"Forget it, I don't have any questions right now. You have caused this issue, so you must solve it yourself," the emperor said, returning to his throne and addressing Ye Lang.
"You want me to come up with questions? Alright then!" Ye Lang looked at the emperor. "Is that all for today, nothing else?"
"That's it, go back and think about it! Decide who should get what kind of question. It's all up to you to make these decisions." The emperor smiled and said.
"Why did you have to specially call me here to do this? Couldn't you have just sent a message?" Ye Lang muttered.
"You fool, you are now in charge of handing over the power of the empire..." the Seventh Princess said irritably. She knew Ye Lang was clueless about the situation.
Allowing Ye Lang to come up with the questions, from a certain perspective, was like letting him choose the crown prince. That's why it was taken so seriously and why he was summoned for a personal audience.
It was believed that during the period while Ye Lang was considering whom to give what questions, all the princes, princesses present, and many ministers would try to please him, hoping for the best questions for themselves or their supported factions.
This essentially placed Ye Lang at the center of power and decision-making. It was for this reason that almost everyone was shocked by the emperor's decision. No one expected the emperor to grant such power to Ye Lang. Was the emperor intentionally handing the throne to the Seventh Princess?
At present, the Seventh Princess was Ye Lang's fiancee, and Ye Lang had this authority - this clearly favored the Seventh Princess. In everyone's eyes, though, the Seventh Princess was not the most outstanding in terms of appearance and intelligence. She was definitely not the most suitable candidate. If she ascended, there would certainly be much contention.
However, with the support of the Ye family and Ye Lang's seemingly magical abilities, it wasn't entirely impossible.
Therefore, at this moment, the Seventh Princess and Ye Lang became opponents in everyone's minds, unforeseen adversaries that had suddenly appeared and previously wouldn't have stood a chance!
This thought only lasted a moment, as everyone quickly dismissed it. This was because of Ye Lang's words, "You don't need to think about it, I will come up with several questions and each prince and princess can solve them on their own and write the answers on paper." Ye Lang didn't want to think about it and decided to handle it here and now.
In this short time, he couldn't come up with any particularly difficult questions, so he simply asked questions that normal people wouldn't be able to answer.
"There's one rule - you can only think about the answers to my questions by yourself, and only write down the answer you came up with. You can work together, but no communication is allowed! When you're ready, gather here in half an hour." Ye Lang finished speaking and started writing the questions with his calligraphy tools.
"Sis, what do you think?" Ye Lang asked Ye Lanyu.
"I can't answer a single one..." Ye Lanyu's face blushed slightly.
"I know, you're too dumb to answer them anyway! I was talking about my calligraphy. Isn't it very distinguished?" Ye Lang smiled and said.
"Go to hell! How dare you talk to your sister like that, do you want to die? However, your calligraphy is indeed beautiful. When did you learn that?" Ye Lanyu pounded Ye Lang's shoulder and asked, leaning on him.
"Hehe, I've practiced it before, but I rarely have the chance to write in this style." Ye Lang said with a smile.
He had practiced it in the Martial Arts Treasure House, and had dabbled in calligraphy. In essence, he had combined martial arts with calligraphy, integrating his understanding of martial arts into caligraphy. This resulted in his bold and powerful strokes. However, Ye Lang rarely showcased his calligraphy, as he wasn't really interested in it and didn't have many opportunities to write in a large font.
Because of the infrequency of his large-font calligraphy, these particular writings became highly sought-after by future generations, with considerable value! Especially the questions that he had written this time, which had become invaluable treasures, not just because of the calligraphy's worth, but also due to the fact that these questions changed the fate of an empire...
"All right, is everyone here? Let's take a good look at the questions!" With a command from Ye Lang, the guards hung up the questions he had just written in the grand hall.
All eyes were focused on the questions, displaying expressions of nervousness and confusion. Of course, it wasn't because Ye Lang had beautiful handwriting, but because of the questions themselves.
Soon, many in the room turned their attention to Ye Lang, who had been chatting with Princess Seven by the side. The majority of them looked at him with hostile gazes.
This was because, after reading all the questions, many found that they couldn't answer many of them, with some not being able to answer a single question.
However, when they saw Princess Seven looking bewildered and unable to answer any questions, they felt a bit relieved, and the worry in their hearts dissipated.
At least Ye Lang wasn't deliberately making it difficult for them, and made it easy for Princess Seven to answer.
"Ye Lang... why are these questions so bizarre? Are there really answers to them?" At this point, even the emperor began to doubt.
"Yeah, brat, don't mess around with things. Just go home and think about it first!" Ye Chengtian said, as a representative of the Ye family, he naturally had to be present at such an occasion.
"Don't worry, my questions all have answers, it's just that ordinary people can't answer them." Ye Lang replied with a smile.
"Are we considered ordinary people? Why can't we answer a single question?" Princess Seven gave up on answering, feeling a bit annoyed. Even if she was a bit inferior to the other princesses, it was impossible for her to not be able to answer a single question.
"Am I really that stupid?" Princess Seven mumbled to herself, lacking confidence.
"It's not about whether you're stupid or not. Even the smartest person might not be able to answer. This test is not about intelligence," Ye Lang said with a light laugh.
"???" Princess Seven was somewhat puzzled. If the questions didn't test intelligence, then what did they test?
"Stop thinking about it, come have a cup of tea," Ye Lang gestured for Princess Seven to sit down, and she obediently sat beside him, shaking her head at the questions and chatting with Ye Lang!
The two of them would occasionally burst into laughter, and sometimes Princess Seven would playfully hit Ye Lang, and at other times...
Neither of them cared about anything else. This competition had nothing to do with them. In their minds, there was only the feeling that made others envious...