The car slowly moved forward.
Li Ze was driving in front, while Lin Qinghan was sitting in the back. His elbow was resting on the car window, his slender fingers gently rubbing his tired eyes. He had been staring at the computer all night, which was harder than dealing with hundreds of documents.
At this hour, there weren't many cars on the road in the city. Occasionally, a car passed by, and with the windows closed, not much noise could be heard.
So when a WeChat notification sounded in the car, both Lin Qinghan and Li Ze, who was driving in front, heard it.
Lin Qinghan opened his tired Danfeng eyes and picked up the phone placed aside. The car was dark, but the phone screen was bright. He had just opened his eyes and was still not quite used to it. He closed his eyes for a while before being able to see the WeChat notification on the screen.
[Wen Rou: Thank you]
Simple as it was, the two words made a brilliant smile appear on Lin Qinghan's handsome and usually restrained face.
Li Ze saw the smile on his face through the rearview mirror. His stiff back finally relaxed a bit after the entire night. He slightly loosened his grip on the steering wheel, and even his thin lips involuntarily opened a little, releasing the exhausted breath that had been building up all night.
Today, Boss's mood was terrible, even more so than the suppressed anger he had endured all night.
Such emotions were only similar to when Madam wanted to divorce him. No, it should be worse than that time.
He had seen those insults directed at Madam on the internet.
In order to attract attention, there were false statements, malicious slander, and suspicion. There were even many people speculating that Madam and Sir's divorce was due to infidelity. When Boss saw those comments, his face turned dark with anger.
It made him shudder.
So now—
Li Zé looked at Lin Qinghan in the rearview mirror and asked in a probing tone, "Is it Miss Wen's news?"
In the past, Lin Qinghan would not have replied in any way. But now, his mood was good. Without any concealment, he replied, then opened the WeChat conversation and typed a few words, then spent a long time rereading their conversation. Since their divorce, she had finally reached out to him.
It was an indescribable feeling, just an inexplicable sense of joy.
He rarely experienced such emotions. Since childhood he was always able to easily obtain what he wanted, excelling in his studies and experiencing only brief setbacks when taking over the company. Success for him had always been quite easy.
However, easy things, even if successful, did not usually make him very happy. But now, his lips were raised high in a smile that wouldn't fade.
Lin Qinghan waited for a while, but there was no further response on WeChat. He did not mind, just holding the phone and looking at Wen's gentle profile picture and their conversation. He didn't know how long had passed when suddenly he looked at the chat box and spoke, "What if I pursue Wen Ruan again?"
He didn't know if he was saying this to Li Zé or just to himself.
When the words came out, his voice was very soft, and there was even a hint of hesitation and uncertainty in his speech. His fingers steadfastly tapped the screen that was about to turn black, not letting Wen's conversation box disappear from his sight.
Li Zé: ????
Li Zé: !!!
Li Zé, who had been driving steadily, was shocked by these words. He almost lost his grip on the steering wheel but managed to maintain control of the car in time, preventing it from veering toward the greenery.
The car was steady, but his inner turmoil was like a herd of a thousand wild horses galloping on the grass.
Shocked. He was too shocked.
Although based on today's events, he guessed that Boss still had lingering feelings for Miss Wen. But he hadn't expected Boss to actually say such words. Was he mistaken? He couldn't see the expression on the man's face through the rearview mirror as the man in the back seat kept his head down.
He could only swallow his saliva and cautiously ask, "Boss, what did you just say?"
Lin Qinghan frowned, looking a little displeased, but as Li Zé had wished, he repeated, "I want to pursue Wen Ruan again."
The first question was uncertain, but the second answer was decisive.
Clearly and without any hesitation.
Having laid bare the words in his heart, Lin Qinghan didn't feel that there was anything left to be conflicted about. He raised his head, and in the dimly lit car, one could see the handsome face exuding its usual confidence and composure.
There was even a hint of a rare, gentle smile.
Leaning back on the leather seat, one hand casually resting near the car window with the other hand holding the phone, he continued with determined tone, "I want to pursue her, I want her to come back to me, I want... "
He paused, his expression softened, and his voice became more gentle, "I want her to be my wife again, not my ex-wife."
He thought that even if they were apart from Wen, it wouldn't matter much. However, the memories of the two of them were deeply ingrained, unerasable.
He remembered all her kindness. Her gentleness, her love, her deep feelings.
She would prepare a delicious breakfast for him early in the morning, make him a warm glass of milk at night. When he had to drink for business, she would take care of him and scold him softly in his ear, "Don't drink too much, why do you never listen."
She would pay attention to the temperature of the city where he was on business and remind him tirelessly. Before his business trip, she would prepare everything he needed, and as soon as he landed, she would ask if he was safe.
