"Kong Li, right? I remember a bit," Dean Li said coldly, with a world of difference in his attitude towards Jingxin the Saintess.
"Why am I at the bottom?" Jiang Li asked, repressing his anger. If he had failed a task and was ranked second from the top, he would have accepted it, but being ranked at the bottom, what was that about?
Is it that I'm not using my brain, or you're not using yours?
"You still have the nerve to ask?" Dean Li laughed at Jiang Li's question, taking out Jiang Li's paper and projecting it into the air using magic, so that everyone could see.
"Let everyone see what you wrote!"
Jingxin the Saintess also did not expect that, as the dignified Emperor Jiang, more than half of his paper was related to the books he had written, yet he ranked at the bottom.
Jingxin the Saintess, like everyone else, wanted to see how Jiang Li would respond.
However, after reading it, everyone felt that Jiang Li's writing was very good, well-reasoned, eloquent, and mentioned many knowledge unknown to most, showing his profound learning, unlike herself, who merely memorized books.
Seeing everyone's confusion, Dean Li explained, "At first glance, there doesn't seem to be a problem with this paper, but in fact, there is more than meets the eye."
"Most of the answers in this paper can be found in books, so as long as you study hard, your performance will not be too bad."
"But I think Kong Li's answers, while not exactly the same as they are in the books, are not wrong," Jingxin the Saintess spoke on behalf of everyone.
Dean Li shook his head. "Not the same? These books are the fruits of Emperor Jiang's labor, every word is precious, with boundless meaning. How can they be replaced with one's own words casually?"
"I have studied Emperor Jiang's theories for over a hundred years, and even now, reading 'The General Principles of Cultivation,' I can still gain something."
"With your current abilities, you are still not enough to understand the profound meaning in Emperor Jiang's books, so I have to require you to memorize them first, and then understand them," Dean Li said, looking concerned for the students.
In fact, Jiang Li wanted to say, I wrote 'The General Principles of Cultivation' for those who are at the Golden Elixir stage of cultivation, it's like a primer; what enlightenment can a combined-stage cultivator like you have!
Dean Li continued, "For example, for the definition of cultivation in the reading comprehension question, 'The General Principles of Cultivation' provides a page-long definition, but Kong Li summarized it in a simple sentence, is that possible?"
"Is it possible that 'The General Principles of Cultivation' isn't for practitioners at the combined stage, but is written in great detail, and can actually be summarized in a sentence?"
"Impossible!" Dean Li said firmly. "Emperor Jiang is so great, his books are naturally ageless and rankless. Everyone can read them."
"I have studied Emperor Jiang's theories for over a hundred years, and every time Emperor Jiang gives lectures, I am the one who receives him. No one else understands Emperor Jiang's thoughts better than I do!"
The deputy dean, standing not far away, did not comment. Dean Li couldn't stand to hear any criticism related to Emperor Jiang, and he was very rigid in studying Emperor Jiang's theories, insisting on understanding them word by word, saying that Emperor Jiang's theories are all precious and unalterable.
"And this reading comprehension question, you actually said that the day was just sunny, without any other meaning, is that possible? How can Emperor Jiang's writing have no profound meaning?"
"Days of continuous rain, but perversely, that day was a sunny one, and perversely, Emperor Jiang wrote an essay on that day?"
"Emperor Jiang must have meant that in one's cultivation, there will be many difficulties, just like these continuous rainy days, but there will always be a sunny day after the rain; we can also overcome difficulties and continue our cultivation."
"This is Emperor Jiang's inspiration for us!"
Jiang Li frowned and said, "Why must Emperor Jiang have a deeper meaning?"
President Li stared angrily and shouted, "How dare you! A person like you should not criticize Emperor Jiang!"
"Isn't Emperor Jiang a sage? Are his words not to be changed, his writings not to be discussed? Must his behavior be impeccable and not open to discussion?"
President Li roared, "Based on your attitude towards Emperor Jiang, you cannot be admitted to the school!"
"Emperor Jiang is an honored graduate of our academy. You attending the same school as Emperor Jiang is a disgrace to the academy and a disrespect to Emperor Jiang!"
President Li exuded the pressure of the Joint Body stage, forcing the disrespectful person in front of him to submit. The students below couldn't bear the pressure, feeling as if there was a heavy mountain on their backs, making it difficult to breathe.
The pure-hearted saint, Eyebrow Nun, frowned slightly, feeling slightly angry, wanting to use her Joint Body pressure to counter President Li's pressure.
But she soon realized someone else was angrier than her.
"Disgrace to Emperor? I think you're disgracing me!"
Jiang Li's anger surged, as if ancient deities were moving behind him, an overwhelming pressure directed solely at President Li.
Jiang Li could no longer tolerate President Li's twisted reasoning. The audience was in an uproar.
There was a huge statue of Emperor Jiang in the academy. Who didn't recognize Jiang Li?
This led to endless sneers. It was an overt slap in the face for President Li.
They also felt that rote learning was not good, but as President Li was the head of the school and a Joint Body cultivator, if he said rote learning was right, then the only way to enter was through rote learning.
Now, Emperor Jiang was publicly undermining President Li, and countless people couldn't bear it, seeing how President Li constantly invoked Emperor Jiang's name.
Jiang Li said with arrogance, "When I came to the academy, the academic atmosphere was open, and students had academic freedom. Various academic theories were put forward."
"And now, it has become Jiang Li's academy. Holding my enlightenment literature for Qi Cultivation and Foundation Building as a classic, what have you gained? I'd like to ask, what have you gained?"
Jiang Li questioned loudly and solemnly. He was deeply distressed by the current state of the academy. The head of the academy set the tone, and with such a person as head, one could imagine what the academy would become!
A stagnant pond!
It was ridiculous that President Li was still holding lectures.
He only had two days of lectures. What could he teach in two days? Of course, to enlighten the students and guide them to think deeply about cultivation. Looking at the current situation, it seemed all these lectures were in vain!
President Li was sweating profusely. He never expected his rebuke of Kong Li would turn into confronting Emperor Jiang.
It was ridiculous that he had criticized Emperor Jiang in person and had said that what he wrote was not good and altered Emperor Jiang's intentions, claiming that Emperor Jiang must have deep intentions.
"Um, Emperor... Emperor Jiang, it was a misunderstanding. I didn't know it was you, Kong Li. If it's you, the paper would naturally get full marks."
"President Li Hengshan, this is not about who I am. You still haven't recognized your mistake. I am very disappointed in you!"
Jiang Li no longer paid attention to President Li. He approached the agitated Vice President and said, "Vice President Meng, inform the students on campus that I am going to hold a lecture."
Vice President Meng immediately nodded and bowed to Jiang Li before going to inform the students.
Finally, he no longer had to endure President Li's rigid theories!
That day, Jiang Li sat on his own statue and gave a lecture titled "The Limitation of Authority".