Liu Yi escaped to his own bedroom and couldn't calm down for a long time.
Damn it, why did the power suddenly go out!
Is the power company playing tricks on me!
Liu Yi shook his head, feeling that today was just too unlucky.
"What? Done being sweet with the little girl?"
The voice of the little fox sounded in Liu Yi's ear.
She yawned lazily and crawled out of bed.
"Done being sweet, should we continue to take on the task?"
"Cough... there was nothing sweet..."
Liu Yi sat in front of the computer, looking at his old machine.
This honest old machine even had a unique power button.
When you turn it on, you press it in, and then it pops out when you turn it off.
So, at the moment of the sudden power cut, the old machine automatically turned on first.
Liu Yi, sitting in front of the computer, skillfully opened the website given by Lin Tong, and then found the task again.
However, when he was about to take the task, he was surprised.
This task now shows that someone has already taken it!
Who is this fast!
"It's okay, the task is not limited to a number of people. Whoever finishes it first gets the reward."
Lin Tong leaned on Liu Yi's shoulder and said, "This E-level task is very simple, but it also has a hundred merit points, and a reward of one thousand RMB."
"What, o-o-one thousand!"
Liu Yi automatically ignored the merit points, anyway, they were of no use to him.
But this one thousand! It was a large amount that he had never seen before!
Can't afford to lose it!
"Actually... that's considered a lot?"
"You waste, this is also considered a lot!"
Lin Tong reached out her little paw and scratched Liu Yi's nose, then said, "This is just a thousand, okay! For every level higher the task, the reward amount will increase tenfold!"
"So... so much money..."
So, a D-level task is ten thousand... and the previous S-level task is... one hundred million RMB!
Damn, that's a lot of money!
Liu Yi's eyes were full of stars all of a sudden!
"Don't be too excited, the higher the level of the task, the greater the difficulty! Just like that S-level task earlier, without the strength of the Earth Tier, it is impossible to complete it alone. An ancient corpse king has the strength of at least fourteen or fifteen stars..."
"Then I'll just do more E-level tasks... "
"I'll quickly go to the magnificent abandoned factory tonight... one thousand, one thousand RMB!"
Stars appeared in Liu Yi's eyes again.
"You... didn't expect you to be so obsessed with money!"
"A gentleman loves money, in a proper way!"
Liu Yi said, "Although I like money, I won't do anything unjust! And the fox sister also said that this would benefit my cultivation and help eliminate harm for society, killing three birds with one stone, why not do it?"
"I find that your eloquence is not bad at this point!"
Lin Tong glared at Liu Yi and then said, "But you can't go out in your school uniform! These kinds of things are very secretive, do you want everyone to know you're a student of Yizhong!"
"Wait, let me find..."
"Remember, the main color should be black! Other colors won't do!"
Liu Yi's clothes were all denim, obviously not meeting Lin Tong's requirements.
After thinking for a while, he suddenly remembered that there should be black clothes at his old man's place.
So he ran to his parents' bedroom and started rummaging through it.
Liu Yi rummaged through the wardrobe for a long time, and finally found a black suit at the very bottom.
This black suit seemed a bit outdated; it seemed like his mother had mentioned that it was a suit his father had tailored when he first got married.
The black suit had become a bit small now that his father couldn't wear it anymore, so it was kept as a memento.
Liu Yi had an idea and took out the black suit, went back to his bedroom and put it on, adding a black shirt inside.
"Oh my... Are you going for a mission or going to work?" Lin Tong couldn't help but ask when she saw Liu Yi dressed so formally.
"I don't have any other clothes..." Liu Yi shrugged and then walked to the mirror.
Well, it turned out that the black suit looked quite good on him!
The length and size fit perfectly, and wearing it made Liu Yi look a lot more spirited.
Indeed, clothes make the man, just like a saddle makes the horse!
Liu Yi thought for a moment and then took out a red scarf and tied it around his neck.
"..." Lin Tong was speechless.
"Have you lost your mind?"
"A red scarf, doing good deeds like Lei Feng!" Liu Yi grinned, "Since I'm going to do righteous things, it's only proper to do so, right?"
Seeing Liu Yi in the black suit and the dazzling red scarf, Lin Tong couldn't help but gently cover her forehead.
Oh... I don't recognize this weirdo.
"You... have some nerve..."
Liu Yi looked at himself in the mirror and realized he couldn't let others see his face.
Otherwise, there would definitely be trouble.
Liu Yi remembered something and opened the drawer next to the computer desk, taking out a white ghost mask.
The mask was predominantly white with only two black holes.
It was a souvenir from last year's art festival, when Liu Yi played a faceless character in their class performance.
The mask was a memento from back then, and he didn't expect it to come in handy now.
Liu Yi put on the mask and stood in front of the mirror, turning around twice.
