed that Jiang Li was the only one fit for the task.
The four protectors of the Confucian sect, each wielding the Gentleman's Sword and a Dragon Pearl, were exceedingly sharp and impregnable, with a formidable aura that surpassed that of the Tribulation Crossing stage.
When Jiang Li swept across with the spear, he smashed the four Gentleman's Swords and sent the protectors flying. If not for the defense of the Dragon Pearl, this single strike could have defeated them outright!
"So barbaric!"
"He's even stronger than our dragon clan!"
The four Dragon Pearls cried out in unison, exhibiting intelligence but also developing awareness and emotions as a result.
The "Death" talisman adhered to Jiang Li's incarnation, and he cast the Golden Cicada Shedding Shell technique, generating a new incarnation from above while the original one turned to dust.
Unwilling to give up, the Great Confucian Talisman threw out the "Incineration" talisman, infusing the new incarnation with Buddhist radiance to be reborn from the fire, transforming into a golden body like a Vajra Arhat.
Another incarnation lashed out with the Heart Sword, cutting through the Great Confucian Talisman's consciousness, injuring the talisman along with the "Destruction" talisman that had not been written yet. The intent to strike without mercy was palpable.
Frightened, the Great Confucian Talisman hastily wrote the "Calm" talisman to clear its consciousness and ward off this calamity.
The Calabash once again released the Heavenly Tribulation, and the incarnation employed the Free and Unfettered technique, deftly evading the Heavenly Tribulation's attacks unscathed.
The Brahma Tower, relying on its weight, engaged in direct combat with Jiang Li.
However, the Primordial Spear's nature was extremely masculine and unyielding, impervious to attacks and only susceptible to changing form through relatively gentle means such as refining techniques.
Unafraid of the black hole, the Primordial Spear struck the Brahma Tower, engaging in a pure contest of strength without any techniques.
Jiang Li felt his hands numb and had to forcefully grasp the Primordial Spear.
Yet the Brahma Tower's body was covered in several large craters, transforming from a straight tower into a gourd-like shape.
A few more strikes and it would split into two, requiring re-refining!
The onlookers below were filled with trepidation, fearing that Emperor Jiang might not be able to defeat the numerous immortal weapons.
Yet the immortal weapons themselves were also filled with dread, fearing their own demise in this battle.
Sensing a malevolent gaze, Jiang Li instinctively looked up, but saw nothing.
Believing in his intuition, he hurled the Primordial Spear at a speed surpassing light, making it vanish and reappear swiftly, reminiscent of the Third Prince and Fourth Prince of Great Zhou using the "Time Tracing" technique.
"Human, you’re good!"
The Yin-Yang Heavenly Seal finally located the missing piece of itself, returning to its body while Jiang Li was engaged in combat with the other immortal weapons.
"You forced me to do this! I will plunge you into an eternal hell!"
The Yin-Yang Heavenly Seal issued a threat, having the ability to manipulate the causality of the Nine Provinces.
"You will encounter various hardships, struggling at every step!"
The words of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Seal were followed by corresponding actions, implying that Jiang Li would face inexplicable coincidences, such as chaotic spiritual energy, loss of cultivation, inexplicable hostility from everyone, being hunted by all, or even being trapped in a fog of time, becoming the weakest version of himself from five hundred years ago...
Yet none of these occurred.
Jiang Li remained unchanged.
"How could I not see your causality! How could I not see your causality!"
The Yin-Yang Heavenly Seal yelled in exasperation, unable to comprehend what it was witnessing.
In its eyes, it could perceive the causality of all people and treasures, but Jiang Li seemed to exist independently of the Nine Provinces without any causality!
Although Jiang Li didn't understand the reason, this was not the time to dwell on it.
Simultaneously, his three incarnations executed their techniques, causing cracks to appear on the Yin-Yang Heavenly Seal's body.
The Yin-Yang Heavenly Seal cried out in pain, "Waa, I don't want to play anymore, you're bullying me!"
Not only the Yin-Yang Heavenly Seal, but other immortal weapons also cried.
They had just been born today and had the intelligence equivalent to that of a five or six-year-old child, with a playful nature, wanting to run amok in the Nine Provinces as nobody could control them anyway.
Who would have thought that they would be brutally beaten by Jiang Li before taking even a single step.
"Tower, take the brothers and run, leave the Nine Provinces behind!"
The Brahma Tower had long been prepared, tearing open six spatial rifts; seeing this, the immortal weapons hurriedly dashed inside.
【Detected unknown world】
【Detected unknown world】
【Detected unknown world】
The system suddenly emitted six prompt tones.
When the immortal treasures were defeated and driven away, the rest of the spiritually intelligent Lingbao lost their influence. Under the hands of numerous experts in Jiuzhou, these Lingbao surrendered and stopped clamoring to establish a Lingbao Dynasty.
However, everyone knew that the matter of Lingbao gaining spiritual intelligence was far from over.
Although these spiritually intelligent Lingbao had surrendered, it was only a temporary measure. If a cultivator continued to use these Lingbao, in case they became passive during a battle, their owner would be in trouble.
Cultivators had become accustomed to relying on Lingbao. Without them, the power of Jiuzhou would significantly decline.
The placement of these Lingbao also posed a problem. If kept by their owners, what would happen if the Lingbao turned against them? If gathered together, it would truly become a Lingbao Dynasty. If all were destroyed, it would be hard to part with them.
Most importantly, what should be done about those immortal treasures?
Before Jiang Li, when resisting the extraterritorial demons, it had relied on various means used by the successive Emperors. Immortal treasures were one of those means.
If Jiang Li found the immortal realm but couldn't return, or passed away, what would the new Emperor use to resist the extraterritorial demons?
Jiang Li was relatively optimistic. He believed that these immortal treasures were stronger than the extraterritorial demons. As long as he brought back the immortal treasures, Jiuzhou would be able to maintain eternal peace.
Quite familiar with these immortal treasures from his confrontation with them, Jiang Li knew that they were not inherently bad. For example, the Great Confucian Calligraphy could stick a "death" calligraphy on Jiang Li's body instead of assuming a physical form. Similarly, the Yin Yang Celestial Seal could say "Jiang Li will die" instead of "facing difficulties."
They simply did not like being restrained.
Moreover, Jiang Li wanted to use the Yin Yang Celestial Seal to trace the cause and effect and find the predecessors who ascended, and thus find the immortal realm.
Previously, no one could proficiently use the Yin Yang Celestial Seal to achieve this. Now that the Yin Yang Celestial Seal had gained spiritual intelligence, finding the ascended predecessors should not be a problem.
"I will go and bring them back," Jiang Li unexpectedly said in a major gathering, startling everyone.
Bring them back? How? Where to find them?
"Some time ago I gained some insights into the Way of Space, so I can follow the direction of the immortal treasures and find them," Jiang Li reassured, having confirmed with the system that the coordinates of the six unknown worlds the immortal treasures had gone to had been confirmed. All that was needed was to consume source points to send them over.