"So, you are Jiang Li, the ancestor of the Jiang family, and I, the unworthy descendant, bow to you, Elder Jiang Li," the patriarch of the Jiang family was shocked by Jiang Li's appearance. Thinking back to his previous discourse on the "Power of Faith" at Yuan Wuxing's home, he blushed and felt embarrassed but quickly reacted by casting away his shame and bowing.
Jiang Li smiled and remained silent.
"The Elder often reminisces about the childhood he spent with you, saying that it was the happiest time of his life. He also said that you are kind-hearted, and when you see poor families, you lend them money."
"The Elder said that he was reckless when he was young and caused trouble for you. Now, thinking back, he feels extremely ashamed. How he wishes to apologize to you in person, but the Elder's talents are limited, and he fears he won't live to see you again. You put the world before the family, and he rarely visited you. It was so difficult to meet you!"
"Under the torment of the inner devil, the Elder accidentally fell into dark magic to extend his life!"
Tears flowed from the patriarch's eyes, and he spoke with sincere emotion. The onlookers were also moved by the patriarch's tone, feeling that Jiang Yixing's practice of dark magic was understandable and forgivable. It is difficult to balance personal and public interests. Jiang Renhuang took on the responsibility of the world, and it was inevitable that he would be less concerned about the family.
It's a pity that Jiang Yixing didn't even have the opportunity to apologize.
Yuan Wuxing's expression was strange; he felt that he had seen this scene before.
"We, the Jiang family, are not only descendants of Elder Jiang Yixing but also your descendants. With an elder as the Emperor, we, as the younger generation, dare not tarnish your name. Except for the elder's fall into dark magic, our Jiang family has not done anything harmful. We have actively made friends and expanded our wealth, using our connections and wealth to build Qingcheng into a great city, something that everyone in Qingcheng can attest to!"
The people of Qingcheng nodded secretly. They had heard from the older generations that the growth of Qingcheng was closely linked to the efforts of the Jiang family.
In the past, although Qingcheng was called a city, it was barely recognized as one, mainly because it lacked even a single Golden Core cultivator.
During arguments with people from other regions, the people of Qingcheng were often called villagers, lacking in civilization.
But now, Qingcheng was a significant city in the entire Tianqing Prefecture, and the people of Qingcheng walked with their heads held high when they were outside, with others praising them for being formidable.
"We consider ourselves part of the Emperor's Temple, always demanding the best from ourselves according to the standards of the Emperor's Temple. We only seek to make the Emperor's Temple and, by extension, you, Elder Jiang, proud. We, the Jiang family, have not brought shame to the Emperor's Temple!"
"Elder Jiang Li, on behalf of the unworthy descendants of the Jiang family, can we join the Emperor's Temple?"
The patriarch raised his head to look at Jiang Li, with a look of longing. The people around him wished they could take Jiang Li's place and say, "Yes."
Jiang Li nodded gently and said, "Wishful thinking."
"The Emperor's Temple displays seventy-two venerable Emperors. They never let their family forces enter the Emperor's Temple, let alone allow a family to join. How can I, Jiang Li, allow the Jiang family to enter the Emperor's Temple?"
"You are the strongest Emperor. By setting this precedent, no one will object." hurriedly said the patriarch.
The people around nodded in agreement. Indeed, as the strongest person in the Nine States, Jiang Renhuang was not arrogant or overbearing. It was more appropriate to say that he was overly modest. Not to mention the Tribulation Crossing period, even during the Yuanying period, there were many cultivators more arrogant than Jiang Renhuang, violating laws and customs. For instance, seizing a bride at the wedding or robbery after an auction, claiming it as the privilege of the powerful.
If Jiang Renhuang wanted to bring the Jiang family into the Emperor's Temple, people would probably just smile and not object.
Someone in the crowd shouted, "Emperor Jiang, let the Jiang family join the Emperor's Temple!" This sparked a heated debate, with many voices shouting, especially the people of Qingcheng were the most vocal.
The parents of the lost children were against this, but their voices were too small at this moment.
Angry parents asked people around them, "How can a family that swallows children and practices dark magic have the qualifications to enter the Emperor's Temple?"
The person questioned rebutted, "Leaving aside Elder Jiang Yixing's strong sense of duty and righteousness, who once let his eyes be clouded, let's look at what the Jiang family has done in the past three hundred years. The expansion of Qingcheng, the settlement of the people, the rich cultural atmosphere, and the significantly higher spirit stone production compared to other places. The benefits brought by the cultivators are countless. Are such merits not enough to compensate for the practice of dark magic? Do you not have collective consciousness?"
The parents were speechless and did not know how to respond.
Similar dialogues occurred in many places, all of which were heard by Jiang Li.
Jiang Li floated ten zhang above the ground and used his spiritual power to speak so that everyone present could hear him.
Jiang Li smiled and said, "I heard everything you said. It's good, especially the phrase, 'Are such merits not enough to compensate for the practice of dark magic?' Leaving the content aside, it is still a reasonable argument."
The person who spoke earlier first beamed at the Emperor's praise, feeling it was a lifetime honor, and he was the one who called for the Jiang family to enter the Emperor's Temple. However, Jiang Li's subsequent words quickly wiped the smile from his face.
"Never did I expect to hear such a statement in my lifetime. Brother Ji, I heard that I suggested to Dazhou to introduce a new intelligence tax to fill the treasury."
The Emperor Ji nodded in agreement, "Brother Jiang is right. This matter should be placed on the agenda for the three ministers to discuss."
The man's face flushed as he hurriedly defended himself, "Reward and punishment are clearly delineated, and merits and demerits offset each other. What's wrong with that?" Whether merits and demerits offset each other was a controversial topic, and the man did not believe Jiang Li could answer it.
However, while others might have struggled to answer, for Jiang Li, it was easy.
A stern and merciless aura swept through the entire venue, sending shivers down everyone's spine. When Jiang Li moved, an invisible force grabbed the man's clothes and pulled him in front of Jiang Li.
Jiang Li held the man's neck in place, coldly laughing, "I have repelled the invasion of the Outer Domain Demon three times, saved the Nine States three times. In other words, you are alive today thanks to me. So, if I were to slaughter you, it would be perfectly normal! No one would have any complaints!"
"Let... let me go..." The man struggled to break free, but in vain.
"Why? I have saved you three times. Why can't you let me kill you in peace? How can you lack a sense of sacrifice? Killing you would make me very happy. Why don't you show even a little martyrdom?" Unmoved, Jiang Li's gaze was devoid of any kindness, only boundless arrogance and cruelty!
"Let... let me go..." The man was filled with regret.
He felt that the legend was true. Before ascending to the throne, Emperor Jiang might have indeed fought with the Outer Domain Demon, leading to the tragic deaths of countless people.