Surprisingly, the effect was quite good!
Very much like a superhero!
"Fairy Sister, how do I look? Am I handsome?"
"Don’t call me, I don't know you…" Lin Tong jumped on the table and covered her eyes with her small paws, pretending not to see Liu Yi.
"I think it's pretty good..."
"Fine, I give up... As a reward for helping me gather demon power in the future, I'll give you a gift."
Speaking, Lin Tong recited a spell.
Suddenly, the clothes on Liu Yi turned into a red light, then gathered and turned into a red ring on his right middle finger.
Now, Liu Yi was left with just a pair of underwear, and the rest of his clothes were gone.
"Um... what kind of magic is this?"
"This is the Asura technique."
Lin Tong said, "It's a technique that all cultivators know, I'll teach you later. From now on, as long as you recite the spell, your outfit will automatically appear. Additionally, if the clothes get damaged, they will be automatically repaired in the ring."
"So convenient!" Liu Yi exclaimed, "Fairy Sister, you must teach me!"
"You need three stars to practice this. Wait for it!" Lin Tong said, "Why are you in such a hurry! With me helping you with the Asura technique, you can now enjoy yourself secretly."
"Thank you, Fairy Sister, you are really good..."
"Okay, put on your clothes quickly! You rascal!"
Lin Tong blushed, then turned her head away.
"Oh, okay!"
Liu Yi nodded, only then did he remember that he was left with just a pair of underwear.
At this moment, a scream came from behind him.
"Stinky rascal! Liu Yi, you stinky rascal! Jerk! Annoying!"
Well, damn!
Liu Yi turned around and saw Ma Yuanyuan, who was wearing a nightgown, running away in panic.
Oh well...
Forgot about this girl again.
Ma Yuanyuan ran out of Liu Yi's house, probably heading back to her own home.
But Liu Yi was also relieved, this way it saved him some trouble.
"Why aren't you dressed yet!"
Lin Tong shouted.
"I... I don't know the incantation..."
Liu Yi said, wearing a pained expression.
Lin Tong also realized her negligence and told the incantation to Liu Yi.
Liu Yi silently chanted the incantation, and the red ring on his hand instantly turned into red light, flowing onto his body.
Suddenly, a black suit, red scarf, and a white ghost mask appeared on him.
The black suit was also as good as new, just like it was newly purchased!
"Wow... so amazing..."
Liu Yi exclaimed repeatedly, like a naive boy who had just entered the city.
"Idiot... magical spells and such are naturally amazing!"
Lin Tong said, "You're in a hurry, aren't you? Time is of the essence, let's go, to carry out the mission."
Liu Yi nodded, went to the balcony, and casually closed the door.
Don't let that little girl, Ma Yuanyuan, sneak in again.
Standing on the balcony, Liu Yi felt the cool night breeze and looked at the city under the night sky, feeling somewhat excited.
Never thought that he would be able to be a wild swordsman again...
No, it's the Red Scarf Swordsman.
After meeting Sister Hu Xian, his life trajectory changed.
"Let's go!"
Liu Yi took a deep breath, and the cool night breeze made him especially alert.
The power of Xuanbing's energy slowly gathered under his feet, forming what looked like an ice skate.
Although Liu Yi had poor athletic talent, he was good at ice skating.
The heart technique of Linghu Step started running at the same time. Suddenly, Liu Yi jumped onto the balcony railing, then bent his knees, and his feet erupted with the elasticity of the Linghu Step, along with the bursting of frost, allowing Liu Yi to make use of this force, soaring high in an instant.
Liu Yi's house was on the eighth floor, not very high, but definitely not low.
After his body shot out a distance, he began to fall towards the ground.
Liu Yi felt a slight panic, although he had tried countless ways to move between buildings in his consciousness in the virtual world, he still felt a little nervous when trying the method for the first time.
"Don't rush! Gather your strength! Make your body even lighter!"
Ling Tong lay on Liu Yi's back, and her tail swayed in the night breeze.
Liu Yi took a breath in the air and adjusted his state.
His mind was suddenly clear.
His body instantly became much lighter, and at the same time, ice flowers bloomed one after another under his feet in mid-air.
The power of the bursting frost, like the flame of a rocket, allowed Liu Yi to constantly soar and glide in the air.
In the night, he was like a huge bat, gliding from the building of his home to the rooftop of the opposite building in an instant.
Liu Yi landed on both feet, his ice skates opened, and he accelerated, fast as the wind, rapidly sliding to the other side of the platform.
Traces of frost were left on the ground, proving that Liu Yi had been there.
His speed reached its peak, like a ghost in the dark, he slid to the other side of the platform in an instant, then burst with frost again, leaping into the air.
"A thousand... I'm here..."
In the night sky, Liu Yi's strange cry echoed.