Considering Master Changcun's advanced age, Jiang Li decided to broach the question delicately.
"Now that the Red Dust Fairy has been revived, what are your thoughts?"
Master Changcun's blood surged, and he stood up at once. He used several purification techniques of the Immortal rank on himself, gradually straightening his spine, grooming himself in the bronze mirror, and changing into his immortal robe.
Jingxin felt dizzy for a moment. The old farmer suddenly transformed into a somewhat elderly but elegant gentleman.
Without saying a word, Master Changcun turned into a stream of light and flew towards the Red Dust Pureland.
Not yet flying out of the cave mouth, Jiang Li was pulled back by the ankle by Jiang Li.
"Let go of me, let me go, don't stop me from finding love!" Changcun Xianweng struggled hard, but was firmly held in place by Jiang Li's hands.
"Can you really call that love? I'm embarrassed to even hear you say that," Jiang Li sneered.
When the Red Dust Fairy just descended to the mortal world, she caused quite a stir. Changcun Xianweng, tempted by lust, took a look and immediately fell to his knees, claiming to have found love and wanting to worship the Red Dust Fairy for life.
After calming down, it was revealed that the Red Dust Fairy was the embodiment of the "beauty" of the Heavenly Dao.
He couldn't bear to say this in front of the Pure Heart Saintess.
"Let go of me, bullying an old man!"
The Pure Heart Saintess looked surprised at the scene, not because of Changcun Xianweng's behavior, but because Jiang Li was able to easily subdue a genuine immortal!
It took quite a while for Changcun Xianweng to calm down.
"You see the charm of the Red Dust Fairy, even immortals cannot resist," Jiang Li said to the Pure Heart Saintess.
This example was very convincing.
She had never witnessed the derangement of Emperor Mengjiang and the others, and she didn't understand the reasons for the political changes and usurpation of power by Xuan'ai Daoist.
It was the first time the Pure Heart Saintess had seen a person, especially an immortal, going mad because of the Red Dust Fairy.
"So, the Red Dust Fairy has really been resurrected?" Changcun Xianweng knew that Jiang Li wouldn't joke about such things, but he couldn't help but ask.
Jiang Li and the Pure Heart Saintess explained the whole situation to Changcun Xianweng in detail. After listening, Changcun Xianweng pondered for a moment and said, "It seems to be a case of a new soul being born within a physical body!"
"In the immortal realm, there are precedents for this. When an immortal dies, their immortal power remains within their body without leaking out, so the body does not decay. After a long time, it is possible for a new consciousness to emerge, devoid of the original body's memories, becoming an entirely new entity. Among them, immortals who cultivate their bodies are the most prone to this situation."
"You once put forward the theory of the birth of new souls. Physical beings fall into this category. Whether it's spiritual power or immortal power, ultimately it will lead to the birth of a new soul."
"But why has she been sleeping all this time?"
"It's a psychological issue. Newly born souls have no knowledge of themselves and the world, yet they wield immense power, causing them to feel lost and scared, and they prefer to escape by sleeping."
"After you and the Pure Heart Saintess told her some of her own story, the time she spends sleeping has been gradually decreasing, which is a process of gradually accepting herself."
Having been in the immortal realm for tens of thousands of years, Changcun Xianweng was knowledgeable and broad-minded. After listening, he could provide reasonable conjecture and dispelled Jiang Li's doubts with just a few words.
Seeing that Changcun Xianweng looked eager, Jiang Li warned, "Don't take advantage of the fact that the Red Dust Fairy has just been born and sneak into the Red Dust Pure Land."
"How could I! Am I that kind of person!" Changcun Xianweng felt that Jiang Li was belittling his character, so he turned his head away and didn't dare to look at him.
How did this kid see through his thoughts at a glance?
"I'm not joking with you. What are we going to do with the Red Dust Fairy? It's easy if she just stays in the Red Dust Pure Land, but what if she wants to go out? I have no idea so far. Only a few people know about her situation now, don't cause any trouble!"
Seeing Jiang Li's serious expression, Changcun Xianweng knew that he was not joking. After all, telling him about the revival of the Red Dust Fairy was a sign of trust. As an elder, he could not let down the trust of his junior.
"Okay, I understand."
Seeing Changcun Xianweng make a solemn promise, Jiang Li then eased his expression and said, "There's one more thing."
Jiang Li then told Changcun Xianweng about the black-clothed person's spreading of the demonic path and the layout three hundred and eighty years in advance.
It had been over two months since Jiang Yixing had been practicing the demonic path, and Jiang Yixing had already been executed. As the cousin of the Emperor of Jiang, Jiang Li had personally sent Jiang Yixing to prison. Various eye-catching information had already spread throughout the Nine Provinces, causing a great sensation.
Some believed that Jiang Li had acted righteously in exterminating his own kin and supported him, while others believed that Jiang Li should have executed Jiang Yixing as soon as he found out about him practicing the demonic path, without going through a legal process. There were also those who thought that Jiang Li had no humanity for sending his own brother to prison.
But no one doubted that Jiang Li also practiced the demonic path.
The most direct impact of this incident was that the gathering speed of the power of faith within the Bronze Cauldron of the imperial palace had slightly slowed down.
However, Changcun Xianweng, who had been secluded in the Daoist Sect for years, and the Pure Heart Saintess, who had just come out of seclusion, were unaware of this matter.
"Why would someone disrupt the Emperor's power of faith?" the Pure Heart Saintess asked.
Wouldn't it be advantageous for the black-clothed figure if the Emperor weakened? Who would then resist the extraterritorial demon?
This was a simple truth, but Jiang Li and Changcun Xianweng had both overlooked this point. It was not until now, when the Pure Heart Saintess inadvertently pointed it out, that they became aware of it.
They exchanged glances, and their hearts were set on the answer.
The weakening of the Emperor would only benefit the extraterritorial demon!
There was a traitor in the Nine Provinces!
It was even possible that an extraterritorial demon had surreptitiously infiltrated the Nine Provinces!