Unexpectedly, Qin Luan directly resolved the inner demons, astonishing the onlookers.
To resolve the inner demons at the Foundation Building stage, there were few people in the entire Nine States who could do so. They were all at the Foundation Building stage, yet the gap was so huge?
Song Ying blinked her eyes, extremely pleased.
After being reprimanded by Jiang Li, their beautiful dreams turned into nightmares. They no longer dared to behave strangely. Kunpeng transformed, the heavens and earth of the Dharma Realm retracted, and the members of the Sun-Perching Tribe returned to the human community.
Before entering the secret realm, Qin Luan had seen Jiang Li alone and had willingly come over to accompany him. Jiang Li had felt that this person had a kind heart. Now, to be able to resolve his inner demons, it showed that he had a good nature.
In Jiang Li's eyes, Qin Luan indeed had the qualifications to become a candidate for the Emperor, outstanding both in aptitude and character.
As for whether he could become a true candidate for the Emperor, or even the Emperor, it would depend on his future opportunities.
Jiang Li asked, "What is your inner demon?"
"When I was young, my master often left me alone in the hall. It was pitch black in the hall, as if it were haunted, and I was afraid."
"So, is your inner demon a ghost?"
"No, my inner demon is my master, Yuan Wuxing. Just now, my inner demon took on his appearance, and I beat him up."
Jiang Li thought to himself, these guys, at the gate of Qincheng Palace, your master grabbed me, and now at the entrance to the secret realm, you grabbed me, could it be that your master and disciple duo always look for me?
"As for you, it's not really about guidance, I'll give you some advice. Stability is good, but at your age, you need to have more vitality." Jiang Li saw that in the dream realm, Qin Luan was calmly projecting the next realm, and felt that he was too mature.
But this was just advice; maturity and stability weren't necessarily bad, and becoming more vigorous didn't necessarily make cultivation smoother.
"At the end of this test, I will reward the top thirty based on their performance in the two tests." Dream-Chun's voice rang out, indicating that the current secret realm was about to close.
Everyone quickly bowed to Jiang Li, saying in unison, "Thank you, Emperor, for your guidance. We will remember it all!"
They didn't have much desire for the rewards of the secret realm. Having received guidance from the Emperor once surpassed the rewards of the secret realm tenfold.
When the secret realm rewards were distributed, people were separated to prevent them from seeing the rewards and fighting over them after leaving the secret realm.
"Dream Senior, are you pleased with what you saw?" Jiang Li met Dream-Chun again and asked with a smile.
Meng Chun said unhappily, "I thought I could see the legendary Great Vehicle stage. But it seems you didn't really show your true power!"
"Haha, there's no way around it. Except for that kid who has the strength of a real dragon in the Crossing Tribulation stage, the others are at most in the Fusion stage. I can't use my full strength against them, it would leave psychological shadows on them. If I become their inner demons, it would make their cultivation difficult," Jiang Li explained with a big laugh.
Crossing Tribulation stage has many mysteries, far beyond the imagination of those who have just started cultivation. They can only imagine a hasty Fusion stage as the limit. Even Li Litong, who used to be in the Deity Transformation stage, found it difficult to understand what a true Crossing Tribulation stage is, and eventually had to imagine himself as the peak of Fusion stage.
The person who truly transformed into a dragon took a shortcut, barely touching the edge of the Crossing Tribulation stage with his physical body.
Meng Chun also smiled, "True, why don't you let me try the power of the Great Vehicle stage?"
Meng Chun was on the verge of reaching the pinnacle of the Crossing Tribulation stage, and had seen many masters at that stage, naturally able to imagine what a true Crossing Tribulation stage is.
Jiang Li laughed, "Senior Meng, feel free."

Meng Chun displayed the Path of Dreams and the art of illusion in the Dreamland, the combination of the two could reverse yin and yang, transform the imaginary into reality, both real and illusory, with countless wonderful spells, but still couldn't escape the fate of being easily broken by Jiang Li.
Jiang Li still easily defeated Meng Chun.
"No wonder it's rarer than ascending to immortality, the Great Vehicle stage is truly powerful."
It is well known that above the Crossing Tribulation stage, there is the Great Vehicle stage.
When the ladder to immortality was still there, one only needed to cultivate to the Crossing Tribulation stage to ascend, there was no need to stay in the Nine Provinces to cultivate to the Great Vehicle stage. Isn't it more attractive to cultivate immortal power in the Immortal Realm? After the ladder to immortality disappeared, people were forced to rethink how to cultivate to the Great Vehicle stage.
They discovered that it is far more difficult to cultivate to the Great Vehicle stage than to ascend, so much so that after the ladder to immortality disappeared, only Jiang Li had cultivated to the Great Vehicle stage.
"Emperor Jiang is the first. According to the reward rules, you can freely make a request to me. What do you want, my foundational art 'The Great Dream of a Thousand Autumns'? Should I tell you about the past? Or... do you want me?"
[Congratulations, host has completed the mission]
Jiang Li smiled and ignored Meng Chun's teasing, "Senior Meng, where did you get that idea? My uninvited arrival has already violated the rules of the mystery land. How could I compete with the building foundation kids for opportunities? Senior Meng, why not remove me and let the second-place person be the first, and the third-place person be the second?"
"Senior Meng didn't pursue my entry into the mystery land. In return, Senior Meng might as well make a request that I can help with," Jiang Li said.
Seeing Jiang Li ignoring her teasing, Meng Chun felt a little disappointed, but Jiang Li's next words made her happy again.
With anticipation, she asked, "Can you help me leave the mystery land and return to the Nine Provinces?"
After thinking for a while, Jiang Li shook his head, "Not yet."
"I see," Meng Chun felt a little disappointed again, "Hmm? Not yet?"
Jiang Li explained seriously, "Senior Meng, you also know your situation. Currently, you are just a wisp of remnant soul in the mysterious land, and you must gather the three souls and seven spirits to leave the mystery land."
"Emperor Jiang, no need to comfort me. My original body has failed the Crossing Tribulation and gone to reincarnation. How can I gather the three souls and seven spirits from there?"
Without hope, Jiang Li wouldn't say more, but once he said it, he must have some certainty.
"The remnant soul of Senior Meng that I have seen is the clearest remnant soul I've encountered. I deduce that as long as Senior Meng maintains this state for two hundred years, a soul can be born in the void, becoming a new life independent of the Great Dreamer!"
Jiang Li said with great confidence, giving Meng Chun hope.
The birth of most lives is the result of the continuous reincarnation of the soul, but there are exceptions. When an object is nourished by enough spiritual energy, essence of the sun and moon and other spiritual substances, over time, it will develop wisdom, thus giving birth to a new soul.
However, this process takes an extremely long time, in tens of thousands of years, but as Meng Chun is a remnant soul with wisdom, the time required to give birth to a soul can be greatly shortened!
This conclusion was drawn by Jiang Li while studying the door of the underworld, as well as a series of theories about the soul.
Those who cultivate the way of nurturing the soul were overjoyed when they heard this news, almost treating Jiang Li as a founding ancestor.
"Two hundred years later, I will guard the way for you."
"Thank you, Emperor Jiang."