The competition is about to begin.
The first one to appear is Daozong's contestant, Bai Hongtu. As a phase-crossing cultivator, what kind of wonderful performance will he bring us? Let's wait and see.
Alright, we see that Bai Hongtu, as a phase-crossing cultivator, has shamelessly chosen the Confucian Master as his opponent, when the only opponent from the Combined Phase, Dong Zhongren.
Dong Zhongren ignored Bai Hongtu's invitation, so what should Bai Hongtu do... Bai Hongtu is provoking! Bai Hongtu is provoking Dong Zhongren!
The provocation is very offensive, it is really angering. If I, as the host, heard such words, I would definitely fight with him!
I don't know what the Confucian Master, who is good at cultivating qi, will choose to do!
Sure enough, we see that Dong Zhongren’s contestant is starting to tremble... Dong Zhongren has accepted the challenge! He has accepted the challenge!
Bai Hongtu's methods are very low-level, but it seems to work!
Let's applaud Dong Zhongren's courage!
Jiang Li suddenly clapped his hands, surprising Jingxin, who was sitting next to him.
Jiang Li continued his inner commentary.
It seems that today we have the rare opportunity to see the Confucian's great Confucian script!
Dong Zhongren's contestant took out the Great Confucian Script! It's a real Great Confucian Script! It's a real immortal treasure!
The two contestants flew into the air. Dong Zhongren's contestant tried to reason with Bai Hongtu's contestant, asking him to give up the fight. Let's listen to what they are saying.
"This is an immortal treasure appreciation event. You should fight with an immortal treasure. Your Dao Sect's only immortal treasure is on the display platform, what will you use to fight with?"
"You can't say that. This is an event that our Dao Sect has organized, how can our Dao Sect not participate in the fight? Isn't it making our Dao Sect seem insignificant? Come, I won't bully you, let's fight without weapons, you with bare hands and me with an immortal treasure."
We see that Dong Zhongren's contestant is still trying to reason with Bai Hongtu's contestant, but as someone without martial ethics, Bai Hongtu's contestant made a sneak attack! The match hasn't started yet! He, as a phase-crossing cultivator, made a sneak attack on a Combined Phase cultivator!
Please let the host curse.
Bai Hongtu, you shameless son of a b*tch.
Dongzhongren wrote on the Dachu Zi paper! He wrote the word "roll"! He's going to stick it on Bai Hongtu's body! He succeeded!
How will Bai Hongtu respond... He's taking off his clothes! He's taking off his clothes! He took off his Daoist robe!
Bai Hongtu's Daoist robe has rolled far away! Bai Hongtu is still in place! He is unscathed!
Splendid! What an extremely splendid battle!
Please fellow cultivators, do not fight over Bai Hongtu's Daoist robe. Fellow disciples of the Dao Sect, please maintain order. It's embarrassing, but that robe is a Daoist artifact, so please pick it up.
We cut back to the scene, and Dongzhongren wrote another word and pasted it on Bai Hongtu! Bai Hongtu took off another Daoist robe! How many Daoist robes is he wearing? It seems he came prepared today!
Did Dongzhongren fail this time?
No, that's not right. Something's not right! Bai Hongtu's Daoist robe unexpectedly took on a fighting stance and started fighting Bai Hongtu!
So, this time Dongzhongren wrote the word "fight"! A word that can enlist anything to aid in one's battle. Dongzhongren took the lead, and wrote three "war" characters in a row!
We can see the three "war" characters transforming into three armored figures, each at the pinnacle of Harmony.
Host Xiaojiang, please explain to everyone that these three armored figures are the guardians of the Confucian Sect. Whenever a disciple of the Confucian Sect reaches the Harmony phase, a reflection will be left on the Dachu Zi. As long as they write the "war" character, these reflections will transform into guardians to protect the Confucian Sect.
Okay, we see a very intense battle. Bai Hongtu is in a disadvantageous position, being besieged by his own Daoist robes and three armored figures wielding long swords, and having to guard against Dongzhongren!
Bai Hongtu started spitting blood! He's getting beaten up pretty badly!
Please don't worry, during the Tribulation Period, he can recover from the blood loss. Bai Hongtu's injuries are only superficial.
Bai Hongtu took the initiative! He kicked away the armored figures and injured Dongzhongren!
The battle scene is very brutal. Friendly reminder, underage cultivators should watch this under the guidance of adult cultivators.
How will Dongzhongren respond! He wrote the word "return" and returned to the initial state!
Bai Hongtu resorted to Dao arts! A river kept rolling in the sky!
It's the Daoist Sect's River and Sea Tilt Technique!
The river rushes toward Dongzhongren! The momentum is terrifying! But Dongzhongren used the "restrain" word to take it in!
The battle is extremely intense, with Bai Hongtu continuously using Dao arts and Dongzhongren responding with the characters, engaging in back and forth combat!
Please forgive the host for the lack of vocabulary.
Dongzhongren wrote the word "death" and pasted it on Bai Hongtu's forehead!
Bai Hongtu's Yang Spirit has left his body! He's launching a soul attack! Can Dongzhongren withstand it?
Alright, it seems both participants realize this was just an exchange match, and the previous methods were a bit excessive.
We see the two participants shaking hands... they seem to be holding hands for a bit long.
It seems Bai Hongtu's veins are bulging, and Dongzhongren is holding the character "force".
The two participants finally let go. The first round of the match is concluded!
"How come I felt your inner self was very active just now?" Qingxin Holy Maiden asked Jiang Li with doubt, this feeling was baseless, but she believed in her own feeling.
"No way," Jiang Li said expressionlessly.
"If the two continued to fight just now, who would have won?" Qingxin Holy Maiden no longer dwelled on this question.
"Dongzhongren used all his strength, but Bai Hongtu handled it with ease. Neither runestone formations nor techniques were useful, and the difference in their combat experience is too great, Dongzhongren is no match for Bai Hongtu."
"I remember that Immortal Artifacts can bridge the gap between the Harmony phase and Tribulation phase, right?"
"You're talking about offensive Immortal Artifacts, like the Heshan Stone of Penglai Island. Penglai Island’s master mainly holds the Heshan Stone, Bai Hongtu is just there to take a beating."
"The Emperor of Humanity seems to have a high opinion of me?" The two conversed openly, and Penglai Island Master Mo Ruoyu, who was sitting on the side, laughed lightly.
"Where, it's just the truth. I wonder if Island Master Mo wants to challenge the Buddhist Tower of Faming, the Ruyi Gourd of the Heaven Yuan Empire or the Ancient-Modern Sword of the Great Zhou Empire?"
"The old monk is not present, and I have sparred with the Ruyi Gourd quite a few times. It's the Ancient-Modern Sword of the Great Zhou, which is said to disrupt the space-time, I have never fought it."
"Ji Zhi, let me learn from your Ancient-Modern Sword of the Great Zhou!" Penglai Island Master Mo Ruoyu stood up and said to Ji Zhi.
Ji Zhi naturally agreed.
Located in the Dao Sect, and with the blessing of the national fortune, he could only reach the peak of Harmony, which was just right for a fight with Mo Ruoyu.