Over the years, he had grown accustomed to Wen Ruan's care and companionship. These trivial things, which had seemed insignificant before, became crucial only after she had left. Lin Qinghan found she was irreplaceable.
During this period, he had buried himself in work from dawn till dusk, even more frenetically than in the past three years. The busyness was to offset the inexplicable restlessness and the disconcerting feeling of separation.
He was not used to her absence, to his phone constantly ringing without her contact.
Returning home to a quiet house was something he was not accustomed to.
It was only today, or perhaps it was just a moment ago, that he realized he actually liked her, he had always liked her. Otherwise, he wouldn't have kept an eye on her or worried about her being mistreated. He wouldn't have become enraged when he learned that someone had spoken ill of her.
But before, Wen Ruan had given too much, her emotions were too intense and unrestrained. She had surrounded him every day, making him used to her care, her companionship, and without realizing it, he had accepted all her goodness without reciprocating.
But now—
He finally recognized his true feelings.
Li Zé had been with Lin Qinghan for three years, but it was the first time he had seen such a tender side of him. After the car had entered Tan Mountain Villa, Li Zé finally spoke, encouragingly, "Boss, go for it!"
He too wished Boss could win back Miss Wen.
Hearing his encouragement, Lin Qinghan smiled but said nothing. He looked down at the conversation box between the two of them and then at Wen's profile picture before turning off his phone.
When he returned home, it was still pitch black, but compared to before, his mood had relaxed considerably.
He turned on the light.
He didn't immediately go to wash up.
Instead he walked to the balcony and took a glance at the several tubs of gardenias placed there.
The lush green leaves and the fragrant scent of the white little flowers assailed his nostrils. As he watched, it felt as though he was looking at something soft and warm, and a smile involuntarily appeared on his face. Today, he seemed to be particularly fond of smiling, and he even kindly watered them, just like he used to tenderly care for them in the past.
Lin Qinghan didn't know what he was thinking, he took out his phone, opened the camera and took a picture of these gardenias.
After taking the photo.
While sharing it with Wen Ruan, he also opened his friend's circle and posted his first content.
Wen Ruan saw Lin Qinghan's reply the next day.
She had run out of battery after messaging Lin Qinghan yesterday, and now, after charging it overnight, her phone was finally on. She sat at the dining table, drinking milk and eating breakfast while checking her WeChat messages.
When she saw the red '3' labeled next to Lin Qinghan's conversation box, she didn't react much.
She continued scrolling down.
There weren't any important messages.
She opened her friend's circle and began her daily browse. She didn't have many friends, but her friend's circle was still quite rich in content. The first post was from Xiao Mai, who had posted a cartoon image of two characters and wrote "[Let's go, Ruan Ruan!]"
Next was from Ji Xi, showing a full pink keyboard, a pink mouse, and even a pink head lying in a pile of documents, with nothing much in the post except numerous exclamation marks.
Wen Ruan smiled, it seemed that Ji Xi was having writer's block again.
Continuing to scroll down.
Her fair fingers suddenly stopped, and the smile on her face seemed to freeze.
A photo teeming with greenery, a familiar background, familiar gardenias, and with a glance, she saw that the photo was posted by Lin Qinghan? Didn't he dislike posting such things the most? What was going on now? Wen Ruan and Lin Qinghan had grown up together, and they were connected on their friend's circle, now this post was getting quite a few replies from their mutual friends.
[Li Ke: Qinghan, what's wrong with you, have you been possessed? !]
[Xu Fu: ? ? ? Did I go blind? Lao Lin, you're actually using your friend's circle now? But what's with your posting style, are you living a retired life?]
[Xu Zhi: I'll just smile without saying anything.]
Wen Ruan put down her cup of milk, her beautiful arched eyebrows furrowed lightly. She had thought that these few tubs of gardenias would have withered or been discarded after she left, but she didn't expect them to still be alive and well.
Without knowing what she was thinking, she opened Lin Qinghan's conversation box, where there were three chat records.
[A Picture of Gardenias.jpg]
As well as a [Good morning] message at seven in the morning.
Seeing these three records, Wen Ruan's hand holding the phone tightened. The eyebrows that had just relaxed were now tightly knitted. What was Lin Qinghan up to? Not only did he post a friend's circle post he had never done before, but he also texted her good morning? Could it be, as Li Ke said, he had been possessed, or gone mad?
Before she could figure out a conclusion, the sound of knocking on the door was heard.
She took a deep breath, then put down the phone and went to open the door, it was Xiao Mai.
Xiao Mai had tied two high ponytails today, bouncing in cheerfully and creating a fascinating and elegant sight with her blue-black hair color, similar to Ji Yan's. She greeted Wen Ruan with a smile, "Good morning, Ruan Ruan!"
Seeing the energetic smile on her face, Wen Ruan seemed to be infected as well, she pushed aside the emotion that Lin Qinghan had given her, and smiled with a raised eyebrow, "Good moring." She stepped aside, allowing the person to come in, and asked casually, "Have you had breakfast?"
"I have!"
Xiao Mai replied with a smile on her face. She naturally changed her slippers and then began discussing the day's schedule with Wen Ruan, "We have an interview today with Tang T, the host has a good relationship with Nacy, which can be considered as opening a back door for us."
As she spoke, she took out the interview script that had been prepared for a long time, "This is the interview script Nacy gave me, Sister Ruan, you take a look first."
Wen Ruan took it over. She had seen this host's interview program before, and the questions were quite sharp, but the content of the interview script was fine, with no too difficult questions to answer.
She had the ability to remember things at one glance since she was a student. After reading it once, she had basically remembered it all, but just to be safe, she read it again, and then closed her eyes to recall it, making sure there were no problems, then she put down the script.
Seeing her put down the script, Xiao Mai looked at her with disbelief, "Okay, okay?"
Wen Ruan nodded with a smile, handed the script to her, then put the tableware into the dishwasher, "Alright, let's go."
"Oh, oh, oh," Xiao Mai took over the script, still somewhat unable to react, she had followed other artists before, but no one was like Sister Ruan, who had remembered everything after reading it once. This was a skill, if she ever went to act in the future, she would have her lines memorized in no time.
When the two of them were going downstairs.
Xiao Mai also seemed to have come back to her senses, and she returned to her lively and bouncy appearance, "By the way, Nacy told me today that she is in contact with a variety show, and the producer is quite interested in you, if it's okay, you and Yan Shen can go participate in the variety show together!"
Speaking of this.
Her eyes lit up.
Yan Shen and Sister Ruan, a free trip, this was simply the ultimate dream of their CP fans!
Please, Mr. Producer, let Yan Shen and Sister Ruan go on the variety show together, she would be willing to not eat meat for a week, no, even a month!
Last night, after a tumultuous battle, two major CPs emerged, one being the "Ji Yan and Wen Ruan" soft candy CP, and the other being the "Lin Qing Han and Wen Ruan" love inquiry CP. Some people are swooning over Ji Yan and Wen Ruan's divine looks.
They are top-tier beautiful faces and also senior martial siblings.
How can one not swoon?!
Must swoon!
Everyone must bow their heads and swoon!
Xiao Mai is one of the members of the soft candy CP, and she is even a veteran member of this CP. Previously, she was attacked by her former good friends for speaking up for Wen Ruan, which made her quit the group of Ji Yan's fans in a fit of anger. Later, the misunderstanding was resolved, with Su Lan Lan being the troublemaker, and a few old friends privately messaged her to ask her to come back.
But she didn't return.
Anyway, she is not just a dedicated fan of Ji Yan anymore. If she is caught swooning over the CP in the future, it is inevitable that there will be disputes. It's better to part on good terms now. However, what she didn't expect was that she joined a soft candy CP group and actually found quite a few of her old sisters.
After an awkward silence, everyone started happily swooning over the CP, forgetting past differences.
In the world of CPs, even if there were battles between the mains, their CP fans are the same!
And their soft candy CP's biggest competitor is not anyone else, but the love inquiry CP of Lin Qing Han and Wen Ruan, which is even more niche than their soft candy CP. When Xiao Mai first learned about this news, she almost spewed out her soda.
What is this?
They are former husband and wife, and now they're a CP? Have they asked for the mains' opinion?!
What's the deal with Lin Qing Han?! Ji Yan is the best in the world!
As Wen Ruan's assistant, Xiao Mai bravely entered the enemy's fan group, but seeing those posts, she was almost brainwashed. "Even though we're not together, I still deeply care about you." "Loving each other means I watch you step by step to the peak, and eventually we rise together." "Love inquiry, I didn't understand love before, but now I do. Can you come back to me?" Although she is a dedicated fan of the soft candy CP, when she saw these topics, Xiao Mai's heart was touched. The feelings contained both cruelty and emotion were really striking. She silently marveled at the powerful hearts of the love inquiry sisters and decided not to swear. After all, such a cruel and emotional CP is rare.
While Xiao Mai was lost in thought, Wen Ruan was stunned. Variety show? What variety show? But she didn't say anything; she trusted Nancy's arrangements, and since Nancy had made a decision, she would wait.
She was a bit surprised that she would be participating with Ji Yan—